forum Angsty Gay Romance Anyone? (O/O)?
Started by @Toxic_Persephone group

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@Toxic_Persephone group

The walk to the pub was a lonely one. The closer he grew the more upset he got. Fortunately for him, however, Ollie had placed his stuff out already. So it was easy to just grab them and hurry away. He pulled open his phone and unblocked his parents, sending them both an apology.

Neither of them replied.

But there was something strange about his house when he got there. For one there was a new car in the driveway, an expensive sports car he didn’t recognize.

He didn’t get the chance to wonder over it for very long before the front door opened and a very angry woman shouting vulgar phrases stepped onto the porch. Quinn recognized her as his Aunt Claire, his mother’s notoriously rich sister.

She turned around curtly and froze when she saw Quinn shivering on the lawn, his eyes wide and afraid. “Oh dear! Quinn! Come here! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Aunt Claire exclaimed, rushing over to him and fretting over the wounds to his face. “Your parents are assholes. I’m taking them to court to be your legal guardian, hun.”

Quinn blinked in surprise, shock coursing through his veins. He could see his parents at the door, their faces drawn into a scowl so deep their faces could as well have been stone statues.

He hardly processed what was going on before Claire ushered him into her sports car, the back seat piled with his old things.

None of this was making sense. Aunt Claire had only met him once when he was twelve. His family said all sorts of nasty things about her. They claimed she had married a rich man and killed off him for the fortune. They said she owned some sort of perverted company that sold Binders and safe sex items and adult toys to the LGBTQ+ community. They said she didn’t want to be remarried and told him that she was full of herself and too drunk to think straight.

And yet here she was, explaining to him that she was to be his new guardian and that she already had a place for him to stay. A glass of half finished wine was sitting in the cup holder but she didn’t touch it and grinned when he eyed it.

“I don’t drink and drive, love, don’t worry. I am 100% sober. That glass was my friends. I just dropped her off before coming here.”


Ollie’s afternoon dragged on and on. He didn’t get a break. But he didn’t want one. He didn’t eat or drink, he didn’t say anything apart from taking drink orders. The abuse got worse and worse as the night went on.

The longer the evening went, the more abusive patrons came in. The regulars. The ones that all knew about him and had joined in with his dad since he came out. Some nights before he would try and fight back and sometimes he would get away. But he didn’t night. He let them do whatever the hell they pleased whether that be physical absurd, mental abuse or other. He didn’t give a damn. It hurt, but he didn’t have the energy or strength to fight back.

By the end of the shift it was fairly late in the evening. Probably well past midnight, he couldn’t really tell. He was sore in places he didn’t want to be and yet he didn’t do anything to dull the pain.

Walking up the stairs was hard. Just standing in general was hard. But Ollie climbed up and headed straight for his room, stripping from the little clothing he had on and putting something more comfortable on and hopped into bed.

He didn’t even cry, couldn’t cry. He was just so numb from everything that had happened. Eventually, he managed to fall asleep, but he only managed a few hours before he knew he had to be up and out for school again.

@Toxic_Persephone group

That night Quinn was given his own room. His aunt helped him unpack and claim the space as his. But Quinn’s heart wasn’t in it and she noticed.

“Hey hun what’s wrong?” She asked gently, sitting next to him on the edge of the newly made bed. “You don’t look too good. Is it about your parents? Don’t worry about them. Don’t listen to anything they say either. You can love whoever you want to lo-“

“I’ve heard that already. I don’t care.” He growled, turning away from her as tears once again fell from his eyes. “I had somebody. I met someone during the days I was out… he was everything for me. But people out there don’t give a fuck about our emotions. They won’t let a gay out in society live his life with the one he loves. So I gave up my boy…” he continued to ramble, spilling the entire story to a woman he barely knew. He just needed to get it all out, to cry until he had no more tears.

His aunt stared at him, her jaw working in place. “Quinn, you are an idiot.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned loudly. “If you love the kid then keep him! You’re hurting him more by letting him go so fast! Don’t you know anything About relationships!? You can’t just give up and expect everything to work out because then you’ll be lonely for the rest of your life. Quit being a coward and get your boy back. Talk to him tomorrow. Ask him to move in here with you. You’re such a stupid kid for being so goddamn talented.” She ruffled his hair and sighed deeply. Quinn only stared at her, frowning deeply. “You don’t want to lose the one you love, Quinn. I know you don’t me. And you’re probably confused and scared, but I do care about you. I’ve loved you since the day you were born. Your parents kept me away but I still watched you grow up through photos and stories. You’re a good kid. I care about you. Now, sleep and tomorrow bring that boy over here.” She smiled reassuringly at him but that didn’t fill the pit in his stomach.

