forum Angsty Gay Romance Anyone? (O/O)?
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn felt his chest swell with a soft pride. He and Ollie were dating and Ollie was so cute about it! The small eye roll was too fun to see. “God I can’t believe I’m so in love…”


Ollie beamed up at Quinn, a fluttery feeling encompassing his heart as the taller male spoke, "I can't believe out of everyone on the planet you love me."

@Toxic_Persephone group

“You were so perfect though.” He hummed happily, smiling at his feet. “Call it an unhealthy attachment in the face of abandonment or something but I really liked you from the moment you helped me. Plus you’re super attractive.”

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn gasped dramatically but laughed. “That’s not true, you know I can’t lie to you.” His eyes lifted to catch sight of the school, a sudden sadness overcoming the light in his eyes. His smile fell and his posture drooped. He wasn’t looking forwards to going again.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn glanced around for any people before he leaned over to give Ollie a chaste kiss. “Yes. I’ll see you at lunch. If you want we can find a place for just us so we can cuddle some during lunch…”

@Toxic_Persephone group

“See you later, Ollie.” Quinn smiled half-heartedly back. He really wasn’t looking forwards to class. He didn’t want anyone to ask why he hadn’t done his work or answered texts…


Ollie didn't look forward to his classes for different reasons, mainly because he got bullied quite often and today seemed no exception. He took the mental abuse all the way to lunch, where he headed outside to find Quinn.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn looked a little worse for wear after classes. The state of his mental health reflected in his posture and face; slouched and sad and all kinds of tired.

Despite this his face lit up a little more upon seeing Ollie. He hummed happily, gesturing for the other to come closer. “Hello Ollie!”

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn flinched at the voice. He glared over at the boy and, in a moments decision, pulled Ollie into a sloppy kiss by his shirt.

When he pulled out of the kiss he snarled at the extra male. “You got a problem with homo’s?!” He growled. It was rather unlike Quinn to be so upfront but he was filled with the rage of years of closeted grief. He was so sick of people judging him purely because he found males more attractive than females. He was so sick of being afraid, of being rejected.


Ollie flushed a bright red at the sudden kiss, blinked slightly. The comment hadn't fazed him as much as it had Quinn, mainly because it was the stuff he heard on the daily and he'd become numb to the constant comments. He stayed close to Quinn's side, looking between the two males.

The other boy let out a dry laugh, "Aww not you too? Yes I have a problem with you homos. Going around and pervin' on us all. Fucking disgusting, aye."