"I'll be fine, Bridge. I know how to kill people." Scipio patted Bridge's head, smiling softly. "Lead the way."
"I'll be fine, Bridge. I know how to kill people." Scipio patted Bridge's head, smiling softly. "Lead the way."
Bridge returned the smile, standing and reaching for Scipio's hand. He would need it if he wanted to go back to the house.
Scipio took Bridge's hand and followed him to his house, knocking on the door once they arrived.
There was a shuffling sound inside and it opened a couple seconds later to what could only be Bridge's dad. He appeared to be in his late forties or early fifties, with very dark brown hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes - almost the opposite of Bridge himself.
"Hello sir. My name is Scipio. It's come to my attention that you're an asshole. Any questions, or more importantly, last words?"
The man's eyes widened in surprise, taking Scipio in - until he looked to Bridge, and they immediately darkened. "Excuse you? What the fuck are you doing with the brat?"
"I could ask you the same thing." Scipio tackled Bridge's father in the same way that he'd done to Luka. "We're back from the asylum. Wanna know what I was in for?" He leaned close to the man with a dark grin.
Bridge pressed his lips together, shutting the door behind him and locking it. His father, meanwhile, was trying very hard to get the upper hand here, punching him straight in the jaw and standing. "Either go back with that-" He waved a hand in the direction of Bridge- "Fiend, or give him back to me."
Scipio rubbed his jaw. "Yeah, he's mine now. I'm not giving him back. Isn't that right, Bridge?" He secretly readied himself to attack again.
Bridge nodded silently, staying in the corner of the doorway, wanting very much to get as far away from his father as he could. The man in question had raised an eyebrow and taken a couple steps back - probably to try and run to go get a gun - and was looking a little confused and maybe even worried. "He's a piece of shit."
"Just gonna warn you, I don't mind playing dirty." Scipio kneed Bridge's father in the balls so he'd fall over and resumed pinning his wrists with his knees. He started strangling the man, digging his nails into his neck so it would be more painful.
Bridge's father coughed a couple times, wincing and trying to get his hands free. It didn't look like it was going to work - and even if he could speak, he couldn't think of anything helpful.
Once he'd passed out, Scipio sat back on his chest to think. "Hmm… how should I finish him off? I don't really want to get blood on the floor, so this'll have to do…" He carefully placed his hands on Bridge's father's head, getting a good grip before snapping his neck with a sharp movement. "There we go. Is your mother alive or does she need to go too?"
Bridge shook his head. "She's…she's dead. And she…she wasn't that bad anyway."
"Alrighty." Scipio stood up and clapped his hands together once. "Should I just leave him here or toss him in the basement or what?"
Bridge shrugged, stepping a little closer to Scipio. "I…don't really care."
"I'll throw him down the stairs. That could be fun." Scipio started dragging Bridge's father over to the basement stairs. "You're welcome to watch if you'd like."
Bridge shook his head, leaning against the wall and pressing his lips together. "I…you do that."
Scipio shrugged. "Your choice." He stood up Bridge's father and pushed him down the stairs. "Alright. That's done. Wanna make some food?" He made his way over to the kitchen.
((he's such a chaotic neutral))
Bridge nodded. He was rather hungry. "Sure…there's not usually much good."
(Yeah he's just so calm lmao)
Scipio opened the cabinets. "Well, we have chips, bread, and peanut butter. Also beer, but neither of us is drinking age. Guess we're having peanut butter sandwiches and chips." He tossed the stuff onto the counter.
(Scipio: literally murders someone But we shouldn't drink because we're underage)
((lmaoooooo that's funny))
Bridge climbed onto the counter, letting his legs dangle off the edge as he watched Scipio. "There's…I think there's more in his room. He usually has…he always had a couple boxes of takeout."
"Eh, I don't care enough to go up there right now. I'll let you make sandwiches since I'm apparently not supposed to have knives."
Bridge smiled a little, hopping down from the countertop and walking over to Scipio. "You…well, you did fine without them."
Scipio shrugged. "It's nothing. I just know how to kill people, is all."
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