Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
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Unit 11
Brevity - shortness
Forestall - to prevent by acting
Quaver - to shake
Statue - a law
Recoil - to spring back, shrink


@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group
" Una hurry up I need to get that book."
"One-sec William." I looked around for any that matched so I don't have to leave the house with just a teeshirt on.
"UNA HURRY UP PLEASE" William yells again "its almost sundown" the sky was fading from blue to a soft orange/pink and birds were flying overhead
"One second, William!" I yelled while throwing on a cute mini skirt, I put my hair in a quick half-ponytail. I ran outside to see the sky turn colors.
"Took you long enough," William says laughing slightly, looking up to see a few stars in the darker part of the sky twinkle, "I think it might close before we get there though".
I stuck my tongue out and laughed, "Geez, let's go before it becomes pitch black." I wiggled my fingers.
"oh bite me," William laughed and he takes off walking in the direction of the (insert cool bookstore name here) watching crowds walking to the dive bars and restaurants looking for a good time. "why don't you ever go out anymore?" William said kicking a rock into the grass.
"what do you mean, I come outside all the time. like the time-" I stopped and looked to the right of William.
"no like out to parties and stuff like that," William says pointing to the people on the street at the people just as one tall obviously intoxicated man fell. I laugh and slow my pace as we near the bookshop.
"umm well… I just don't know I am busy " I looked inside Cool books and started to think about the quick flash of light I saw on the way here. I snapped out and realized that William was calling my name.
"Una are we going to go in or what?" William said holding the door open for you, looking into the shop, bookshelves lined the walls and books were placed haphazardly throughout the store.
"Yeah, " I shook the image out my head, "let's go in"


@spacebluelily language
greatest known source of white magical

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Oh god, he wasn't one of those, he was one of those.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group
Walter generally hated society. It was full of liars, cheaters, and selfish fools. There was nothing to change it. Not a thing in the world. Not powers, not money, "morals", not of it. In the end, everyone acts in their own interest. And no matter how much he hated it, Walter too was a selfish being. He did what he believed was right. Fighting for "scum" or fighting for "liberators". It was all the same in his eyes.
He walked down the street, tipping the edge of his sunhat downwards. The night was humid as per usual, and with the humidity came heat. It wasn't enough to be uncomfortable, in fact, Wally found it quite nice. The wind blew gently against his exposed and smooth legs, causing his sundress to brush against them. And though his outfit gained him multiple weird looks, he never changed. He wore what he wanted when he wanted to, he didn't need to change for anyone. That was just his mentality.
He walked on for a while. Shoes clacking against concrete, the sky only seeming to get darker. He looked at the sign of a gas station for the time. 11:00 PM. It was later than he had realized. He had no money for a cab, no way to contact a friend. He had to get home using his own two legs. It was easier said than done.
He soon found himself getting tired, his legs weaker, and his steps more wobbly. He sat himself down on a nearby bench. Every now and again, a car would pass, its headlights illuminating him quickly only to fade again, almost like a lighthouse. He found the noise, lights, congestion, and corruption to all be so beautiful. They all filled his world with purpose, something to look at, and without it, he had almost no clue how was supposed to go on. He could never imagine living in a void that he was supposed to call home.
He absorbed each detail with its beauty and flaw. Each squeak and groan was clear to him. Every step had meaning. Or at least, that's was Walt's opinion. That is why as the smallest silhouette in the distance creeping into a factory didn't go unnoticed. Especially seeing what factory it was.
The factory was called the Ivy Compound, their old slogan was "Our influence spreads." They were one of the largest factories on the planet, but it was run illegally by villains. They manufactured people. People to run the world and spread corruption. The thought alone of people, possibly villains, in there was concerning to him. For if they had any intention of getting the factory running again, he could stop them. Come the outbreak of it all, he would only be able to say: "I saw it happen."
Deleted user
High fantasy

