@Toxic_Persephone group
“But I like you!” Came the childish reply. Quinn grinned and kissed Ollie’s forehead before he gently let the other down.
“But I like you!” Came the childish reply. Quinn grinned and kissed Ollie’s forehead before he gently let the other down.
Ollie was beat red by the time Quinn put him down, biting his bottom lip to try and ignore it.
Unfortunately - or maybe fortunately- for Ollie, Quinn didn’t ignore the red. He grinned brighter and leaned in. “You’re all red, Ollie. That’s cute too.”
Ollie squeaked again, hiding his face in his hands with a small shake of his head, "No! N-No… it is not…"
“It is!” Quinn gently grabbed Ollie’s wrists and pulled his hands away from his face. He pressed a soft kiss to Ollie’s nose and smiled.
Ollie pouted a little, trying to calm how red he was with no luck, "This is so unfair."
“This is completely fair.” Quinn giggled lightly, smiling happily down at Ollie. He let his fingers brush along Ollie’s face as he fixed the other’s hair.
Ollie sighed, the pout still there, "No, no it isn't. B-Because I can't make you blush like this.."
Quinn purred faintly under his breath and laughed. “You can make me blush, Ollie. You just haven’t found what makes me blush.”
Ollie crossed his arms, huffing childishly, "I'm never gonna be able to find out what makes you blush, so unfair."
Quinn laughed and shook his head. “You’ll figure stuff out, I promise. I can think of a few simple things that make me blush.”
"Tell meeee," Ollie whined, "I wanna know, pleeeease?"
Quinn grinned wickedly and leaned in closer to the other male. “I don’t know, Ollie, maybe give me a small kiss and I’ll tell.” He teased, tapping his own cheek to indicate a kiss there.
Ollie pushed up onto his toes slightly and pressed a light kiss to Quinn's cheek, just like he said to do, "Now spill."
“Thank you Ollie.” He grinned lightly and nervously rubbed at the back of his neck. “Any and all kisses on my neck. They make me heat up.”
Ollie grinned, letting out a soft giggle, "I'll make sure to remember that for the future. Thank youuu."
Quinn laughed gently, nodding. “Oh dear. What power have I given you?”
Ollie shrugged, taking Quinn’s hand and swinging it back and forth, “Dunno, but I promise not to abuse that power.”
“I’m honored.” Quinn replied, giving Ollie’s hand a gentle squeeze.
Ollie laughed, blushing a light pink, “I love you.”
Quinn bit his lip and turned his face to hide the light blush. “I love you too.”
Ollie beamed, noticing the blush on Quinn's cheeks before he could hide it, "You're blushing."
“Am not.” Quinn defended, biting back a small smile. “It’s the lighting. I’m actually always this color…”
"Pshh, no you are not." Ollie retorted, "You're blushing!" H's smile widened, if that was even possible.
Quinn let a small laugh fall from his lips. “You can’t prove it.” He teased gently, watching Ollie’s face with a loving gaze.
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