He didn’t feel at home without Ollie.

Quinn laid down anyways, sighing deeply. He closed his eyes and soon drifted off into a restless sleep.


Ollie probably got a total of two and a half hours sleep. He felt like shit and looked at lot worse. He had major bruising over his arms, stomach, legs, back everywhere. The one around his neck had darkened considerably, he had a limp, a black eye and split lip.

He changed, though it took a while considering the pain he was in. He tried to cover up most of the bruises, though it didn't work very well. He looked like a ghost, pale with bags under his eyes. Yesterday had been the worst night of his life. He didn't have Quinn and the abuse had been the worst it had been for years.

He didn't have breakfast even though his body begged for him to have at least something small. He didn't, just grabbed his bag and headed straight for school.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn came to the school in bandages. He sulked as he made his way through the halls, feeling like every eye was upon him. His heart raced and his stomach lurched uncomfortably. He felt like he was going to be sick. His aunt was right but he was terrified to face Ollie again.

In a moment of courage, Quinn sent a text to Ollie, asking if they could talk. The second he hit sent he wished he had just found the other and asked it one on one.


Ollie jumped when he felt his phone ping, pulling it out and stopping dead in his tracks when he saw it was from Quinn. Did he want to talk to Quinn when he was in this state? Not really, but he didn't want to say no so, he said yes and asked him where he wanted to talk. He hoped Quinn didn't make too big of a thing out of the bruises.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn felt his mood pick up a little when Ollie responded. He gave a location - the empty study room he had spent the day in before - and sighed deeply as he moved to claim the spot. Luckily it was empty and he sat down with a soft sigh.


Ollie headed to the study room, hesitating slightly before he opened the door and walked in. He was suddenly very aware of the injuries he had, how bad he looked and felt, how numb he was to all this. He saw Quinn and slowly walked over.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn had his eyes closed but when he heard the door open he looked up, gasping at the sight of Ollie’s bruised and beaten face. “Ollie!” He stood up faster than his mind could process and hurried over to fret over the state of the other. “What happened?! Oh my god are you okay!?” He gently cupped Ollie’s face and ran his thumb carefully over his blacked eye and then over the split in his lip. “Sit down, please…”


The bruises were still sensitive to the touch and he tried not to let out a soft whimper when Quinn touched them, "I… I'm fine." He whispered. He did what Quinn told him, hiding the limp as he took a seat. He was glad to sit down as it revealed some of the pressure and pain he was in.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“No you’re not.” He opened his phone and sent a text to his aunt, requesting to be checked out with Ollie. She agreed rather quickly. It felt weird.

“We’re going back to Aunt Claire’s place… I’m going to fix you up and you’re not going back to that pub.” He huffed. “Even if the police get involved they can’t take you away. There’s too much evidence against your father.” In the heat of his anger against Ollie’s father, Quinn nearly forgot the reason he wanted to see Ollie again. He paused, hesitating before he ran his fingers through Ollie’s hair.

“Hey I… I don’t want to leave you.” He started, sliding down to his knees and gently resting his head in Ollie’s lap. “I don’t want to breakup with you. I know I did you wrong but even if you can’t forgive me for it, I want to say I’m sorry for what I did. You deserve much more than me but if… if you want we can try again.”


Ollie whimpered softly, biting his cheek and closing his eyes for a few moments, "I… Q-Quinn I…" He couldn't even get a coherent sentence out. Quinn was apologising, he was taking everything back and saying he didn't have to go back to the horrible place he called a home.

"I… I forgive you…" He said quietly, gently wiping at the few tears that had fallen, "I-I forgive you and… and I want to try again." He wanted to protest about staying with his Aunt. He knew that it might make the situation even worse for all of them but he was too tired to fight.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn sat up and wrapped his arms around Ollie, giving him a small squeeze. He didn’t let go, too afraid Ollie would leave or disappear. “I’m so dumb. I can’t just give you up after one fight. And it’s only been a day since all of this happened and I just feel like an asshole. I’m sorry you have to love such a dumbass, but this dumbass loves you so much…”


Ollie wrapped his arms around Quinn, snuggling into him. It was almost like he was trying to make himself disappear into his arms, "I know… a-and I forgive you." He mumbled, voice even quieter as his face was pressed into Quinn's chest. He was so tired and scare and sore but it was nice to have Quinn's strong, protective arms around him again.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn closed his eyes, breathing in Ollie’s soft scent and smiling softly. “Thank you…” he murmured, rubbing the other’s back reassuringly. A buzz in his pocket made him pull back.

