forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Anemone eco

If you're implying suicide, then yes. I have wanted to commit suicide and I have tried. However, somedays, I don't even wish for death. I just wish to fade and watch the world move on as I'm gone. Or let alone disappear temporarily, even if only for a day. See the way the world is with me gone. See if it's the same, if it's better or worse. So yes. I have felt that way.

@PurplePartyTiger language

Y'all, I actually confessed to my own crush recently. Not the first crush I've had but the first time I've ever confronted one of them, and holy crap was it terrifying 😱😂 (yay social anxiety!)
(I guess that's the last thing I copied lmao 😂)

Deleted user


The Government
〘 〇 〙What is the form of government? Is it a monarchy? Republic? Empire? Theocracy?​
〘 〇 〙What are the responsibilities of the government? How far does the government’s sphere of influence spread (magic, religion, etcetera)?​
〘 〇 〙How is the government perceived? Is it trusted by the people or is there tension?​

____________〘 ◯ 〙____________

〘 〇 〙What is the rule of law in your world? How is law? What are the most important laws?​
〘 〇 〙What are the punishments for breaking the law?​
Justice systems​
〘 〇 〙What is the legal process in your world? How are people tried?​
〘 〇 〙How does magic fit into the legal system? Is it above the law?​
War systems​
〘 〇 〙How is war declared? Is there a formal process that a country must go through in order to engage in war?​
〘 〇 〙What is the command structure of the army?​
〘 〇 〙How big is the army? Is it composed of humans? Non-humans? Both?​

world building.

@Anemone eco

We had all always thought him to be strange. The boy who brought flowers with him everywhere. He never failed to have some. Another day, a new bouquet. The stems of each floral beauty gripped gently within his tiny, pallid hands. The petals bounced lightly as he walked.

He never spoke, not even the faintest whisper. He just sat in silence, watching the world pass him by with his large, doe-like eyes. He smiled gingerly at the good times and winced ever-so-slightly at the bad. He saw the world in a way we could never understand. He saw its beauty and its repulsiveness as one bright, big flower. He helped in whatever way he could while he stood in the background. He'd water the world with a 700-foot hose if it meant he was aiding the world. He'd stand by if it meant someone would learn a lesson the hard way, for the person was still learning. It was almost as if he cared too much without caring at all.

People made fun of him for existing and he gave them flowers. People pushed him to the ground and he still gave them his sweetest smile. People yelled at him and he nodded in understanding and acceptance. Some called him weak, others kind, some shy, and other mute. But how were we to know? We didn't know him. We just saw the vessel of something we couldn't understand. We slapped a label on it and acted as if we knew it.

I know what those people did because I was one of those people. I pushed him to the ground, I made fun of him, I yelled at him. I gave him everything he didn't deserve as though he did. I threw nothing but soil at him and he used it to grow grand little flowers.

But I didn't like that. I was sick and devilish. I wanted him to say something, I wanted him to try to hurt me too, I wanted him to fight back, I wanted to see him try to get revenge. And over it all, I wanted to see him suffer.

I didn't know how, but I knew exactly why. I wanted someone to feel the immense amounts of pain I did. I wanted him to know what it was like to have everything he loved crumble right in front of him. I wished for my heavy heart to fall on him and break his back. I wanted him to know the world was not as happy-go-lucky as he made it seem.

@spacebluelily language

  1. Grandparents live there
  2. Most of my aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins live there
  3. Parents grew up there
  4. Most of my friends have gone there
  5. One of the best places to go in the world?
  6. Possibility of living on a farm
  7. Possibility of taking care of farm animals
  8. Huge possibility of not going to school
  9. Even more huge possibility of doing hard work
  10. Mexican Food
  12. Interesting flag?
  13. The ability to improve my Spanish
  14. I wanna see the cool stuff they have there
  15. M E X I C O I S T H E B E S T (according to many of my friends and my parents.)