Scipio started yelling something intelligible in Italian as several guards came in. He stood up and put his arms out in front of Bridge defensively.
Scipio started yelling something intelligible in Italian as several guards came in. He stood up and put his arms out in front of Bridge defensively.
Bridge flinched at the sight of so many guards, hands shaking a little from Scipio's warnings.
Two guards grabbed Scipio's arms and restrained him. A third one picked up his legs so he couldn't kick anyone either. All the while, he was screaming furiously at them in Italian and two other guards took Bridge by the arms and dragged him out.
Bridge made a small sound of protest, before shutting his mouth again and following them out - having not much of a choice.
(Tfw you don't have a plan for what they're gonna do with him lol)
Scipio's yelling could be heard down the hallway, but suddenly it was muffled. It seemed they were covering his mouth with their hands.
((Nah lol you're kinda in control of the guards))
Bridge closed his eyes for a couple moments, before opening them again to see where he was going.
(I have no idea why they need him)
The guards dragged Bridge back to the interrogation room. This time, there was a different guard who wasn't Dave. "Kid, we need to know what you did to get here."
((How about they rEwiNd and so they take Bridge to like…another interrogation place and think he's lying about something and hurt him))
(I edited post)
Bridge was surprised by the question - he'd told them before he didn't know. "I…I don't really…know…"
"Kid, you can't lie to us. You're already here; you might as well fess up. If not, we may have to resort to… other measures."
(Bridge: If you hurt me Scipio literally might strangle you)
Bridge looked up at him with fearful eyes. “I don’t…my dad put me here…I don’t know why.” He paused for a moment. “Scipio…he wants to hurt you.”
The guard rolled his eyes. "We're not stupid, kid. Everyone's here for a reason, and Scorpion wants to hurt a lot of people. For the last time, why are you here?"
"I really…don't know," He responded quietly, in what was almost a whisper.
The guard snapped and the two other guards behind Bridge lashed his (Bridge's) shoulders a couple times.
Bridge winced and shut his eyes for a couple seconds, but didn't say or do anything else. He knew he could bear much more than just that without crying out, although he didn't want to have to.
Suddenly, the alarms went off. "Dammit… Ricci must've gotten out. He's quite angry with us for taking you. Scipio threw open the door and punched one of the guards before picking up Bridge bridal style and sprinting out down the hallway. "Ricci! You bring him back this instant! Security!"
Bridge looked up to Scipio in bewilderment, wrapping an arm around him so as not to fall. He had no idea what was going on, except he was with the guards, they'd hurt him, and now he was with Scipio.
Scipio didn't actually seem to know where he was going, but continued running through the halls with the guards chasing him. He didn't intend to escape, but he didn't know how to get back to their cell from here.
"They're…they're going to hurt you," Bridge told him, looking back at the guards anxiously.
"So be it." Scipio kept running, getting slightly out of breath. He found a new hallway and ran down it, leading them to their cell. He ran in and set Bridge down, catching his breath.
Bridge looked around in bewilderment and a little bit of fear, quickly bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his chin on top of his knees.
The guards ran in and grabbed Scipio by the neck, pinning him against the wall. He struggled weakly for a bit before falling limp and passing out, too exhausted to fight back properly.
Bridge's doe eyes widened and he tightened his arms around himself, looking up at them in fear.
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