forum Oh, It's You Again // O/O // Closed
Started by @bubblegum

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"The electricity may be gone, but I think there is still a spark between us." Scipio smirked a bit, holding Bridge close.
(Tfw he uses a pickup line)


(My man)
Scipio lay his head on Bridge's, smiling softly while people couldn't see him. He still had a reputation of being an angry boi to the guards, so this type of affection was exclusively for Bridge.


((that makes him sound like a chibi lmao))
Bridge kept running a hand through his hair, occasionally winding a bit of it around his finger. Despite all that had happened yesterday, it was still very soft.


(He's an angry boi okay)
"You really like my hair, don't you?" Scipio grinned, patting Bridge's head.


"I'm not sure why it stays that why. I can only take such good care of it in here. Although, I never really got to take care of it as well as I'd have liked when I wasn't in here either…"


"Mm… I'm sure we could come up with something. If Luka shows up I could snap his scrawny little neck; that could be quite fun."


(Scipio: I'm gonna snap someone's neck. Bridge: Aww thanks baby)
Scipio nodded. "If he's got any sense at all, he'll avoid our cell for a few days. I doubt he's stupid enough to not expect me to want him dead."


((I just now realized what a mood that was))
"He…I think he knows it'll take a lot to take me from here in the first place," Bridge told him.


"Indeed. Even when you weren't here, I've been known to fight against the guards. I don't trust them and I don't like them taking me places."


"I know you don't," He said softly, looking up at Scipio with his large, golden eyes. They were a little foggy from lack of sleep, but it wasn't too bad.


"Sleep." Scipio held Bridge gently, but close to himself. What helps people to sleep? Uh… After a moment or two he began softly singing an Italian lullaby he remembered hearing other parents sing to their children.