forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Fenrir

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(Sameeeeeeeeeeeee, especially because of Spider-Man’s death/ dusting whatever)
“Brother, please,” Thor called from outside the door, sighing as he continued, “You know she wouldn’t want you to be like this, she’d want you to keep yourself in good shape and not shut yourself away like this.” His brother was worried for him, this wasn’t how Loki usually acted. He was growing thinner and shutting himself away, the destructive Loki showing more and more frequently as time passed and Avalin was still nowhere to be found.


(ahhha yes!)
"Then it's a good thing she's not here to see me like this, isn't it?" He retorted, regretting the worst immediately after he said them. He opened the door slightly "you need to worry about your missing kingdom. Let me worry about my wife." He said, shutting the door and slumping to the ground


(I almost cried in the theater when his dust scene came XD)
“I need to worry about you as well as my kingdom, you’re my brother, whether you like it or not. And that means I’m going to worry when you’re like this,” He said, resting against the door frame and looking around the hall, “Please, maybe helping me rule will take your mind off of what happened, even for just a moment. It’ll be good for you.”


(XD aw)
"You don't want my help, not in the state that I' now. I'd probably end up hurting someone…again. you're better off alone this time, brother." He shuffled some papers around "I'll come to the library a little later to clear my head." He promised


(XD Yeah)
Thor shook his head, deciding his brother needed some time to himself, “I’ll send someone with food down in a little bit, you haven’t eaten anything in who knows how long.” With that he walked away, not giving Loki time to argue, “You better not be lying about the library either.” He walked off and sighed, sending someone down with a tray of food for him like he said he would. Thor wasn’t in great shape after this whole ordeal either, his face showed his tiredness and the stress he had to face with the kingdom. He had lost a few pounds, mostly from not eating or training with his hammer, but he was slowly filling back out as time grew on.


"I'm not, he muttered, sitting at his desk and taking notes on each realm and their qualities, seeing if any of them could harbor half of every living being in the universe. When the servant came in with the food Loki glanced up and nodded In thanks, sending also get food for his brother, having noticed his sunken expression and looser clothing


Asgard was a mess as half of everyone disappeared, with outraged people and a kingdom that was getting closer to falling apart. Thor had checked in on earth and they weren’t doing much better, though they at least had the rest of the avengers to help society rebuild. He waved away the server that came with food, telling himself he’d eat later when he got at least some of the problems figured out. Going to the throne room, he was swarmed with nobles and others all talking about what he should do. At least ignoring them was easy.


Loki sighed, not getting anywhere with his research on the other realms. He stood and headed to the library, passing the throne room on his way. He peeked in and saw full on chaos from the nobles. He would've smirk if it weren't for the reasons everyone else was here. They wanted answers as to where their loved ones were just as he did.
"Alright enough! Everyone out until we call you in. Do I make myself clear?" Loki called from the doorway, striding in a coming to stand next to the throne. His eyes flashing in determination and controlled rage


Thor massaged his temples and sighed, looking up as Loki came in. “Thank you brother,” He said, motioning for the nobles to do as Loki said. He slumped back on the throne and watched as the nobles tried to make excuses, though eventually they gave up and left the room one by one. “I swear they are worse to deal with than any monster I’ve ever faced.”


Loki chuckled softly "I'm sure that's not true. We've seen some pretty Terrible things, much worse then them." He reasoned. "Anything on Thanos from Stark and the others?"


“Stark hasn’t returned from space, but no, there’s no updates on him from any of the others.” He shook his head, sinking further into the throne as he glanced at his brother, “And no, those nobles are worse than any of the things we’ve battled combined. The sooner we can get everyone back the better, I don’t like dealing with them when they’re ready to murder me.”


"he's been up there quite a while," Loki mused with sigh "they must be worried for him alongside trying to take down this Thanos." He nodded in agreement "then theyll find it very difficult to kill you. I've been trying for years yet nothing seems to do the job." He shrugged and managed a small smile


He laughed, genuinely laughed for the first time since the snap, “That’s because you just try stabbing me brother, I assure you they’d be much more clever in their attempts.” Thor sighed and shook his head, “I’m worried about Stark just as much as they are. He’s a brilliant mind but blatantly stupid at times. I’m worried that he’s gotten himself into a situation he can’t escape.”


"now i'm just insulted," loki muttered with a small grin. "he'll be fine. If he's smart enough to get himself up there, he can get himself down." he reasured, clasping his hands together behind his back and leaning against the window "He'll escape."


“Hopefully,” He said, looking over at his brother, “Have you heard anything about Avalin? She has to be somewhere, I don’t think that her turning to dust means she’s gone.” Standing up, he walked around the throne room, “Maybe Thanos knows where she is? Maybe he knows what happened to everyone. If we hunt him down, we might find him.”


He turned around and leaned his shoulder against the wall "she's not gone, not permanantly. none of them are." he said, all the determination from before was now gone from his voice, replaced by tiredness. "think its a little strange that he shows up right after everyone turns to dust?"


Thor shrugged, walking over to his brother and looking out the window, “There’s no way the two of them are not related. A giant purple dude and half of all people disappearing? Can’t be a coincidence.”


"Then it won't be a coincident when he dies." loki said, shoving himself off the wall and walking out of the throneroom "I'll be in the library if you need me." he called over his shoulder to his brother


“Killing him isn’t going to be easy,” He called to his brother as he left, “And we still need to ask him if he knows where everyone went before we kill him.” Thor didn’t understand Loki as well as he’d like too, his adopted -but still family- brother had very different plans and ideas. Less..peaceful and more straight to the killing plans.


(ha, loki's the fun one)
"I know, but he will die for what he did." loki muttered, opening the door to the library and pulling out everybook on realm beings, extinct and alive he could find. Spot came in and lied beside him on the floor


(XD I agreeeeee)
Thor sighed and waved the first of the nobles in, deciding to get at least a few of them dealt with before he went to the library. Spot had grown quite a lot since the day on the beach, though he still had his same curious puppy demeanor.


"hi Spot," Loki said to the dog as he sat beside him and opened a book and started to read. He stayed there for hours, researching and taking notes once again until.late in the night


His brother came in after a few hours, clearly tired of the nobles as he collapsed into his usually chair and promptly fell asleep. Thor wasn’t too keen on talking after almost strangling a few of the nobles that were really annoying him.


Loki glanced up at Thor's enterance and watched him as he fell asleep in his normal chair. He smiled softly and waved a hand to conjure a blanket for him. He frowned slightly at seeing the color of his magic, "I need you Avalin, I'm trying to be strong but I can't hold out much longer. I'm resorting back to old ways without you." He sighed softly and set the book down, lightly petting spots head rythmacally.


(Should we time skip to like 4years after the snap? I’m really curious as to how much of his old self Loki would be by then XD)

Thor snored as he slept, the blanket on him but only because he hadn’t kicked it off yet. His face was peaceful for the only time in any part of the day, the stress lines in his forehead still slightly visible.