forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Raz laughed at the two siblings and nodded "I'm fine with that." He returned to answering question's Jay's parents were asking him, laughing and smiling as they told him about Jay's infant years and how much trouble he and his older siblings got into


His siblings didn't hesitate to add in other stories about the five of them and what they were all like as kids. Apparently, Jay was always the one who knew it was a bad idea but did it anyways because someone had to keep Gio and the others from getting themselves killed.


Raz listened in and laughed along, feeling very at home with the people around and much more comfortable than how he did close to the beginning of the evening. He relaxed against Jay's side and listened in on the various stories.


Jay occasionally jumped in, refuting claims and correcting stories with a grin. He'd missed this. The easy, light-hearted banter of being home. He leaned into Raz slightly, glancing down at him every once in a while.


Raz started to drift of around the late hours of the night, both from his own tiredness and because of the jetlag. He jerked awake multiple times throughout the course of the night from occasional yells or rising laughter from the company around him, though he found it increasingly difficult to stay awake.


Jay noticed his sleepy fiancè and smiled a little, excusing them from the conversation so he could put him to bed. He scooped him up in his arms and carried him upstairs to his old bedroom. Considering him and Gio used to share a room, it was quite big. Jay laid him down on his bed and pulled the covers over him, kissing his forehead softly.


Raz whined in protest to being moved but managed to wake up a bit when he was settled in bed. "I'm awake- hm? comfy~" he snuggled into the covers and the warmth, smiling softly at the kiss and gently tugging at jay's arm


"I'm right here, love. You were nodding off so I decided to put you to bed. I'll stay here with you if you want." He chuckled softly as his heart melted at his adorableness. "You're cute when you're sleepy."


Raz hummed in response and shook his head "mm-not cute." he took a deep breath and let go of Jay, pulling the pillow to his side so he would have something to hug. "go ahead, imma stay here."


"Nah, I'll stay here with you." He crawled into bed behind him and pulled him into his arms, nuzzling his face into his neck and wrapping his arms around him to keep him close.


Raz turned in bed and abandoned the pillow for now, opting to hug Jay instead, nuzzling into his chest until he found skin and pressing close to him. He relaxed after a few moments and drifted off into a blissful sleep


He smiled a little, holding him close as he watched Raz drift off. He watched him for a few minutes more before drifting off himself, completely at ease and calm.


Raz woke up with a whine and slowly opened his eyes, burying his face in Jay’s chest, trying to shield himself from the sun streaming in. He pressed small kisses to Jay’s chest while his hands slipped under Jay’s shirt to travel along his back.


“Morning my king.” He replied, glancing up and pressing a kiss to his lips “sleep well my love?” He asked, taking one of his hands and running it through Jay’s hair


He stretched and nodded “yeah I did.” He laughed softly and trailed his hand down to Jay’s neck


"I wonder how the other two are doing. I'm sure Logan doesn't like being stuck inside but I'm more than sure that Jackson is having his fun with him."


He hummed softly with a thoughtful smile “as long as Logan has Jackson and coffee, I’m sure he’s fine stuck at home.”


Raz laughed and thought for a moment “If logan doesn’t get coffee he’ll either fight for it or get very clingy…or both….”


"I'd like to see the clingy side. I'm sure Jackson would be flustered as all hell, constantly bright red and unsure of what to do while stuttering up a storm. Oh, I'd pay good money to see that."


“Same here. Aw they’d both be adorable!” Raz giggled and pressed closer to Jay. “I really do hope they’re alright together.”


“I know, I wonder how they’re getting along.” He mused with a small smile, settling next to Jay with a purr like sound