@Toxic_Persephone group
Quinn kissed the bruises and cuts along Ollie's face and neck, being careful to be gentle. "You're cute all the time. The bruises don't change anything because I know under them you're extra cute. Don't put yourself down."
Quinn kissed the bruises and cuts along Ollie's face and neck, being careful to be gentle. "You're cute all the time. The bruises don't change anything because I know under them you're extra cute. Don't put yourself down."
(so I had an idea…but idk what topics are off limits in this rp…)
Ollie sighed softly and rolled off of Quinn, crossing his legs under him, “I… I don’t know…” He mumbled, scratching at his wrist, “I don’t think I’m very good looking even when I don’t have all the bruises… it’s just a fact.”
(ooooo may I hear the idea? I'm up and open for like everything)
Quinn sat up and placed a gentle hand to Ollie's back. "I think you're the most handsome male I've ever seen, Ollie." He kissed his head and offered a reassuring smile. "I think you're amazing."
(Okay so, what if Quinn ends up going back to the pub to confront Ollie’s dad and get some of Ollie’s things, right? And then Ollie’s dad ends up telling Quinn everything that him and his friends have done to him aka, heavy abuse and uh… rape, if that’s allowed. Quinn then records what his dad said and goes to the police with it)
Ollie smiled a little back and sighed, “You’re probably the only person in the entire world who thinks it because I certainly don’t.”
(Heck yes lets do it and that is allowed. Death to the horrid father!)
"Well, there's someone who thinks you're the most amazing thing ever. And he isn't about to let you go so easily." He ran his fingers through Ollie's hair and hummed. "May I get a kiss?"
(Ye, tank you)
Ollie closed his eyes and leaned into Quinn’s touch, nodding a little a moment later, “Yes.” He leaned over, pressing his lips lightly against the other males.
(np np I like your ideas! They're fun!)
Quinn leaned lightly into the kiss, his fingers still in Ollie's hair. The kiss was lingering but ended rather soon as Quinn pulled back and brought Ollie down onto their sides to cuddle. "This is wonderful. I love just being with you."
(Aha thanks!)
Ollie snuggled into Quinn’s side with a slight wince, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, “I love being with you, too. There’s no other place I’d rather be.”
(np np np :))
"I love you my Ollie. Ollie Ollie Ollie…" He grinned and giggled sleepily. "Your name is so fun to say… Olllieeee." Quinn nuzzled into his cheek with another giggle. He sighed deeply when he heard his Aunt call them down, the smell of bacon drifting from down the hall.
Ollie smiled at Quinn, though it was slightly forced when he heard Claire call them down. He didn’t feel like eating, knowing if he did the possibility of him throwing it back up was high, “I’m not… really very hungry.” He mumbled.
Quinn pressed a soft kiss to Ollie's nose and tilted his head. "You don't have to eat if you don't think you can." He murmured. "Would you like to come down and sit with us?"
He nodded, “Yes, please. I… I just don’t think I’ll eat anything.” He rubbed at the back of his neck with a soft sigh, looking down at his lap.
"That's okay, love." He gently took Ollie's face in his hands and smiled sweetly at him. "You don't have to eat anything right now."
Ollie smiled a little back, though couldn’t really muster up one to match Quinn’s, “Yeah, okay. Let’s go then.”
Quinn sat up with a groan, stretching his arms out and pouting down at Ollie. "After we should cuddle. I like cuddling!"
Ollie stood up and sighed, ruffling his hand through his hair a few times. He held his hand out for Quinn to take, “Me too, we can cuddle after.”
Quinn took his hand, humming happily and kissing Ollie's cheek with a happy hum. "I love you so much, Ollie, my lovely lovely Ollie!"
Ollie rolled his eyes with a small smile, “You’re such a dork Quinn.” He mumbled, ignoring the blush on his cheeks as he led them out the room.
"You're the dork here, my love." He teased, chuckling softly. Claire was downstairs, a small pile of waffles on a plate next to the stovetop. She turned as Ollie and Quinn entered the space, smiling wide.
"Hello you two!"
Ollie shrunk back slightly, half shielding himself behind Quinn. It wasn’t that he was scared per say, just that he didn’t know Claire at all and so far she gave him a slightly weird vibe, “Hi.”
Claire watched Ollie carefully, but didn’t comment. She turned back to the eggs she was making and sighed. “There’s only a few because I wasn’t sure how many to make. I’ve made breakfast for one for far too long. Making more than two waffles was strange.” She explained, gesturing for them to sit and eat. “If you need anything let me know.”
Ollie held onto the back of Quinn's shirt, looking from Claire to Quinn then down at the floor. He felt very out of place all of a sudden and he didn't know why. He also didn't want to be rude and reject the food, but he couldn't eat even if he wanted.
“Thank you Aunt Claire. Ollie will pass on the food. He’s not feeling too well.” Quinn said softly. Claire looked a little surprised but nodded.
“That’s alright. Did you get him patched up yet?” She asked, glancing at Ollie’s nervous figure from behind Quinn.
“Not yet.” Quinn turned slightly to take Ollie’s hands, bringing him closer for a hug. “Hey, you can relax. You’re safe here.”
Ollie chewed on the inside of his cheek, forcing himself to relax even if it was just slightly. He accept the hug with a small nod of his head, though didn’t say anything. He didn’t want his voice to shake.
Quinn pressed a gentle kiss to Ollie’s cheek, laughing gently. “I love you~”
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