"Says the one who let a spoon slip into a bowl while she wasn't looking. Come on, that's the easiest thing to not allow to happen, Ava." He chuckled with a roll of his eyes. "Plus, you're an assassiness, you have to pay attention. I can understand cooking but really…"
“It was one time! I haven’t done it again.” She laughs, flipping him off in a joking way. “I’m not dead, am I? Clearly I pay attention to some degree.” She leans up against the kitchen counter, watching him. “I’m cursed and you aren’t going to convince me otherwise. Just give it up.” She tells him dramatically.
"No, you're not cursed," Cameron responded stubbornly with a shake of his head at her as she leaned up against the counter next to him. "You just don't have a care in the world whether you die. You're just lucky you haven't, yet." He looked down at Lily, who had barked softly for more attention. He booped her nose.
Never in a million years would she admit it but Cameron is right. She doesn’t care if she lives or dies. However, he is wrong about one thing. She did technically die in Russia and the world thinks that she’s dead now. “I am dead, Cameron,” Ava scowls a little at him. “Feel free to go visit my grave.” She finally sets Kreja down on the ground. “I am definitely cursed. That’s how I broke the toaster.”
Cameron sighed and shook his head at her. "I'm not going to visit your grave, while I'm already looking at it," He muttered, pointing at her. "No, you just got a bit of bread stuck in the toaster, and it caught the entire thing on fire. That's a skill, Ava." He tried to lighten up the mood from the suddely grim situation.
Lily looked to Kreja and snuffled his ears, licking them gently.
Ava looks at him, unimpressed. When he tries to lighten the mood she sighs. It’s better to just keep joking around. “I’m very talented, Cameron,” She jokes back half-heartedly. “Have I ever told you that I can juggle?” It’s a random and weird fact about herself but it might distract him from how serious things just got.
Kreja sloppily licks Lily’s cheek, he tail wagging happily.
"No, actually, you haven't," He sounded somewhat impressed. "I could grab a fww tennis balls from the backyard you could use if you wanna show me?"
Lily barked happily, her tail wagging in the same fashion as his as she distributed another kiss to his ears and nose.
“If you want me to show you then I will,” She tells him with a slight nod. “I should warn you, it’s been a few years since I’ve done it so I may drop a tennis ball the first time I try.”
Kreja nuzzles Lily’s neck, clearly delighted to be in her company. He grabs a chew toy from the floor and offers it to her.
"How about we do it after breakfast? It'll give us something to do, other than sit around and watch movies." He glanced at the pot of coffee, which was slowly filling up. He willed it to fill faster.
Lily barked softly and accepted the toy carefully, immedately posing down into a play position. She dropped it at his feet and ran to the living room.
“After breakfast works.” She agrees without arguing. “I love watching movies but I’m going to die if I have to stay in this house for much longer.” Her stamens is a bit dramatic but she does have a lot of pent up energy. “Maybe we should go shopping. We need a new coffee maker. This thing is too slow.” The situation is desperate if she’s suggesting shopping.
Kreja’s entire body wiggles as he wags his tail. Grabbing the toy again, he takes off after her. His bark is muffled due to the toy but it’s clear that he’s excited.
Cameron grunted in agreement to her statement, eyeballing her at her suggestion.
"Are you sure you want to go shopping? I've almost never heard you ask me such a thing. But alright, Ava, there's a nice appliances store in the mall in town square we can go to."
Lily met him in the living room, near the couch where she was waiting for him, laying down a little as if trying to hide. However, she gave herself away with thumps of her tail at his appearance.
“Hell no, I don’t want to go shopping. I wouldn’t suggest it if it weren’t necessary. We need a new coffee maker badly. Waiting like ten minutes for a cup is ridiculous and I’ll end up killing someone because of it,” Ava tells him before shooting a disgusted look at the coffee maker. She wrinkles her nose at the mention of a mall but she knows that it’s their best bet.
Kreja’s ears perk up when he hears the thumping. Tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, he looks for Lily. The second that he spots her he barks loudly and pounces.
