Seth shook his head, snapping him out of his small stupor and grinned a little. "Oh! Nothing important." He chuckled quietly, shifting in his seat and folding his arms across his chest.
Seth shook his head, snapping him out of his small stupor and grinned a little. "Oh! Nothing important." He chuckled quietly, shifting in his seat and folding his arms across his chest.
“Mm..sounds..” Grayson thought for a second, “Shady..” he muttered, smiling a bit but still looking suspicious. “Shady demon.” He teased, turning back towards the ceiling.
Seth rocks back and forth a little, looking very relaxed. He tilts his head as the other called him shady. He snorts. "If I'm shady then you're short." He huffs back, a smile twitching on the edge of his lips.
Grayson gasped quietly, glaring playfully over at Seth. "How dare you. In my own home too!" He pouted, stretching his arms back over his head. "I'm not that short. Just..slightly below average." He attempted to keep the frown on his face but giggled quietly anyway, feeling as though this was just a good dream that would eventually end.
Seth giggled at that, a smirk gracing his lips that was oh so tempting. "What can I say, I'm a shady demon." he retorts, huffing lightly. "And you're not slightly below average! You're fun sized!" He giggles in reply. He loved how happy the other was. It was so cute.
"I'm not fun sized, I'm the average height of a women. That is certainly not fun." Grayson replied, sticking his tongue out at Seth. "But you wouldn't understand, with your tallness and being 135." He muttered under his breath, flopping over onto his stomach.
Completely deadpanned Seth said, "I'm the shortest of my siblings." He replies, his eyebrow quirking up. He smirked a little, leaning forward his nose centimeters away from Graysons. He was hovering over the other, a smirk on his lips. He was just hovering, looking relaxed.
"Then you're fun sized too then. But they aren't even here so now you're just tall. No fun for you." Grayson turned his head towards Seth's, bringing his hand up and flicking him on the forehead. "Stop smirking."
Seths smirk widened a little. "You should see my youngest brother. He's a foot taller then me." He huffed when his forehead was flicked but he could only smirk more at Graysons statement.
"Why are you so insistent on not being tall? You're on Earth now, living with me. I am short, therefore, you are tall." He said with a huff, voice muffled in the sheets. "End of conversation. I win." Grayson muttered, hiding his smile.
"Very well, your highness." He rolls his eyes and laughed gently, poking or more like booping Graysons nose gently before snickering and standing straight. "So. Please tell me more about how you're so right?" He asks curiously.
“Bow down peasant. First you tell me why you think I’m wrong.” Grayson replied, scrunching his nose up when he was booped.
"Because you're not short compared to some other humans I've met. And you're easy to hold. Besides. I could shift my height to be taller or shorter then you." He huffed in reply, but there was a wide smile on Seth's face.
"Fine." Grayson huffed, blushing lightly. "I give up and you're insufferable." He said, rolling over onto his side and sticking his tongue out at Seth. "No fun to argue with."
"I'm extremely insufferable." He replies, a bright smile on his lips as he gazed at the male. "Do I see a blush across the adorable humans cheeks?" He giggles, booping Grayson's nose again.
"Do I see an arrogant jerk sitting in front of me?" Grayson fired back. He would never truly mean it when he insulted Seth, but it was easier than stuttering and blushing more and acting like an idiot. He covered his face with his hands, showing only his eyes.
Seth only giggles. "Awwww, you are blushing!! How cute!" He laughs as he settles beside the other on the bed. His tail flicked back and forth lazily.
"Shut up. No I'm not." He muttered, grabbing a pillow and curling around it, hiding his face from Seth. Grayson let him sit down, not really caring what Seth did anymore. "Maybe that's just my natural skin color, you never know."
Seth only giggles harder, "Bright red is your natural skin color? My. You humans are so curious." He laughs, gazing at Grayson fondly. It was rather cute.
Grayson huffed an turned his gaze elsewhere, trying not to blush harder than he already was. “Stop patronizing me.” He muttered, curling his knees up to his chest. “Did you come to Earth just to make fun of me?”
Seth smiled a little bit before absently running a hand through his hair. "I can stop if you want, although its rather fun watching you turn into a tomato. That may be me though." Seth laughs gently, there was no malice in his words.
“It’s okay. Just don’t call me cute.” Grayson said quietly, glare softening as he glanced up at Seth. His eyes peeked over the top of the pillow, happy and curious. “You can come to work with me tomorrow if you want.” He suggested shyly.
"Not cute. Got it. How about adorable?" he replies with a smirk. He glanced down at the other and his smirk fell into a serene smile. He liked seeing the look of happiness and curiosity in the others eyes- gosh it was breathtaking. He perked at the mention of going to work with Grayson, nodding eagerly. "Yes please!"
Grayson's eyes widened and he fell silent, staring at Seth with a mixture of shock and embarrassment. "Alright, my shift starts at 9." He replied quietly, voice about two octaves higher than normal, pushing himself into a sitting position against the headboard, facing Seth. He blinked and shifted his gaze to somewhere left of the other, wondering why his heart was pounding so loudly in his ears.
Seths tail wagged much like a dogs, happy and excited. He tail could often convey his mood. "Nine. Right! I'll be ready by then." He offers a kind smile to the other, his cheeks a soft red. He was very happy with his choice, not willing to change Grayson for anyone else. He gave a happy little sigh.
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