“Yes, Of course my love. Sleep a while. I’ll be right here.” He reached up and kissed him softly while nudging into Nick’s hand
“Yes, Of course my love. Sleep a while. I’ll be right here.” He reached up and kissed him softly while nudging into Nick’s hand
"Thank you…" he smiled before falling asleep. He kept Jas close as he slept, to wanting to be alone. Nick lied about them showing what was inside him. He knew and he was scared out of his mind when he saw it. He ended up passing out and waking up a few mintues later. Of course, he couldn't tell Jas that because Nick was afraid he would think of him as weak.
Jas stroked his hair. “My poor darling. I should’ve been the one to have been shot. I should’ve been the one in your place.” He Burris’s his face in Nick’s chest, letting silent tears fall. “I don’t even know how you could possibly love me anymore…” he fell into a fit full sleep for a few hours
He woke up a few hours later feeling rested. "Jas.." he said quietly. Although he felt like new his voice was still fragile and soft.
Jas whimpered softly and slowly opened his eyes. “Hm? Hi baby, feeling better?” He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up
"Yeah," he nodded. "How do you feel about all this. Me being in the hospital must be hard for you."
“It should be me,” He whispered, nudging into nick’s Chest. “I hate seeing you like this.”
(Used a couple of Decendants quotes in there…XD)
Nick lifted Jas's chin and smiled. He cupped his face. "Listen, there is…no reason for you to…blame yourself…or wish that it was you. It already happened. There is nothing you could've, should've, or would've done. It's over. It's in the past. Even if you did protect me I would push you to the wall to make sure you didn't get hurt." he coughed from talking fast. "Someone once told me that I should, 'Don't focus on the past or you'll…miss the future.' I don't want to see you…look back at what could've been because..I'm right here..I breathing right in front of you….I love you okay…so focus on who I am now then what I was…okay?"
(ahhh i see them yesss!!!)
Jas was on the brink of tears by the time Nick finished. He reached up and gently pulled Nick close so their foreheads touched. he breathed in a couple of times to calm his thinned breathing "I love you too Nick, so much my savior, so very much. When they pulled that thing out of you, all I thought was that I should've been the one to be hit, not you. Not my sweet, loving, angel." He sobbed quietly "i thought i failed you Nick, I …thought I ..lost.. you!" He cried out painfully before covering his mouth and burying his head in Nick's shoulder "I'm trying Nick, but it's so…hard."
Nick kissed his forehead, "Why are you baring this alone? That's what I'm here for. To be the person that you can talk to whenever you need it. I got your back you've got mine. You don't have to do this alone, let's figure this out together. You didn't fail me because you've stayed with me all this time. Even when I was afraid to be alone you helped me, so listen to me when I say to open yourself up to me. Give me the key, so I can unlock those feelings of yours." Nick kissed his lips softly and ran his fingers through Jas's hair. "Tell me everything okay?"
He leaned into Nick’s touch “you’ve had the key all this time my love, before this life.” He breathed in heavily and calmed down a bit “how did I not fail you? l left you at the casino, I heard you yell through the mic. I should’ve came back sooner. Instead I stayed home like a coward and after an hour I came back. Only to arrive just to see you get shot. I…should’ve stayed..” He curled in a tight ball Next to Nick, trembling slightly as more tears came
"I have to admit, I was very devastated and a little mad that you left, but if anything I get why you left. I get that you might have been scared, but it's only normal. Besides if you did stay. I would've still gotten shot." Nick said softly.
Jas whimpered when Nick mentioned being mad and squeezed his eyes tightly "But there's the chance that you wouldn't have." he mumbled, peeking up at Nick with tear still streaming down his cheeks
"But that chance is the size of an atom. Don't worry about it any more okay? No need to fret about the past. We're getting married. We set the date. Now, all we have to do is plan. So, how about we enjoy each other. Next time you want to look at me thoroughly you can. Any part of my body is open to you." he chuckled.
He sighed softly and stretched out. He wiped away the tears and pressed close to Nick. He looked up at him, staying silent for a bit. He reached up and kissed him gentle "I'm yours my savior, Every single inch of me is yours. " he murmured, tracing his features. "I'll never leave your side."
"I'm fine with that," he joked. "I was so close to getting out and then this happened. It's all good though.I get to spend more time with you."
"This isn't how we should spend our time together though," he said, curling up closely and wrapping his arms gently around Nick's waist, careful to avoid disturbing the wound.
“Then…” Nick moved his legs so they tangled with Jas’s. “Tell me how…should we spend our time, my prince. I would love…to hear your fantasies. Of course, I do have mine.”
He blushed softly and buried his face in Nick’s neck. “Just not in a hospital….” he muttered, blushing deeper as he kept thinking about all the things they should be doing besides lying in a hospital bed
“Well, tell me! I want to know!” He laughed and then started coughing. “Still…can’t laugh…”
“You know….things…that couples do…” He squeaked, covering himself with the blankets. “Romantic things…”
“Like what? You need to be more specific than that,” he kissed his forehead through the blanket.
“Like kissing and curling…” he whined, and curled closer to Nick. “But more… at least a little more.”
“Like touching?” He asked with a smirk.
“S-sure…if you want.” He made a whimpering noise and buried his face into the pillow “stop smirking, I can see you through the blanket.” He peeked up at Nick and rolled his eyes playfully
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