"Then I could just go down. You could stay here with the dogs and play with them outside or something?" He suggested gently, though his real reason was to protect her from being found out and alive. "I'm sure you will. It's the coffeemaker you got, after all," He joked with a soft laugh.
Lily barked on response, wrestling with him for the toy and coming out victorious. She snagged the toy and ran across the room, wagging her tail and ducking into play position again.
Ava shakes her head. “No, I’ll come with you. If I let you do this by yourself who knows what you’ll come back with.” Staring at him, she tries to figure out what he’s thinking. “If you don’t want me to come with you, say it.”
Kreja stands there in defeat for a moment before scurrying after her. Grabbing ahold of one half of the toy, he tugs at it.
"Nah, I'm not saying that. If you hate it then I can just go get a blender. It's my money I'm spending, it's not like I'm gonna come back with an entire stove." He chuckled and shook his head, turning around to pour two cups of coffee for them.
Lily tugged back after straightening up to start a tug-o-war. She growled playfully, shaking her head to try and dislodge him.
“I would not put it past you to come back with an entire stove,” Ave jokes a little before fighting. “Come on, what is it?” She asks, not believing that he wants to go alone just because she hates it. Sure, it would be a sweet gesture but she’s always been suspicious as hell and that’s not going to change now.
Kreja refuses to let go. He viciously shakes his head right back. It’s hard to get a grip on the floor but he tries his best so that he can start to move backwards.
"It's not anything. I just don't want you to be unhappy, Ava," He said with an inkling of truth in the words. "What creamer would you like?" He turned to the fridge, looking alomg the creamers they had.
Lily pulled back. She was a bit of a bigger dog, so she was able to tug Kreja back to his original starting place with a jerk of her head. She growled again, her tail slowimg down as she concentrated on the war.
Ava frowns, not sure how she should take that. “Do we have any of that dark chocolate creamer left?” She asks, deciding to drop the subject. For now. “Be careful you two,” She tells the dogs light when her leg gets knocked into.
Kreja growls and shakes his head again. When Lily pulls him forward, he knocks into his owner’s leg a little. Undeterred, he pulls at the toy as hard as he possibly can.
"Yep!" He pulled out the container of her choice and grabbed the half-and-half cream for himself. He set them down and started dressing his coffee, humming softly into the silence between them.
However, the silence between them was broken by a loud growl from Lily as she jerked Kreja right back. She was not messing around.
She smiles brightly and takes the creamer. After pouring way more than a normal amount of creamer into the coffee, she stirs it all up. “Perfect,” She hums after taking a sip of the sugary coffee. Upon hearing the growl, she turns around. Things are getting much too serious with the dogs.
Kreja’s fur bristles a little when Lily growls at him. He refuses to let go. With a growl, he jerks the toy back towards him.
Cameron finished up with his own coffee, glancing down at Lily before he could take a sip. He reached down and yanked the toy from them both, but only ended up in a three-way tug-o-war.
Lily wasn't bowing down to either of them, either. She tugged hard on them both, ignoring Cameron's order for her to let go.
Ava, realizing that this isn’t getting anywhere, steps over to Kreja and grabs him with one hand, using the other to pry his mouth open. It takes a bit of wrestling with him but she manages to get him to release the toy.
Kreja chomps down on the toy when Cameron tries to grab it from them. He manages to hang onto to it for several more opens before his mouth is forced open and he’s dragged away from Lily and the toy.
Cameron opened Lily's jaw with a hand and gently took the toy, letting her go and setting the toy up high.
"You guys… you guys are getting all pent up over a game," Cameron scolded Lily, shaking his head. The dog's excitement returned, however, and she trotted back over to Kreja to give him a few kisses on the ear.
Ava shakes her head at the dogs. “I’m disappointed, Kreja. You know better than to behave that way, especially over a toy,” She scolds him.
Kreja light snow out a low whine and ducks his head, knowing that he had done wrong. When Lily comes over, he apologizes to her by shuffling her ear and licking her cheek.
Cameron sighed at the dogs and lifted up his cup of coffee. Lily accepted his apology and trotted off to the living room, after another kiss for his cheek. Her tail wagged idly as she trotted up to the couch and lept up on it, getting comfy.