forum Angsty Gay Romance Anyone? (O/O)?
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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She crossed her legs and her arms, leaning back in her hair, "And do you think that punching him would have stopped him bad mouthing Oliver? That it would shut him up? Or do you think it made the situation worse and instead of become physically, you should have told a teacher?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Telling a teacher does nothing. They don’t stop the comments…” he muttered, slouching in his seat. “I just… had to punch him, Miss. nothing else felt like it would get my message across.”


She leaned forward, frowning, "Quinn we don't not tolerate any kind of discrimination at this school. If there is any kind of homophobia I expect students to come directly to me so I can deal with it head on. And that usually means expulsion. Do you understand?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

He whimpered softly and nodded, avoiding her eye contact. “He said we were everything wrong in the world… I kissed Ollie to prove a point and I’m sorry I used him like that. But I stil love him very much and nothing changes my opinion.”


She nodded, “I’m not the one you should apologise to. But you can do that in your own time. I can gather that you two are a couple and kissing is a part of being together but, you should never force someone into something and you should never use someone to make a point,” She sighed, “I get what you did was in self defence, so I won’t suspend nor expel you. You’re only getting three detentions and a community service, Quinn,” She looked to Ollie, “Now I understand you didn’t do anything but I’d like you to join Quinn in his community service since he might need someone there for him.”

Ollie nodded a little, “Yes, Miss.” He whispered.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn physically relaxed. He wasn’t getting suspended or expelled. Now he could only hope his parents wouldn’t be called.

He listened to his punishment and nodded gently, looking over at Ollie and shaking his head. “I don’t want to mix Ollie up in this anymore… but it would be nice to have him there.”


Mrs Rowe sighed softly, looking between the two boys, “My decision is final, then. He’ll join you in the community service,” She looked to her computer, typing for a few seconds, “Now off you go. And Quinn, if you do anything like his again I’ll call your parents and you’ll be suspended. Don’t let that happen.”

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn nodded curtly, standing as he was granted permission to leave. Her comment about his parents made him pale but he nodded anyways, biting his lip and offering his hand to Ollie.

“I won’t, Mrs. Rowe…”


Ollie didn't take his hand, just stood on his own with a small nod, "Thank you Mrs Rowe." He mumbled, heading out the door once she said goodbye to the two of them.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn let his hand drop sadly by his side. He followed after Ollie, watching the back of his head. His stomach felt like a lead ball of guilt. He didn’t mean to bring Ollie into all of this.

“I-I’m sorry….”


Ollie huffed a small, quiet laugh. A sound that was unexpected from the small boy, "You're sorry? You're only sorry because you realise how bad you messed up."


"No but you did mean to," Ollie turned around, clearly very upset, "Because you've been so angry at the world that you were just waiting for the opportunity to get back at it. And you got it. And you used me to make a point and didn't even think about how I felt because you were just thinking about yourself. And I know that if that teacher hadn't stepped in you wouldn't have stopped fighting and you would have knocked him out and injured him worse. And know look whats happened," He shook his head.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn cringed, his mouth hanging open as he tried to find some way to clear this up. “Ollie…” he murmured weakly, his voice barely working. Tears began to grow in the corners of his eyes.


"I… I thought you were better then that," He swallowed, "The one thing I told you not to be when we first got together was forceful. And you went and did what I told you not to do. Even in a heat of the moment type of situation I thought… I thought you'd still think about how your actions would effect me and… and it really… really hurts."


Ollie let him reach for his hand, just standing there and not making eye contact, "Just because you said you didn't mean to, doesn't mean it didn't happen."

@Toxic_Persephone group

He reached out once more as if he wanted to pull Ollie into a hug but he didn’t ever pull through with that. Instead he very gently pulled Ollie’s hands away from his eyes, still sniffling. “I won’t hurt you purposely… please know that. I went back on something I promised you… I’m sorry Ollie.” And then he slowly pulled away and looked down at his feet, his mind turning over. Tears fell onto his shirt as he wiped his nose. There was only one thing he could think to do.

“I… I think we need to end us. I can’t think of any ways to make it up to you and… I’m not sorry for starting that fight, you’re right about me only thinking about myself. I would have beaten him to death if that fight would have continued. I have too many issues right now Ollie. I don’t want to do something rash again. I could hurt you worse next time… I could do something horrible and make you hate me.”


(nuuuuu :((((( )

Ollie whimpered softly but he nodded, "Right… yeah," He swallowed hard, wiping at his eyes and his face as he took a step back, "You can um… y-you can still stay in the apartment until you find another place to stay just… not for long."

@Toxic_Persephone group

(Let’s get sum angst in here. It’ll all work out for these babieees because I ship them so hard. I have an idea tho where Quinn’s aunt takes him in and learns about all this and is like: “you coward! Go apologize and get your man!” And then yeah)

Quinn nodded curtly, wiping at his eyes. “I can find a hotel to stay at… I don’t want to bother you anymore than I already have.” He murmured gently, sitting down in one of the chairs outside of Mrs. Rowes office. “I’m really sorry Ollie… I’ll always love you.”


yeyeyeyeye, sounds good)

Ollie bit the inside of his cheek, "Yeah… I know," He whispered, "I'll leave your things by the backdoor of the pub, you can get them later." He sighed. He knew he shouldn't skip school, but with all of this he would rather be anywhere but here, "Good bye, Quinn." He turned away, walking down the hall.

@Toxic_Persephone group

neaaaat thnx for letting me do the idea)

“Thank you… I’ll stop by after school.”

Quinn watched the love of his life turn and leave, his heart shattering. He wanted more than anything to grab Ollie’s hand and pull him back, to say he didn’t mean any of it and that he couldn’t stand to leave him.

But he didn’t. Instead he just sat and cried silently into his hands. It was too soon anyways… you’re too broken to love someone. Maybe you are just diseased in the mind, just some disgusting disappointment to your family.

Quinn never returned to class. Instead he found a study room for himself and locked the door, staring off into space as he tried to think of what he could do.

By the end of the day he had made up his mind.

He would go back to his parents place and tell them they were right all along, that he was sorry, and that he was definitely not a ‘perverted man with a mental illness.’ He would lie to them about it all, tell them he was straight. He would remain closeted for the rest of his life.


(ye welcome)

Ollie headed to the pub. As much as he didn't want to be there, he'd rather take the abuse from his dad then stay at school. His heart hurt. It was probably some of the most pain he'd felt in a very long time.

As soon as he to the pub it was already busy. His dad yelled at him to get to work, the mental abuse starting from the moment he walked in. He busied himself in the work. He didn't let himself think about Quinn, or the old men and weird women that touched him, or insulted him. He didn't think about his dad who joined in on the insults, didn't focus on the pain from each slap.

He was so done. With this. With being so alone. He thought he'd found someone in his shitty life. And now they were gone and he didn't know when he would ever see him again.

When he knew school had ended he slipped away for a moment to grab Quinn's things, hastily placing them outside the door before he went back to work.