"Same here love." he whispered, tilting his head towards Nick and nudging him gently back down onto the bed
"Same here love." he whispered, tilting his head towards Nick and nudging him gently back down onto the bed
Nick smiled and kissed Jas’s forehead. “We’ll finished what I started later.”
The doctors came in with a tray of needles. “I’m here to take blood samples so is it alright if you sit up?” Nick nodded and sat up on the edge of the bed.
Jas blushed again and nodded before glancing up and paling at the sight of the needles. He scoot out of the bed and stood off to one side as the doctors came up to Nick
Nick held out his arm so they could take the blood. He closed his eyes as they told him and let them take that blood. “You okay over there Jas?”
Jas nodded "yep.." he squeaked, tearing his gaze away from the needles going into Nick's arm. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and started humming to himself softly
Nick smiled at his humming. They put 5 needles into his arm and left. “That hurt a bit.”
He glanced up when the doctors left and sighed in relief "yeah, I bet." he shuddered and sat back down on the bed, gently hugging him close and pressing a kiss to his shoulder
He pulled Jas close by his shoulder. “Did you feel okay?”
He nodded and smiled up at Nick "yeah…just an unnatural fear of needles…"
“You never told me you have a fear of needles.” Nick kissed Jas’s forehead. “How about we get up and walk somewhere. I need to stretch my legs and you promised me earlier we could.”
He looked away embarrassed “it’s dumb, of all the things I should be scared of it’s whats supposed to help that I fear most.” He breathed in deeply and nodded “yeah, we can go for a walk, just let me know when you’re ready. He stood and stretched, holding out his arms for when Nick felt ready to go
Nick took his hand and pulled himself up. His legs were wobbly so he had to hang onto Jas by his shoulders. “It feels weird, not being able to do the things I could…I don’t like it.”
“It’s okay, things will change once you’re discharged.” He reassured gently, cradling Nick close and walking backwards. He pressed a kiss to his cheek “you can do this my love.”
He nodded clutching his shoulders as they walked. “Am I hurting you at all?”
Jas shook his head and offered a smile "no, you're not." he gently pulled Nick around the room, at one point wrapping nick's arms around his neck so he was more comfortable. "see? it's like we're dancing."
(are they engaged….?)
(Yes….because of the thing where his friends came over and stuff then he had to propose to him early….right XD?)
He chuckled and kissed his cheek. “When you say it like that. I don’t feel so nervous about falling.”
(right right right! yes oki)
"good, that's the point." He tugged him closer and started swaying back and forth with Nick in his arms. "are we going to dance like this at our wedding, my love?" he whispered against Nick's ear
Nick blushed and smiled. “The roles will be switched and yes you will be wearing a dress. You would look so cute.”
“I am not wearing a dress.” He said, pressing a kiss to Nick’s cheek “even if I do look cute.”
“Why not. You would look beautiful. Then after that I could help you take it off, in a hotel room, and then I could give a little gift involving a space between the legs that makes you let out a certain noise. Goes a little something like this…” he moaned in his ear with a smirk.
He blushed a deep red and leaned his head into Nick's neck "my love, you can't do this to me, not this constantly." he murmured, brushing his hands along Nick's cheek and shaking his head "Make those lovely promises when you get out of here." he whispered, lips brushing against his ear
“As you wish,” he bit his lip with a light chuckle. “Did I make you flustered~?” He teased hanged his arms around Jas’s neck.
He whimpered softly “more than flustered my love.” He nuzzled Nick’s neck and pressed a slow kiss to the area below his ear “and here I thought you were supposed to be the good guy.” He murmured, gently nibbling at his ear
"I thought you were supposed to be the bottom." he bit his lip wanting the moan. "You're the one teasing me Mr.kiss sealer."
“Oh but you started this, now, as an obligation, I have to finish it. Unless you want to continue?” He murmured, smirking and pulling away gently “my poor love,”
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