forum Isn't It Lovely? // One-On-One // CLOSED
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Deleted user

"This place is…amazing," Elina continued, speechless.
"Thank you. But…you can't stay."
"Why not?"
"I'll hurt you."

Deleted user

"You're my sister, you couldn-"
"Yes! I could! You don't remember, but I almost killed you when we were kids. It was an accident, but I can't go through that."

Deleted user

She turned to him, annoyed. "Look, Rhys. I'm trying to solve my issues the best I can. You can't judge me. You don't have a family."


Rhys blinked once and took a small step back, "Yeah. Because I don't know what it's like to loose them and I totally don't want to watch the same thing happen to someone else."

Deleted user

"Um…Who are you talking to?" Elina asked. Kallista suddenly remembered that she was there.
"Um, you can't see him. It's…weird."

Deleted user

"Kallista, come back to Laveria."
"I can't, Elina. Do you think I would be here if I wanted to be there? I ran for a reason. I don't want to be Queen. You'll be better than me."

Deleted user

"What? No!" Elina yelled. "Kallista, I need you!"
"Right now I need to be alone," She fired back, turning away. "I'll…I'll come back when I'm ready."


"Calm yourself, Kallista… you powers react to emotions, too. If you keep this up you might hurt her and I know you don't want that."

Deleted user

"I am trying to be calm, Rhys," She said, slowly starting to walk up the stairs. She hoped that Elina didn't follow her, she couldn't handle anything more.

Deleted user

"You're not really helping!" She hisses at him.
"Kallista, please!" Elina yelled. "Come back!"
"I will when I'm ready!"

Deleted user

"Look I just…I need time to myself," Kallista said to Elina. "I don't expect you to understand, but right now I just need to focus on myself. Laveria will do just fine without me until then."

Deleted user

"But I need you!"
"No! You don't! You survived perfectly fine without me for years."

Deleted user

She turned to look at him, sadness in her eyes. "How could you help me? No one can see you. They'd think I was crazy. The monster Queen who talks to herself, that's what they would say." She turned back to Elina. "Elina, I love you. I really do. But I need time to myself. If you were in my situation, I would do the same. Please, just…just go back to Laveria."

Deleted user

Kallista didn't respond. She turned around, walking away from Elina. She breathed a soft sigh of relief as she heard the door close, signalling that her sister had left the castle.


Rhys leaned against one of the walls and then sunk down to the floor with a sigh. He didn't say anything and just started to create snowflakes.