@Toxic_Persephone group
The walk to the pub was a lonely one. The closer he grew the more upset he got. Fortunately for him, however, Ollie had placed his stuff out already. So it was easy to just grab them and hurry away. He pulled open his phone and unblocked his parents, sending them both an apology.
Neither of them replied.
But there was something strange about his house when he got there. For one there was a new car in the driveway, an expensive sports car he didn’t recognize.
He didn’t get the chance to wonder over it for very long before the front door opened and a very angry woman shouting vulgar phrases stepped onto the porch. Quinn recognized her as his Aunt Claire, his mother’s notoriously rich sister.
She turned around curtly and froze when she saw Quinn shivering on the lawn, his eyes wide and afraid. “Oh dear! Quinn! Come here! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Aunt Claire exclaimed, rushing over to him and fretting over the wounds to his face. “Your parents are assholes. I’m taking them to court to be your legal guardian, hun.”
Quinn blinked in surprise, shock coursing through his veins. He could see his parents at the door, their faces drawn into a scowl so deep their faces could as well have been stone statues.
He hardly processed what was going on before Claire ushered him into her sports car, the back seat piled with his old things.
None of this was making sense. Aunt Claire had only met him once when he was twelve. His family said all sorts of nasty things about her. They claimed she had married a rich man and killed off him for the fortune. They said she owned some sort of perverted company that sold Binders and safe sex items and adult toys to the LGBTQ+ community. They said she didn’t want to be remarried and told him that she was full of herself and too drunk to think straight.
And yet here she was, explaining to him that she was to be his new guardian and that she already had a place for him to stay. A glass of half finished wine was sitting in the cup holder but she didn’t touch it and grinned when he eyed it.
“I don’t drink and drive, love, don’t worry. I am 100% sober. That glass was my friends. I just dropped her off before coming here.”