He checked his phone and felt a wave of relief fall over him. “Come on, my Aunt is here. Let’s hurry.” He leaned over to scoop Ollie into his arms, smiling softly.


Ollie didn't protest as Quinn picked him up. He whimpered softly, a burst of pain shoot up from his legs at the movement but it was gone quick enough as he wrapped himself around Quinn, closing his eyes. He looked a lot like a koala, small and cute and yet still in a lot of pain.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn got a good view of the bruises around Ollie’s neck. It made him angry to see that someone had harmed his love. “You’re going to stay with me, Ollie. You’re not going back to that house. Do you need anything from there? I can grab it all for you.” He huffed softly, walking through the front doors and groaning at the sight of yet another fancy sports car waiting in front of the school for them. This one was a neon green and rather hard to miss. “I don’t like this. Why does she have to be so flashy? Why was it my aunt who had to be the estranged rich woman?!”


"I-I can't. Dad will… w-will come after me a-and then you'll get hurt." He mumbled hiding his face in the crook of Quinn's neck. When he made the comment about his aunt, he looked up and turned his head as much as he could to get a look, his eyes widening slightly, "That's um… a-a nice car?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

“He can’t touch you if I’m with you. You’re going to stay here by me. You’re not going back there and I’m not going to be hurt, love.” He kissed the top of Ollie’s head and sighed.

“It is… I don’t know what’s happening. She said she’s taking me in but I hardly know her and apparently she gets rich off of selling binders and sex toys…” he mumbled, opening up the back door and gently setting Ollie down into the seat. He hopped in on the other side and slid closer to Ollie.

Claire smiled sweetly. She was the older type of woman that one expected to see in some type of yoga studio that could flex better than any of the younger patrons. She had short, silver dyed hair and wore so much jewelry she could be defeated with a magnet. But she was kind in the eyes and soft spoken as she looked over Ollie and sighed.

“You poor thing. You must be Oliver. Let’s get you two back to the house and patch you up, Oliver.”


Ollie didn't want to protest since he didn't want to fight anymore. He strapped himself in once Quinn placed him in the car, and once the other was in he rested his head against his shoulder. He curled closer to the other when Claire spoke, "Um… thank you." He said quietly, though he didn't speak more then that.

He knew when they got back to Claire's and they saw the full extent of the injuries it wouldn't be good. He knew it wouldn't be good either way but he couldn't protest. He knew he had to get patched and healed up and he couldn't do it without the two of them.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn reached up to play with Ollie's hair, humming softly. He gently kissed Ollie's head and looked back up at his aunt. She smiled and waved away the thanks. "No problem, hun. Quinn likes you a lot. You're always welcome over at my place." She said softly as she drove off.

Quinn was silent for the ride, but he snuggled against Ollie as if he would never be able to touch him again. He closed his eyes and sighed gently.


Ollie blushed lightly but didn't reply, closing his eyes. Surprisingly, he managed to fall asleep on the ride back. Clearly the exhaustion from the night before and the injuries had just become too much for him and his body decided he needed the rest.

He curled more into Quinn in his sleep, clearly happy for the comfort and protection that the other male offered. A few more of his bruises were obvious now, as well as a few cuts on his wrists.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn rubbed soft circles into Ollie's back and arms even as they pulled into the driveway. He lifted Quinn up and carried him inside carefully, not wanting to wake him up. His aunt wandered around for a moment, setting items down and pointing to the couch. "Lay him down. Let him get his rest before we patch him up. I'll make something for breakfast." She instructed, smiling gently at Quinn as he did as told. He sat on the floor in front of the couch and sighed softly.


Ollie tossed on the couch. For a moment he was fine, and then a second later he was in distressed. It was unclear whether he having a nightmare of the injuries were just causing him discomfort in his sleep. He whined softly and sat up all of a sudden, eyes wide with fear and confusion. He looked on the verge of tears as he searched around for Quinn.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Quinn sat up quickly and reached out to take Ollie's face in his hands. Claire looked concerned, glancing over at the two and biting her lip. She turned to leave the room to somewhere Quinn didn't know. He didn't really care much anyways as he pressed his forehead to Quinn's and sighed gently. "Hey, I'm here, I'm here. Shhh… it'll be okay."