forum Oh, It's You Again // O/O // Closed
Started by @bubblegum

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"I do, but you deserve someone who won't put you in danger like this. Someone who hasn't done bad things."


Bridge was a little surprised by the question, but answered it anyway. "A…a lot of things. You protect me. You're…you're pretty. I like your accent."


"But my personality… How the hell do you get past the fact that I've killed an amount of people even I haven't cared to count?"


Bridge looked to the ground for a moment, and then back to Scipio. "I…I guess I don't think I really care. You were good to me."


He smiled a little bit, surprised and a little happy he was the reason Scipio now blushed so much. "You're blushing again."


Bridge giggled a little, finding Scipio's reactions this amusing. He clearly had never dealt with any of this before.


"Being cute?" Bridge asked, blushing a little. This was the first time Scipio had told him that where he could understand it.


"Oh. Sorry, I…I don't really know how to stop."
((I read that as carne and I was like waiiiit stop being meat??))


"I don't know how to deal with this… I feel ill. My heart is racing, I feel hot, I'm anxious… are you sure this isn't an illness?" He glanced over at Bridge again.