Scipio nodded again. "He thinks he's powerful, but I can take him easily… we'll have to find a good time to do this. I don't know Luka's schedule very well yet."
Scipio nodded again. "He thinks he's powerful, but I can take him easily… we'll have to find a good time to do this. I don't know Luka's schedule very well yet."
"I…I think he'll come around today," Bridge predicted - and it was a good guess, too.
Scipio spotted Luka approaching and stood, carefully setting Bridge down. Strangely enough, this was actually one of the quiet times for guards as well. "Hello, Luka." Scipio said bitterly, approaching the door.
Luka shut the door behind him, glancing over to Bridge and eyeing the still visible hickey on his neck before turning his attention back to Scipio. "Now which one of us did that?"
"Don't know, bastard. I know what you did." Scipio glared at Luka, hiding the fact that he would soon attack.
"Oh, that? I assumed he told you," Luka responded with a small smirk. "You wouldn't let me have him any other way."
"Can't imagine why I'd be hesitant to let you take him. The guards tried to lie to me, but I'm no fool."
"Funny, I was just about to ask. Nicely this time, Scorpion," Luka said, looking over to Bridge again.
"You can't have him." Scipio stood in front of Bridge, one arm held out in front of the younger boy protectively.
"You said that last time, too," Luka pointed out with a raised eyebrow.
Scipio huffed a bit. "As well as I can fight, it's difficult for one seventeen year old to take on a dozen adults at the same time. Especially when all of those adults are armed with tazers and god knows what else, and I've got nothing but myself and my wits."
"Exactly. I can get them for you if you'd like," Luka said with a smirk, taking a step closer towards Bridge.
"I think I'll take you one on one, thanks." Scipio tackled Luka and pinned his wrists down with his knees, covering Luka's mouth and nose tightly with his hands so he could at least get him to pass out without making any noise.
Luka's eyes widened, but he eventually passed out, sliding to the floor without making so much as a squeak.
Scipio grabbed Luka's keys and key card. "Oh, it's taking a lot of self control to not just snap his neck right now…"
Bridge stood, making his way over to Scipio. "How…how long will he be out for, do you think?"
Scipio shrugged. "Probably ten minutes. Let's get moving." He checked to make sure no guards were coming before walking close to the wall, moving as quickly as he could while making as little possible noise.
Bridge followed in the same manner, walking just as he would when it was late and his father wasn't quite asleep. He made no noise and stayed out of sight, keeping up with Scipio.
Scipio had to knock out one more guard they saw so he wouldn't set off any alarms, but it seemed Scipio had been right about his timing. There were hardly any guards out and about.
Bridge flinched and almost froze whenever he saw or heard a guard, but kept following Scipio, unsure of exactly where they were headed. Out, he knew, but where was that?
Scipio paused every once in a while to examine their surroundings so he knew which way to go. At one point, Scipio decided to knock out a couple guards and took their uniforms so they could walk around freely. He tossed one uniform to Bridge and quickly put on his own, using the hat to cast a shadow over his eyes, making him unrecognizable.
Bridge put on his own uniform - although it was a little big on him, he could still easily run in it. It covered most of what would be easily identifiable - his pale skin, freckles, hair and eyes.
Scipio nodded silently to Bridge and began walking in the center of the hallway, mimicking the gait of the guards. No one seemed to notice them. At one point, the alarms started, which meant that Luka had woken up. All the guards ran off in that direction and Scipio found the door. He scanned Luka's card and slipped outside with Bridge.
Bridge shielded his eyes from the sunlight, continuing to walk after Scipio. It was so…warm and bright out here - things he really never thought he'd feel again. He'd been so used to the cold and darkness of the asylum.
"Clocking out, boys. Y'all have a nice day." Scipio waved to the outside guards with a pretty good fake American accent, and they nodded back in affirmation. They couldn't hear the alarms from out here. Scipio hailed a taxi once they'd gotten out and asked him to take them into the city.
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