forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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"nick, you know how much I hate surprises." He sighed softly and flopped onto the bed, pulling his laptop ontop of his stomach and typing the names into the search bar. "I'll be here the rest of the day doing research." He said, wondering what the surprise was

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"Jas, you are going to love this one!" Nick was really excited to show Jas the one thing he always wanted to give him.

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"You don't know that and no because that's the meaning of a surprise," Nick chuckled and looked over to his boss which he stated his brake was over. "It was nice talking to you love, but my brake has officially ended. See you at home love."

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(Sounds like school XD)
Once he got out of his job, he races to the apartment excited to be home, "I'm home!" Nick yelled slamming open the door.


(yeah it does XD)
He jumped a bit at the announcement "I'm in here, love!" He called, setting the cputor aside and sitting up

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“Coming!” Nick walked into the rooms with hands behind his back. He played with the box in his hands. “Now, it isn’t anything special, it’s not some fancy place or anything big, like something small. I just wanted you to have something to keep in your heart when I’m gone or when I’m here. I don’t know, it’s stupid honestly,” Nick chuckled.


He smiled softly and stood up. He pressed a kiss to Nick's lips. He traced the curves of his face and hugged him close "nothing you could ever give me would be stupid, love, especially when it comes from you." He reassured kissing him once more before sitting back on the bed and crossing his legs.

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“R-Right um,” gripped the box behind him. He pulled out and bit with lip. “Here. I don’t know if you’re a fan of jewelry, but here. It’s a neckless I got when I was walking to work and thought it would look great on you. It has a glass picture of us on the back of the metal heart. It’s cheesy,” Nick held his arm and looked to the side.


He took the box in his hands and smiled as he opened the box and pulled out the delicate heart. It was simple and silver, like Nick had said. He turned it over and saw a picture of them on the back, happy and wild. He set the box aside and clipped on the necklace. He then glanced up at Nick and pulled him into bed. "It's beautiful baby, I love it!"

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“Your welcome love,” he chuckled and kissed Jas and pushed him down on the bed. “So, when are you going to propose to me.”

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“Is that so? Can’t wait then,” he chuckled and kissed Jas’s neck.


"hm, maybe I'll make you wait a while. Until you forget that I still have to propose." He muttered, running his hand through nick's hair

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“Nooooo, don’t do that!” He chuckled. “You wouldn’t do that to me would you?” He pouted and look at Jas with puppy dog eyes.

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"Fine," he gave in. He lightly smiled and kissed Jas on his neck. "You are such a handful," he mumbled.

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"How am I handful. I mean yeah my emotions are a handful, but how am I a handful?" he mumbled moving up his neck.


He sighed softly in content, "you're impatient and wild, loving and passionate, emotional and simple." He muttered, half distracted by Nick kissing his neck


He nodded and pressed closer to Nick's touch "and you're all mine." He murmured, tilting his head so his lips met Nick's