@spacebluelily language
Him: UwU
Me: Stop that!
Him: ;w;
Me: Seriously?
Deleted user
“Are you all ready to go?” Michael asks us. Clare, Rich, Stephanie, him, and I were all putting our stuff in the back of Rich’s Jeep on the afternoon of January 6th. Why we were taking it now that we have adults with us, I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter all that much. Rich lets Michael drive the Jeep and Stephanie takes the passenger’s seat, leaving Rich, Clare, and I in the back seats.
Michael pulls out of the driveway and we start driving towards our first destination, Pennsylvania, more specifically, to the Allegheny National Forest. According to Michael, the forest will be the easiest way to hop dimensions and that it will take 8 hours and 44 minutes to get there if we avoid tolls.
After 21 minutes of driving, we pass a Walgreens and Steph asks Michael to stop the car so that she can pick up her pollen allergy medication. We all get out of the car except for Michael as he offered to stay behind and watch the Jeep.
Right away, Rich, Clare, and I go to the snack aisle and I grab a can of Pringles which Clare snatches from me and holds close to her heart as if she were holding a baby.
“Mine.” she hisses and I put my hands up in surrender, laughing. I see some woman walk to the aisle and she starts talking to us.
“Pringles are quite delicious. Mind sharing some from that shelf?” I look the woman up and down. For some reason, she had on a business look (something you don’t normally see in a Walgreens) but the thing that was different was the blouse and the sunglasses. The blouse was a yellow and black striped one, something that didn’t entirely match with the outfit all that well and the sunglasses she was wearing indoors made no sense. I notice how her bracelet had a very shiny yellow gem attached. I look back up at her sunglasses; I think I see a faint flaming red. This isn’t good. Clare and Rich also notice something is up and start to back away.
"Uh, miss, we have to go…" Rich steps back and falls into a rack of items and they all go onto the floor. Rich starts picking them up, and Clare flashes a look at me, then leaves the aisle. I start following Clare, but the woman grabs a hold of my dark blue jacket. I try wriggling out of it but she also has a hold of my light brown dress. Her freshly manicured fingers graze my neck and I hold my breath. She could totally stab me with how sharp her nails are.
“Come on, honey. You want to come outside with me.” I suddenly have this strong urge to follow this woman. We walk to the back of the store and she takes me outside.
"Honey, may I see that necklace of yours? It’s very pretty."
She wants to see it. I have to let her see it. My fingers trail up my chest and I clutch the gem.
"The necklace is lovely. May I have it?" The woman leans towards and tries to touch the necklace.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
As soon as the woman’s fingers touch the necklace, I snap out of the trance she put me in. I smack her across the face. Her sunglasses fall off. Her eyes are that flaming red.
“You can’t have my necklace. I know what you are; you’re what Reficul’s trying to use in order to get my gem. You’re possessed.”
The woman doesn’t say anything or move. Then she just grins. She touches her own yellow gem attached to her golden bracelet.
“Perhaps I am. I don’t want to kill you- oh, what am I saying? It doesn’t matter- you don’t matter.”
Before I know it, a bunch of bees come out from nowhere and start speeding towards me. I fall to the ground and the bees fly around me as if they’re trying to encase me. I let the icicles fall from the sky, but with the bees being so small, it didn’t work. I quickly get up and run through the bees and send the icicles down onto the woman. She dodges them all except for one that lands right through her graying hair pulled up into a tight bun.
I swat away some bees and watch as bee wings come out of the woman’s back. She starts hovering and raises a hand in my direction. I burst into a sneezing fit and collapse onto the clumps of snow and ice. The bees are trying to get into my mouth, my nose, my ears, everything. I roll onto the snowy grass, crushing many of the bees and race towards the woman. I jump up, grab one of her wings, and let gravity do its thing. Her wing tears. She falls. I form my ice spear. I don’t want to kill her. Could I unpossess her? I look down on the woman. She’s innocent. Just possessed. I get down on my knees and touch her forehead. Her eyes go wide, and I stare into the red. I’ve practiced making people fall asleep with my touch in the camp infirmary before, and hopefully, it works on her. Shortly after, her breathing deeps and her eyes shut. I drag her behind the Walgreens and then I enter the store.
