Ollie blushed, hiding his face in Quinn’s chest with a soft, “I love you too.”
Ollie blushed, hiding his face in Quinn’s chest with a soft, “I love you too.”
Quinn laughed softly and rested his head against Ollie’s with a soft sigh. “My boyfriend, Ollie, is so cuuutteee.” He hummed, earning a chuckle from Claire.
Ollie blushed deeper, glad that he other couldn't see. He poked him lightly, "I am not, dork." He mumbled.
“But you are!” Quinn giggled as he released Ollie and led him to the table once he had gotten himself a plate of food. He hummed happily, patting the seat next to him. “Sit by me.”
Ollie nodded, climbing into the chair with a soft sigh, “I don’t believe it but I feel like there’s no point arguing so you win.”
“There isn’t because I’m right!” He chuckled softly and leaned against the other, sticking close. He had decided he would be around Ollie for as long as he could.
He rolled his eyes, though he was blushing and smiling down at his lap, “You are not but okay.” He nudged Quinn a little.
“I am. You can’t fight me on this, Ollie.” He hummed, nudging him back. “I love you, you dork.”
Ollie giggled, resting his head in his hand, “I love you too, stupid.”
Quinn pouted playfully and attacked Ollie with a flurry of kisses. “I’m not stupid. I’m very smart!”
Ollie batted him away with a laugh, “And I’m not a dork and yet you still insist on calling me that.”
“You are a dork, dork.” He grinned and cackled as he was batted away. Quinn felt so happy. He had a place to stay and Ollie was with him. It felt like a dream.
Ollie rolled his eyes with a smile, “How am I a dork then? I would like you to explain because I do not understand.” He muffled a yawn.
"You're a dork because you're so clueless when it comes to your own safety and also when it comes to flustering me." He teased, ruffling Ollie's hair as he shoveled food into his own mouth.
"Oi!" Ollie pouted, batting Quinn's hand away, "I am not clueless about all that…" He mumbled, crossing his arms with a huff.
Quinn snickered evilly and leaned over to whisper in Ollie's ear. "If that's true, then prove it to me. If not here, when we get back to my room~"
Ollie went red, biting his bottom lip to hide a grin, "Okay then. Maybe I will." He replied, sticking his tongue out at him.
Quinn rumbled with joy at the response. He stuck his tongue out back at Ollie, leaning over to kiss his forehead. "Mm I'm looking forwards to it, dork."
Ollie giggled, nudging Quinn to distract himself from the burning in his cheeks, "Hurry up and eat then."
"Alright, alright." He grinned as he returned to his plate. Claire was long-gone by now, but had turned off and cleaned up the breakfast mess. Quinn finished off his plate rather quickly, his excitement getting the better of him. He wanted to see what Ollie was capable of. "Shall we head up to my room?"
Ollie shifted excitedly in his seat. He'd never done anything with a guy he actually liked before. Yes, he knew what to do since well, he'd had experiences, even if they weren't pleasant but looked like something good was coming to come of it. He nodded, "Yeah, let's go."
Quinn stood, setting his plate in the sink and humming happily as he returned to take Ollie's hand. He himself was buzzing with delight, trying to keep his own composure around the other. He led them up to his room, where the door was gently closed behind them. "So tell me Prince Charming, what do you have planned?"
Ollie smiled sweetly once the door was shut. He pushed Quinn gently onto the bed so he was sitting on the end of it, standing between his legs, "Before I do anything," He started, trailing his hand up the other's chest, "How far can I go? I don't want to push your or do something you don't wanna."
Quinn smirked up at Ollie, lifting his hands above his head and grinning. "As long as you don't bind my legs or hit me I'll be fine. But don't get all cocky and think you're the one in charge here, Mister~" He purred, tilting his head so his neck was more exposed.
Ollie smiled, sitting in Quinn's lap, "Don't worry, I know I'm not," He pushed him down onto the bed so Quinn was lying down. He leaned in, pressing light kisses to Quinn's neck before he said very quietly, "Daddy~" He tried out the word, wondering what his reaction would be.
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