"I haven't been in a car for a long time." Cas hummed, glancing over at Sorrel when the other spoke. "I'm also not old enough to drive anyways."
"I haven't been in a car for a long time." Cas hummed, glancing over at Sorrel when the other spoke. "I'm also not old enough to drive anyways."
"We'll have to get you there, some day." Said Sorrel. He owned a car, but it wasn't like he used it. "You can have mine if you want, I guess."
"No no, I couldn't possibly let you just give me a car. Y-You've done so much already." Cas insisted, blushing.
"I'll… save it, then. I'll gift it to you, or something." Sorrel said, submissively. He didn't want to fight the guy over a huge gift, so he let it rest. Still, being so loose wasn't a normal trait of his.
"Sor, I… I couldn't possibly…" Cas stammered incoherently, starting to blush a bit. "I-I can't…"
Sorrel leaned a little closer to Cas, hands on either side of the table in front of him. "You can't.. but you will."
Cas blushed harder as he looked up at Sorrel. "B-But I… Sorrel, I can't take a car from you… what if I crash it? I-I don't know how to drive!"
"That's what permit licenses and teachers are for." Sorrel said, with a simple smile. "They won't allow me to legally drive, but you know, I do it anyways. I'd love to teach you."
"…Why don't they let you drive?" Cas asked tentatively.
"I fell asleep once and…" Sorrel shrugged. "It um, didn't end well for the other family."
Cas went pale, seeming nervous now. "Oh god, are they okay??"
Sorrel dropped his head into his arms, with an even deeper sigh than before. "None of them still breathe." He mumbled, with a sad, tired feeling.
Cas was ghostly white by now, his heart pounding in his throat. He had no idea what to say. Technically speaking, Sorrel had killed people. Not intentionally, of course, but it still wasn't a nice thing to think about.
"I-I'm sorry, d-did I say the wrong things..?" Sorrel asked. He could have lied, dammit, he should have.
"N-No, it's okay, it's just… I'm… I'm not quite sure what to say." Cas said quietly. "Are you okay?"
Sorrel shook his head, and leaned further on the table. "I wish I could say I was," He said, almost silently. Cas would only barely hear his words. "But I don't think so," He added.
( So sorry this is so angsty oh god )
(Lmao it's fine)
Cas hesitated before taking Sorrel's hand in his own, looking down at him sympathetically. "Well, I… it's okay, even if you don't think it is. S-Sorry, I'm kinda bad at cheering people up…"
Sorrel looked up a little bit, and noticed Cas's suddenly perfect appearance. It mesmerized him, the other seemed so perfect. "I-It's okay, it's just a little rough sometimes." He mumbled. At that moment, the smoothie-icecream combo meals arrived, and the waiter tried his best not to disturb the two. The little things seemed to be decorated with hearts, and Sorrel laughed at the fact. "Perfect little things, perfect Cas.."
Cas blushed again and looked down at the drink. "Do I just… drink it? Or do I need a spoon or something?" He asked, deciding it would be best to change the subject.
"Spoons are here," Sorrel said, grabbing one of the plastic utensils. He gently handed it to Cas. "As for me, though, I just slurp it all up."
Cas accepted the spoon and dipped it into the ice cream smoothie combo, and then put it back in his mouth. "Mm… it's good!"
"It's something special. It's the first thing I ate when I came here." Sorrel informed the other, as he dug into the treat.
"I like it." Cas ate another spoonful of it, smiling softly. He seemed to be content for the moment.
Sorrel smiled as he kept going at the dessert, practically destroying the thing. He loved eating, and he loved it more than a lot of other things.
Cas went slower with his, wanting to enjoy it despite his brain telling him to just eat the whole thing in two seconds.
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