forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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When did all my friends become so loud?
We act like reality shows
Probably because reality blows
When did all my friends become so loud?
We traded our boring lives
For MTV story lines
Recently he said, that she said, that we said some shit that you wouldn't believe
Recently he said that she said that we said that he said some shit about me
So we're caught up in drama (Everybody's talking, Everybody's talking)
We're caught up in problems (Everybody's talking, Everybody's talking)
Hold up, hold up
Can we make it stop?
Hold up, hold up
But I'm so caught up in drama
Everybody's talking
Everybody's talking now
When did our problems get so small?
We break up with lovers and friends
Make love to the rumours instead
Maybe we're addicted to it all
The drama is dangerous
But its so exciting to us
Recently he said, that she said, that we said some shit that you wouldn't believe
Recently he said that she said that we said that he said some shit about me
So we're caught up in drama (Everybody's talking, Everybody's talking)
We're caught up in problems (Everybody's talking, Everybody's talking)
Hold up, hold up
Can we make it stop
Hold up, hold up
But I'm so caught up in drama
Everybody's talking
Everybody's talking now
When did my friends get so loud?
When did my friends get so loud?
When did my friends get so loud?
Oh when did my friends get loud?
Recently he said, that she said, that we said some shit that you wouldn't believe
Recently he said that she said that we said that he said some shit about me
So we're caught up in drama (Everybody's talking, Everybody's talking)
We're caught up in problems (Everybody's talking, Everybody's talking)
Hold up, hold up
Can we make it stop?
Hold up, hold up
But I'm so caught up in drama
Everybody's talking
Everybody's talking now


Special Issues in Treating Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria, Anna van der Miesen, MD, Marijn Arnoldussen, MD, and Annelou de Vries, MD, PhD 2019 Psychiatric Times


Step 1: Get 6 spider plants of the same size and from the same place.
Step 2: Label the plants “Plant 1: no voice,” “Plant 2: no voice,” “Plant 3: talking,” “Plant 4: talking,” “Plant 5: singing,” and “Plant 6: singing.”
Step 3: Find the longest leaf on each plant and measure it in centimeters. Record your data.
Step 4: Put the plants in a room with a window so they can get some sunlight, but not too much.
Step 5: Water each plant with ¼ cup of water once a week.
Step 6: Bring plants 3 and 4 to a different room. Read to them for 5 minutes. Then put them back where they were.
Step 7: Bring plants 5 and 6 to a different room. Sing a 5-minute song to them. Then put them back. (I am singing “Heart of Stone” from Six the Musical.)
Step 8: Repeat steps 6 and 7 twice a day (meaning you will talk and sing to your plants twice a day).
Step 9: After 1 week, record the length of the longest leaf on each plant again. Record your data.
Step 10: Repeat step 9 again after 2 weeks. Analyze all your data and come to a conclusion.

Deleted user

2 in a corner, 1 in a room. Zero in a house, and 1 in a shelter. What am I?


Draco Ambrosius Giselda Anne Paulus Fucking Malfoy (named after all of his auntie’s favourite corgies)