Hugo followed him quietly, taking in his surroundings. He knew the town fairly well by now, but despite his trusting and friendly exterior, he was also always ready to fight.
Hugo followed him quietly, taking in his surroundings. He knew the town fairly well by now, but despite his trusting and friendly exterior, he was also always ready to fight.
Logan kept walking, leading Hugo to the house, and opening the door. "Come on. She's inside." He said, gesturing into the house. Please don't ask to make sure I'm not sick…you would probably figure out who I am…and i don't want that.
Hugo followed him, glancing around at the house. “How long has she been sick?” he asked Logan.
"I don't know. I only noticed it today." He replied, leading Hugo upstairs to where he had left Allie.
Allie was asleep, looking even more innocent and child-like than she already did while she was awake, her curls surrounding her face like a halo. Hugo studied her for a moment.
“I’m afraid we’ll have to wake her up,” he said to Logan.
Logan nodded. He walked over, tapping on her shoulder lightly. "Allie." He said softly. "Wake up."
She opened her eyes. “Huh?” she asked sleepily, blinking and yawning. She glanced over to Hugo. “Who’s that?”
"Doctor. Or at least somebody who might be able to help you." Logan replied with a soft, gentle smile. "His name's Hugo."
Allie blinked again, adjusting to once again being awake a bit more sluggishly than normal. “Oh. Hi.”
“Hello,” Hugo replied with a friendly smile. “What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you. I’m just going to ask some questions, okay?”
“How long have you been sick?”
Allie opened her mouth to tell him she wasn’t sick, but even she had to admit that she was at this point. “I don’t know. I’ve felt the symptoms for a day or two, maybe a bit longer.”
“Have you come into contact with anyone who you suspect of being an alien?”
Allie paused, biting her lip. She didn’t know whether to lie or not, and she remained indecisive any longer Hugo would know without her having to say anything.
Logan took in a breath at the last question. He sat down in a nearby chair, watching quietly. His gun was within reach if he needed it, but he didn't want to use it.
Allie settled on a half truth. “Maybe, I’m not sure,” she replied, using all of her willpower not to glance at Logan. Her heart was racing.
Hugo noticed that Allie was afraid but he had the wrong reasoning. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now,” he replied. Allie noticed that he didn’t say she was okay, just safe. She nodded slowly. “Have you kissed anyone recently?” Allie blushed, color returning to her face in full force.
“Why is that relevant?”
“Because it’s possible that could transmit the sickness, especially if you kissed an alien,” he said.
“Uh, I kissed a guy named Henry yesterday?” she supplied, embarrassed.
“I know him,” Hugo responded, nodding. “How long have you two been here together?” Hugo asked, glancing between Logan and Allie.
"A few days. A week at most." Logan answered. "But I have never shown any symptoms or signs of being sick." He didn't want Hugo to examine him. He really, really didn't.
“I’m led to believe some people are carriers, who show no outward signs of the sickness but pass it on to others,” Hugo said. “Though I’m beginning to think that the aliens are the true carriers.” He gave Logan a searching look before turning back to Allie.
“I have some pills I can give you, but they will merely make the symptoms lessen,” Hugo explained. “They can’t do anything for the actual cause. We still don’t know what causes it. Not without the equipment many of us are used to. But I’m certain we’ll find our answer soon.”
Logan took a deep breath, but didn't say anything in response. He was, however, suspicious as to why Hugo kept looking at him like that. Did he suspect something?
“Mathilda will be back later with some medicine to help,” Hugo added. “She shouldn’t take too long. I’ll be seeing you two around, then.”
Logan nodded. "Thank you, Hugo. Would you like me to walk you home?" He asked, looking at the other male questioningly.
“I can walk myself but thank you,” he responded. “See y’all later.”
“Bye,” Allie said as Hugo left.
Logan nodded. "Alright. Thank you." He replied, waiting until he heard the front door close to relax.
“Do you think he’s legit?” Allie asked once Hugo was gone. “He seemed a bit odd.”
Logan sighed. "Rita told me to go to him…and…" He shrugged slightly. "I don't know. I'm willing to trust him so long as he doesn't hurt you."
“You know I don’t entirely trust Rita either, right? She’s okay enough, but there’s something a bit off about her sometimes,” Allie informed him. She broke into another coughing fit before speaking again. “Anyway, thanks for…looking out me, I guess? I appreciate it.”
Logan sighed. "Yeah, but…I don't know. This is the only option we have." He gave her a small smile. "You're welcome." He stood up, walking over to her.
She smiled back at him. “I’m glad that you’re here with me now,” she added, almost shyly.
(i gtg to bed soon ish)
Logan sat down on the bed. "Mm. Me too…although if I were you, I would be worried about me killing you, but…" He shrugged, looking up at the ceiling.
She was definitely worried about that, but no way would she actually admit it. Any sane person would be worried. She figured she had a better chance of not dying if she didn’t say anything about it, and her liking of the boy did kind of cloud her judgement. “Are you planning on killing me or something?” she joked, though she truly was nervous about that.
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