"I do, but you deserve someone who won't put you in danger like this. Someone who hasn't done bad things."
"I do, but you deserve someone who won't put you in danger like this. Someone who hasn't done bad things."
Bridge shook his head a little. "You haven't done anything bad to me. You've…you did good things to me."
"Maybe not to you, but to others. I've… I've done many bad things…" He looked away quietly.
"I know…I know you have." Bridge considered what to say. "But I like you. I…I want to stay."
"Why do you like me?" Scipio glanced over at Bridge, a faint blush appearing on his face.
Bridge was a little surprised by the question, but answered it anyway. "A…a lot of things. You protect me. You're…you're pretty. I like your accent."
"But my personality… How the hell do you get past the fact that I've killed an amount of people even I haven't cared to count?"
Bridge looked to the ground for a moment, and then back to Scipio. "I…I guess I don't think I really care. You were good to me."
Scipio fell silent, blushing harder and turning away a bit to hide it.
He smiled a little bit, surprised and a little happy he was the reason Scipio now blushed so much. "You're blushing again."
"N-No, I'm not…" He turned his head more. Damn this boy…
"Yes you are. You're…you're stuttering too."
Scipio shook his head to avoid speaking and crossed his arms.
Bridge giggled a little, finding Scipio's reactions this amusing. He clearly had never dealt with any of this before.
"I… d-don't laugh at me!" Scipio huffed, avoiding eye contact as usual.
Bridge stopped giggling, his smile still there. "Sorry. It's…I've never seen you like this before."
"Then stop being… being carino…"
"Being cute?" Bridge asked, blushing a little. This was the first time Scipio had told him that where he could understand it.
"Sí…" Scipio nodded and folded his arms tighter.
"Oh. Sorry, I…I don't really know how to stop."
((I read that as carne and I was like waiiiit stop being meat??))
(Lol yes)
"Well, figure it out… I-I can't do this forever."
"Can…can you, though?" Bridge asked, tilting his head.
"I don't know how to deal with this… I feel ill. My heart is racing, I feel hot, I'm anxious… are you sure this isn't an illness?" He glanced over at Bridge again.
"It's not. It's just…" Bridge smiled a little, blushing some as he said it. "A crush."
Scipio seemed confused. "What do you mean?"
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