forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 234 followers

@Kanaroli group

This particular assignment is considered a "warm-up" or classwork depending the rigor of the writing assignment. A question or a few questions is presented to the students and they are to reply to each question/visual prompt with a 12 to 20 sentence response that is relevant to the question or writing prompt at hand. Duration to write: 30 to 45 minutes.

Must include the following:

*If an Argumentative: Read the prompt, pursued and support ones’ claims, form or take a stance on the issue (For, Against, or Neutral), support your stance with Rhetorical appeals (emotional, logical, & creditability), use evidence to support your claims, have a counterargument, and a COA (Call of Action).

*Thesis statement-3 reasons that support your claim/stance/position.

*Use all three appeals: emotional, logical, credibility within each body paragraph.

*“Google” logical and credibility and give credit from where you got it from (MLA Style).

*2 citations.

*3 paragraphs to 5 paragraphs.

*Use and address the “naysayers” by using counter arguments techniques.

*Highlight and label the following:

*Thesis Statement

*3 Topic sentences

*The appeals

*The Call of Action

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

The advancement of cloning should continue being studied for the future hopes of the many benefits it may be able to provide such as, different trials for medical purposes, making sure animals do not go extinct, and making longer lasting food resources.
(my friend's thesis statement for our English essay)

Deleted user

takes a deep whiff Ah, is this the scent of a woman’s lovely lotus flower? It’s reminiscent of salt and vinegar chips with just a little hint of beef chimichanga.