forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@oracle-of-delphi flash_on

Benedict Cumberbatch:exist

the universe:
. * . * .🌙 * . * ☄️. * ✨ .
. 🌍 * . 🌕 * . * 🌟 .
. * you’re my best * 💫
. * ✨ creation * .
🌕 . * ⭐️ * . 💫 * .
. * . * .🌙 * . * ☄️


In 1951, when Linda was nine years old, Oliver Brown attempted to enroll her at Sumner Elementary School in Topeka but was unable to because it was an all-white school


A Language:

C, L, A, R, E, V, D, Ă, M, I, ţ, S, n, U, O, x, z, ẞ

Common Phrases:
La revedere - Good-bye
Vă mărul - See you at…
Vi ţesc - See you later
A De In - (Formal) Hello, welcome
An - (Informal) Hello, welcome

Name prefixes/description prefixes:
Cu - Of the
La - Past
Vi - Future
Vă - By the
EX: LaCroix - Farewell to the Home


(izzy my friend sent it to me, from the pdf of a cassie clare book she was reading)

@spacebluelily language

Ember sat on the hard and solid ground of the shower, with the water falling down on her, making her feel quite refreshed. Her hair was in a position where it was covering her whole entire face, making it hard to see her eyes, lips, scars, or anything on her face. The necklace that Kami had gave her a couple of moments ago were in the palms of her outstretched hands. She just stared at the necklace as drops of water fell onto the ruby.

Deleted user

Crystal watched him, her only having 2 cookies left, and rushed over. She knew a broken person when she saw one, and gently put one hand on his shoulder, the other offering him the cookie tin. "I am…terribly sorry dear. I really am. I know the pain of death to well. She's quite pretty…here, take a cookie. I know it isn't much, but it's something. Rather have them be eaten then going to waste…" Her hand slowly dropped down from his shoulder, and rubbed his back, as she crouched next to him. "If you'd like, we can go to my dorm. It isn't too far from here. There's crazy college kids but, we can talk over tea. Let you just hide and ramble and weep. Have somewhere to heal…" She smiled softly, kindly, green eyes shining.

Deleted user

Crystal watched him, her only having 2 cookies left, and rushed over. She knew a broken person when she saw one, and gently put one hand on his shoulder, the other offering him the cookie tin. "I am…terribly sorry dear. I really am. I know the pain of death to well. She's quite pretty…here, take a cookie. I know it isn't much, but it's something. Rather have them be eaten then going to waste…" Her hand slowly dropped down from his shoulder, and rubbed his back, as she crouched next to him. "If you'd like, we can go to my dorm. It isn't too far from here. There's crazy college kids but, we can talk over tea. Let you just hide and ramble and weep. Have somewhere to heal…" She smiled softly, kindly, green eyes shining.