"We're leaving you here for now just so Scorpion won't try and get out again, but we'll be back." They let Scipio fall to the floor and left.
"We're leaving you here for now just so Scorpion won't try and get out again, but we'll be back." They let Scipio fall to the floor and left.
Bridge watched them go, waiting until they had left to shakily stand and go to sit next to Scipio, shaking him a little, but to no avail. His shoulders still hurt quite a bit - they stung, bad - but he didn't really care too much about that. "Scipio?" He asked softly.
After a minute or two, Scipio groaned softly, but didn't open his eyes yet.
"Scipio?" He repeated just as quietly, holding a light hand to the side of his face.
Scipio slowly opened his eyes, taking a few seconds for them to focus on Bridge. His hair was quite disheveled from his mistreatment.
Bridge ran a gentle hand through his hair, straightening it and tilting his head. “Are…are you okay?”
Scipio nodded, rubbing at his neck a bit. There were red marks with noticeable fingers from where he'd been choked.
“You don’t…you don’t look okay,” Bridge said in worry, running the hand down to the side of his face again.
Scipio leaned into Bridge's hand weakly. "I'm okay…" His voice was noticeable hoarse, although his accent was still there.
“Okay.” Bridge sat cross-legged, running a gentle thumb along the side of his face.
Scipio drew his knees up to his chest and closed his eyes, sighing softly. Even though he'd done some bad things, it was painfully obvious that he was badly mistreated here.
"I'm…I'm sorry," Bridge mumbled, wrapping another arm around his shoulders. "I…I should've gone sooner. They…they wouldn't have hurt you then."
Scipio shook his head. "It's not your fault… they hurt me because I try to stop them, and I ran out. They thought I was trying to escape." He hid his face, his neck throbbing.
"Oh. Then…" Bridge looked down. "Then I should've stayed. Then…then you couldn't have gone after me."
He shook his head again. "They'd just drag you away…"
Bridge pressed his lips together, eventually looking back up to him. "I'm…I'm sorry."
"Again, it's not your fault…" The mark from being tased was still visible on his neck as well. "Either way, I'm fine, so it doesn't matter…"
"You…you don't look fine." He mumbled quietly.
"Mm…" Scipio didn't really answer. Honestly, no, of course he wasn't fine, but why would he say that?
Bridge fell silent again, his own shoulders still very much hurting, although he tried not to pay attention to them.
"Did they hurt you?"
Bridge looked up at him, debating what to say. If he said yes, Scipio might kill somebody. If he said no…well, Scipio would probably know he was lying.
"A little," He decided quietly, looking down again.
"I'll kill them!" Scipio stood up unsteadily and went over to the door, gripping the bars for support while he yelled something in Italian.
Bridge quickly stood and went after him, resting a hand on his arm. "It's…it's not that bad…" This, of course, was a bit of a lie.
"I don't care. They hurt you. They deserve death."
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