forum Oh, It's You Again // O/O // Closed
Started by @bubblegum

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Bridge was a little surprised by this reaction - he hadn't expected Scipio to be this protective of him. "I…if you hurt them, they'll kill you."


"Also, I've killed a guard before and I'm still here." Scipio kept yelling at all the guards in Italian.


"I…you told me that." Bridge looked up at him. "It's…they really didn't hurt me that much…it's not that bad."


Scipio was shaking violently from pain and anger by now, his voice fading away painfully. Everything just hurt so much. He slid slowly down the door until he was kneeling in front of it with his head leaning against it.


Bridge sat down next to him, putting an arm around his shoulder. He wasn't sure how to comfort Scipio much, so he slid another hand into his hair gently.


Scipio blinked away pained tears, holding his breath. A couple guards glanced over him, wondering if they'd gone too far.


Bridge looked up at them, silently willing them to leave. He put a soft hand up to this side of Scipio's face, wishing with all his might he could feel at least a little better.


The guards eventually left and Scipio held his face in his hands. "It hurts… s-so much…" He mumbled again. His muscles screamed at him from when he'd been roughly restrained, and his neck was in agony. Not to mention, he had a splitting migraine. "M-Make it stop… please…"


"I…I don't think I can," Bridge told him in worry, shifting a little so one arm was around Scipio, and his other hand was on the side of his face. "I can…I can try."


Scipio was breathing heavily as he leaned against Bridge. He was still shaking uncontrollably. At least the guards had left them alone.


((I feel like you had an idea for where this would go))
Bridge let Scipio lean on him, sighing softly and running a gently thumb down Scipio's cheek.


(You see, I never have any idea what I'm doing XD)
Scipio coughed a bit, watching out the door. "I don't want them to come back…"


((Actually me though lol))
"They won't…not for a while," He reassured, pretty sure what he was saying was true.


"They'll hurt you again…" He coughed harder, holding his chest. "And that hurts everyone involved."


"They won't…they won't come." Bridge didn't want it to go silent again, so he said the first thing that came to his mind. "I'm sorry."


"Like I said before, they'd have dragged you away by force. There wasn't anything you could do."


"Oh." Bridge pressed his lips together, not knowing what he could do to make Scipio feel at least a little bit better.


Scipio patted Bridge's head again tiredly. "Don't be sad for someone like me… save your worries for someone better." He smiled softly.


"There is…there is no one better." Bridge tilted his head at Scipio. "You…you don't hate me. You like me."