Ollie couldn't deny the fact that he felt a little sad when Quinn stood slightly further away. He made sure not to let it show, through, still smiling as he led them towards the nearest shopping mall. He knew what is was like to go through this stage of accepting yourself, especially when you suffer from abuse. He was just glad they were still holding hands. Hopefully sometime soon Quinn wouldn't be so scared in public with him.
He shifted nervously, looking at Ollie and relaxing slightly. He was absolutely terrified out in the public. In privacy he could love and support his new boyfriend as much as he wanted without judgement. But in public, he feared the hurtful words and abuse would ensue if he tried to show affection towards Ollie. It was selfish and he knew that but he still feared it.
He gave Quinn's hand a reassuring squeeze, silently trying to convey that he knew and that it was okay and that he didn't care. He understood. He really did. He hummed softly, walking through the doors of the mall, "W-Where'd you wanna go first?"
Quinn smiled at him, looking around the mall and sighing softly. “Shoes maybe? Some clothes? I also need some personal stuff like a toothbrush and deodorant.” He replied softly. He rubbed at his face and groaned. “I also need a phone charger.”
Ollie nodded a little, looking around before noticing a Target, "Wanna try Target first then?" He asked quietly, nodding towards the store.
His eyes wandered to the target. He nodded softly and slowly slipped closer to Ollie, leaning against him and sighing in relief when no one screamed or hit him. “Yes let’s try that first.”
Ollie couldn't help but let his smile widen when Quinn leaned against him. He nodded a little, again giving his hand a squeeze as he led them over.
“Ollie?” He started softly, still looking around nervously. “Could you help me pick out some stuff?”
Ollie looked up at Quinn and nodded, "Of course I can. N-No need to ask." He replied. He walked over to the men's section, starting to shift through the clothes.
He followed him with a soft smile, thankful for the small boy. He wandered around the clothes hanging and pulled a few pairs of pants into his hands. “Thank you, you’re my favorite.”
Ollie giggled softly, blushing, "Y-You're my favourite too." He grabbed a few shirts he thought would fit Quinn, humming as he did so.
The taller male yawned softly, stretching out his arms as he moved to grab a pack of underwear, sighing softly. “Man it sucks having to completely buy new clothes.” He sighed softly and yet smiled over at Ollie.
He giggled again, looking over at Quinn before handing him another few shirts and a new jacket, "I-I like shopping. It's fun." He shrugged, beaming up at him.
Quinn beamed back and took the jacket and shirts, humming happily. “It’s fun when I’m with you. I just wish it was under different circumstances.”
"Me too. B-But hopefully in the future w-we can shop… just for fun." He shrugged, walking round the taller male to go to shoes.
Quinn followed him, looking around for a cart. He hurried to grab one and returned to Ollie, placing the clothes in the cart and humming. “I’m a size ten.” He commented, looking down at his feet.
Ollie hummed in acknowledgement, too busy looking at different types of shoes to form a worded reply. Once he got going when he was shopping their really was no stopping him.
Quinn laughed softly and leaned over to press a gentle kiss to Ollie’s neck. He pulled a couple pairs from the shelf and tried them on, humming or grunting when they fit or didn’t. He sighed softly, looking up at Ollie as he sat down and stretched out his legs. “Shoe shopping is hard.”
The kiss had Ollie blushing madly, and he kept browsing near Quinn until it lessened. He knew it was one of his… well quite frankly many weaknesses, “I-It’s okay. Not my favourite b-but I don’t hate it.”
Quinn pulled a pair of shoes off the shelf and sighed softly as he tried them on. He stood up to walk around. “How about these?”
Ollie looked over his shoulder at him, giving him a once over before he nodded, "They look good." He smiled, going back to the shoes he was looking at.
He hummed and slid them off, placing them in a box. He was going to keep these unless he found ones he liked better. He slipped over to Ollie and looped an arm around his waist. “Whatchu looking for?”
Ollie just shrugged, leaning into Quinn with a soft sigh, “Nothing really. I was just browsing.” He replied quietly.
“Mm it’s fun isn’t it? Shopping. I’ll take you again sometime and I’ll Buy you stuff.” He purred happily, pressing soft kisses to his cheeks.
Those delicious tingles returned and he blushed furiously, “Y-You don’t have t-to.” He whispered.