(That sounds nice. It’s so great to have a relaxing weekend, isn’t it?)
Ava’s eyes are glued to the screen the entire time. She knows every single line by heart. Musicals are her guilty pleasure and she watches them as often as possible. When the musical ends and the credits roll, she sighs contently, a happy smile on her face.
(So wonderful. How's your weekend going?)
Cameron had turned back to watch the musical, humming softly with a few songs he recognized. He wasn't so in-tune with drama and musicals like Ava clearly was, but he did know a few songs from his sisters. He turned to look at her beaming profile, and he himself smiled.
"Enjoy it?"
(It’s been wonderfully lazy, thanks for asking)
Ava looks over to him, unable to keep the smile off of her face. “It’s not bad for a musical,” She tells him, trying and failing to keep up her fake disinterest in musicals. It’s nice to be this relaxed. Being on edge all of the time is stressful and it gets old. “Did you like it?” She asks, arching a brow. Wicked is one of her favorites, because of both the interesting plot and the wonderful songs.
(Awesome. I'm glad.)
Cameron nodded intently and took the last bit of popcorn for himself, crunching on it and stretching out a bit.
"It's pretty good! I liked it." He grinned at her, chuckling. "If you wanna watch more, I'm all for it. Go ahead."
(Yeah, it’s been really nice)
Ava considers this for a moment before pulling out her phone and working on getting the stupid thing connected to the TV. A rather grainy video soon pops up on the screen. Her face flushes a little when her younger self steps out onto the stage. “Into The Woods. I played Cinderella,” She mutters a brief explanation.
(Eya I'm working on a response, sorry for the long wait.)
(It’s fine. I just wanted to see if you were okay)
(Aw thank you for worrying, Yes, I'm okay. Just busy and stressed. ^-^)
(Sorry to hear that you’re so stressed. I hope that things get more relaxed for you :) )
(Ty ^-^)
Cameron rose his eyebrows slightly but didn't comment on it. He was a noble man, he wasn't about to go back on his word on not saying anything. He'd just sit through it with her and try not to explode in laughter.
"Lead role, huh? Good for you."
(Of course :) )
Ava glances over to him and just sighs a little. All she can do now is hope that she won’t live to regret showing him this. She turns her attention back to the screen, her nose wrinkling in disdain as she watches. Her younger self, however, is having the time of her life. With all of her lines delivered with great emotion and every song performed wonderfully, it’s clear that she feels at home on the stage.
Cameron watched without emotion on his fine features, and he could admit he was secretly enjoying the show. He enjoyed glancing over at her dismayed expression, comparing it to the absolutely blissful one on the screen, past the grainineed of the quality. Once it was over, Cameron sighed softly with a little hum.
Ava visibly relaxed when the show ends and the TV screen turns black. Once more, she glances over to Cameron. At least he’s keeping true to his words and keeping his comments to himself. “I suppose that it was.” She allows with a quiet sigh. Anyone who sees her now would never guess that she used to be a huge theater geek. She’ll never admit it but she acted in every production her schools put on and she loved it.
Cameron ran his hand through his hair and stretched out with a wide yawn. "Well, this was really nice. But it's gotten really late. Maybe we should drag some sheets down here off my bed and tuck in for the night." He crawled across the tent and pulled down the blankets remaining on his bed, handing her one.
"Don't ruin that, I like that one." He snuggled up into the second one he got, carefully setting his head down on a fluffy dog tummy.
Ava nods her head in agreement. It probably is for the best that they get some sleep. She wiggles out of her jeans and pulls off her sweater, setting them aside. This leaves her in her underwear and tank top. She’s still covered so it shouldn’t make anything awkward. She takes the blanket from him and spends a minute getting comfortable before she snuggles up under the blanket. “I’m not going to ruin it,” She snorts, shaking her head. After stretching out like a cat, she loosely curls up. “Goodnight, Cameron.”
Cameron was already wearing a comfortable loose sweater and sweatpants, and he stretched his long legs out before yawning wide again.
"Good night, Ava."
As she relaxed in his blanket, it was obvious it was his blanket. It smelled rather faintly of Cameron, and a little less of the laundry detergent they used.
Ava snuggles up with the blanket, already almost asleep. Something about the blanket is familiar but she can’t pinpoint what in her sleepy state. Whatever it is, she’s finding herself becoming fond of it already. She makes a mental note to steal it from Cameron before she falls asleep.
(Yep! Next morning or what?)
(Yeah next morning sounds good ^-^)
(Do you want to start or should I?)
(Could you, please? Thank you.)
Rays of sunlight filter through the window blinds and sun brightly into the room. Ava stirs around a little before flipping over to her other side to avoid getting the light in her eyes. Reaching out, she feels something next to her. Assuming that it’s Kreja, she snuggles up to him with a quiet sigh. Comfortable once again, she falls completely asleep again.
Cameron was still snoozing deeply on the doggy pillow at his head. Lily had not yet moved out from under him, and an arm was around Kreja's shoulders. He didn't feel Ava moving up to his chest and just stayed in his deep concussion-like sleep, that he actuall slept in often.