"I'm sure you can still have your freedom. You're Queen, right? Doesn't that mean you can do whatever you want?" Rhys raised a brow, resting his head in his hand.
"I'm sure you can still have your freedom. You're Queen, right? Doesn't that mean you can do whatever you want?" Rhys raised a brow, resting his head in his hand.
"Maybe then. But not now. I'm a monster. They all said that. I could've stayed and been Queen, but it would've been the same as it was before. Stuck in the castle all the time to avoid the stares and the whispers of Monster, she's a monster, the Queen's a monster."
"You're not a monster. You're different and there's nothing wrong with that. Your powers can be used for good, you just have to show them that there is nothing to be feared. Convince them you're not a monster and then you don't have to hide away in a castle all the time."
"And what makes you think that I can do that? People don't just change overnight. How can I convince them that I'm not a monster when every inch of my being tells me that I am?"
"You learn to control your powers, then you show everyone how beautiful it is and that you can protect them. Show them that your powers aren't a bad thing."
"If they really cared, don't you think they'd be hiking up this mountain to take me back? If they really cared, they would have accepted me as the person I am and not made me feel like the monster I am."
“Maybe if you hadn’t hid away from the world your entire life they would accept you and you wouldn’t be so scared. Look, people take time to accept something knew. And… you’re something knew to them. Give them time.”
"I didn't want to hide away. But my parents put in my head that I needed to so that no one got hurt. So that my sister didn't get hurt. And that made me follow what they said. Because I didn't want to hurt Elina. I don't want to hurt her."
"Then get your powers under control," Rhys groaned, moving to stand beside her, "Get control of your powers, work through whatever it is your going through, go back and prove everyone wrong!"
"Then tell me how I can do that!" Kallista yelled, whipping to look at him. "Tell me how I can accept my powers and not think I'm a monster! Because right now I don't know how to do that!"
"Let me help! I've been in your position, I know what it's like," He said calmly, knowing getting angry himself wouldn't help the situation, "Please, Kallista. Let me show you the beauty in what you can do."
She hesitated, looking into his eyes and searching for any signs of betrayal or ulterior motives. "I…I…Call me Lista," She said, giving him the nickname that Elina called her. It didn't seem like much, but it was to her.
Rhys smiled down at her, "First lesson, Lista, never, ever doubt what you're capable of. If you want to do something, you can, you just have to believe in yourself."
She took a deep breath, inhaling and then exhaling. "Where do I start?" She asked, calming herself down.
"Show me what you can already do, besides making dresses and ginormous ice castles, that is." He replied with a chuckle.
She looked down at her hands then back at Rys. "But…what do I make? I don't know what I can do."
"Hm… try a snowman. A simple, snowman." He suggested, shrugging.
Kallista took a deep breath, concentrating. She shot ice down to the ground in the efforts of creating a snowman, closing her eyes so that she didn't have to see her fail in action.
Rhys walked up behind Kallista, resting one hand on her outstretched arm and the other on her waist, “Open your eyes.” He instructed quietly.
A slight shiver went through her body at his touch, but whether it was a good or bad shiver was indiscernible for her. She slowly opened her eyelids, scared of what she was going to see.
“This time when you try,” He started, “Watch. It makes it easier for you to crate something magnificent. Be gentle wi5 your movements.”
"But, what if I fail?" She asked. "I don't trust myself enough yet. Not to watch myself fail. Or do it. I don't have the courage."
“Do you want to watch me first and then copy? Maybe that will be easier so instead of going in blind, you’re following steps?” He asked gently.
She thought about it. "Um…Yeah," She replied. "That would really help me. Maybe if I saw you do it I would be more confident in my own powers."
“Okay, watch closely.” Rhys extended his own arm next to hers, directing it on the snow bellow. Slowly, it started to turn into the shape of a snowman, twigs going into place for arms and so on. A moment later, a small snowman stood looking up at them.
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