Stephanie runs up to me and raises an eyebrow at my disheveled appearance.
“Where did you do, Rina? Rich told me that you had disappeared, along with this other person.”
I glance at Rich, who’s carrying a bunch of items in three plastic bags. One bag for Stephanie and I bet the other two were just filled with snacks.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine.” I avoid the question and quickly turn to Clare.
“Why didn’t you follow me? Tell me the truth, are you really okay?” she hisses into my ear.
“I was following you, but then she grabbed onto my jacket. I’m okay now, I just had to fight her. I put her to sleep and dragged her to the back of the store.” I feel my face flush with embarrassment as Clare starts laughing.
“You dragged her to the back of the store? Wow, ha!” she says, a little too loudly and I shush her.
“What should I do? Should I just leave her there?”
“Well, what else could you do? Let’s go.” Clare grabs my hand and we leave the store along with Rich and Stephanie. We all get into his Jeep and we continue our drive.
About 5 hours later, we stop at a hotel in New Jersey. Michael parks the Jeep and Steph takes out our backpacks. I slip mine on and I head into the hotel lobby, watching the door, waiting for the rest of them to enter. Clare and Rich come in and we just look around the hotel, not wanting to talk to one another- we already did so much talking on the car ride.
“Rina, Clare, Rich, let’s go!” Steph calls us over to her and Michael. Steph uses her credit card to buy two rooms for us. One for Michael and her, the other for Rich, Clare, and I. We all squeeze into the elevator and go up to the 4th floor. Michael and Stephanie enter room 15, leaving Rich, Clare, and I with room 16.
Room 16 has a double bed in it and a small couch pressed up against the wall. There’s a flat-screen TV, a work desk, a coffee maker, a mini-fridge, and a microwave in there as well. We set our backpacks on the floor and Clare gets onto the bed first. She grabs the remote and turns on “Treasure Chasers”. Rich sits on the couch and he pulls out his phone. I sit down next to him.
I pull out a book from the bottom of my backpack and start reading. I keep on looking up from my book to stare around the room, casually glance at Rich and the T.V. I hear Clare rip open a pack of sour gummies and she pops a handful into her mouth. Rich takes that as a cue to pull out a bag of Lays chips. He looks up at me and offers to share, seemingly shy. I accept and thank him, biting down on a couple of them.
I stare down at a fairy circle. The mushrooms are just there. I can’t move away. I swear I can see something in the circle, though. I feel like I can see eyes in the circle. The flaming red type. Then a red clawed hand shoots out of the circle, grabbing onto my leg.
I wake in a cold sweat. Groaning, I roll out of bed and grab a cup. I fill up the cup with water and lean against the counter. I sit in silence, just listening. I hear Clare snore, which is mildly annoying, but I shrug it off. I walk past Rich and pull the curtain aside so I can look out at the New Jersey streets and the cars zooming by and I calm myself. The dream wasn’t even scary, just unsettling. I gulp down my water and I hear some rustling of a blanket on the pull-out couch. I glance at Rich as he shifts his position under the covers and wakes up. He squints his eyes and stares at me.
“Ugh…. Good morning, Rina.”
“Hi, Rich. It’s not morning yet, it’s 2 am.” I smile at him and Rich smiles as well, all sleepy-eyed. I get back up and set the cup of water on the counter. I turn back to Rich, but he’s already fallen asleep again. I get back into bed as well.
(Oh look, a chapter of my story. (._.))


@saor_illust school
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application

🥡 ok thanks, I’m only a couple episodes into season 2 so I don’t think I’ve gotten there yet
Deleted user


@spacebluelily language
Damn, your bullshit almost hit me.


@spacebluelily language
Deleted user
