forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 234 followers

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@spacebluelily language

The halfling gulped, and slowly backed away as the humongous fire drake approached him. He realized the huge mistake he had done. He had foolishly told the fire drake literally everything the drake needed to control him. Powerful Dragons like him had the ability to control their victim. All they had to know was their name. Of course, it wasn’t as easy as it sounded. The dragons had to put a collar of some sort on their victims for it to work. The halfling had literally told the dragon his full name a few seconds ago.
“Oh, graciou-“
“QUIET!” The drake yelled.
The halfling cowered in fear. What was the fire drake going to do to him? Would he keep him as a treasure, or would he burn him alive like the other thieves who came to steal his gold?

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my mom responded with that gif of Micheal Jackson eating popcorn.

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my mom responded with that gif of Micheal Jackson eating popcorn.

(pasting these here so I can send them to myself)