"Mmm…" Lucas sat down, his eyes vaguely unfocused.
"Mmm…" Lucas sat down, his eyes vaguely unfocused.
Skye came up next to him, "You need sleep"
"I already… slept…" Lucas lay his head on Skye's shoulder, closing his eyes.
Skye hummed, "I know…" he said, pulling him close.
"But I'm so tired… and I dunno why…" Lucas yawned a bit.
Skye hummed, "Wish I knew pal.."
After mumbling incoherently to himself for a few minutes, Lucas managed to fall asleep again.
Skye hummed, pulling the other against his side, before shifting and curling around him in wolf form.
Lucas managed to sleep for an hour or two before waking up again. He realized he was essentially trapped and internally panicked a bit, struggling weakly against Skye's grasp.
Skye had dozed off curled around him, his thick fur serving to keep him warm.
Lucas's heart pounded rapidly in his chest when he figured out that he couldn't escape. His breathing quickened and he continued trying to pull himself free.
Marco came back into the clearing, and noticed the other's distress, noting that Skye was sound asleep.
Lucas finally managed to wrest himself free from Skye and fell backwards over him. He retreated a little ways away, drawing his knees up to his chest and trying to calm himself down.
Marco came over to him, not touching him, "Hey… you okay?"
"I'm fine… I'm fine… it's not your fault, or Skye's, b-but please just don't touch me for a bit…" Lucas hid his face in his knees, hugging them.
Marco nodded, letting him do his thing.
Lucas watched Skye to see if he would stir, but kept his distance from both Marco and Skye for the time being. He'd probably actually panic if someone tried to touch him in this state.
Skye stirred a few moment's later, having noticed Lucas was gone.
He's awake… Lucas glanced nervously up at Marco and retreated back against a tree, trembling slightly.
Marco gave him a look of sympathy, carefully placing a hand on Skye to keep him from doing anything as he shook sleep out of his eyes.
Lucas watched Skye carefully, deciding it would be best to put a forcefield around himself for everyone's sake.
(Sorry, stuff is happening, my sister went to the hospital earlier this morning, I got pulled from school, and now my sisters dad is here and I'm locked (By choice) in my room hiding, cause he actually scares me.)
Skye looked over at him, his eyes filled with concern.
(No problem, hope things get better)
Lucas hugged his knees again, glancing between Marco and Skye and hoping that Marco would explain.
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