“Come on, I’m not going to break it,” Ava scowls but she drops her hands to her side. “Have some faith in me, Cam.” In all fairness, he probably shouldn’t trust her, she really does have a bad habit of breaking things. “Where are the coffee pods? Or the coffee beans? What do we even use?”
"You might, and I don't want to risk that. Whatever we break, we buy broken. And I don't want that," He scolded lightly, like a mother to a misbehaved child. "Anyway, this one's coffee, tea, and hot chocolate pods. Hand me a tea pod, and whichever one you want, as well as cups. They should be behind here or below it…" He seemed to be reading this all on a card attached to the machine.
Groaning, she shakes her head at him. This is ridiculous. She mutters a few choice words under her breath before gathering two tea pods and two cups, handing them to him. “You’ll notice that despite the fact that I touched them, I didn’t break them,” She says with a cheeky grin.
"Psh. Whatever spoon girl," Cameron joked back with a wry grin of his own as he stuck a cup under the despenser thing. He popped in one of the tea pods and shut it, pressing the 'brew tea' option and how much he wanted. Almost a few moments later, it dispensed it, buzzing as the brown liquid traveled down.
“One time. I break the microwave one time. You really need to let that go.” Ava laughs, shaking her head. Turning her attention to the coffee maker, she watches it quietly. “Well, it appears to work.” That’s all they need, right? As long as it works, that’s all that matters.
Cameron ignored her, watching the tea get dispensed with a grin until her second statement. "It seems to work?" He asks, his eyebrows shooting right up as he rounded on her.
"No shit it works, Ava." He reached over her head and grabbed a bag of sugar, honey, and a creamer for her.
“What? Our priority is that it works and it works fast, right?” Ava flips him off for being a smartass. “I was merely making an observation about a coffee maker that we are considering purchasing.” Glancing back over to him, she spots that he’s gathered up everything that she usually puts in her tea. Now that she actually thinks about it, he knows exactly how she takes her coffee and her tea. It might be small for most people but for her, this means a lot.
Cameron just rolled his eyes at her as he started preparing her tea in the way she liked it, picking it up carefully and handing it over.
"There. Tell me if you want more or anything." He grabbed a cup for himself and the machine dispensed some tea for him. He made it in the way he always, always made tea. He loved tea.
“Thank you,” Ava says, accepting the cup from him. She takes a moment to take in the delicious aroma while it cools. It smells heavenly. She prefers coffee but over the past few months, she’s developed a strong liking to tea. Taking a sip, she discovers that it’s exactly how she likes it. “Perfect,” She murmurs to herself.
Cameron stirred in some honey before lifting it and taking a chug, enjoying the burn of it on the roof of his mouth and his tongue. It felt wonderful, to taste immedate tea and not have to wait for a kettle.
"This is great," He hummed to her, turning to smile at her.
"Yeah, it is," Ava agrees, nodding her head. "This is so much better than having to wait for the kettle." She studies the machine, considering it. "Do you think that we should just get this one? It works well and it's easy to use." If they get it then this will be the best shopping trip ever. Quick and easy.
"Hm… let's look around at our other options. I like this one, though." He finished off his small portion of tea and tossed it into a small trash can. He meandered around the store, trying out other machines with soft hums.
She nods and disposes of her trash. She doesn’t really know what to look for and she’s been banned from touching anything so she merely follows after him. All of the machines start to look the same after awhile.
"Let's just get the first one," Cameron decided after a bit of looking around. "Then we can grab something to eat for breakfast." He led her to the front and talked to the person there, and after a while, walked out of the store with a new, boxed machine in a bag.
“I love you!” Ava exclaims when he finally decides to just go with the first machine. That means that they can finally get out of here. She waits as patiently as she can while the person gets their purchase ready. With more pep in her step than earlier, she exits the store.
Cameron chuckled at her enthusiasm and beckoned her to follow him up to the food courts. Now that it was around ten-thirty, the mall was beginning to fill up with shoppimg patrons.
"Alright, where do you wanna eat?"
Ava eagerly follows after him, relieved that they’re done. She’s not a fan of the mall getting crowded but she’ll live. “Is there a place here with something sugary and sweet?” She asks, looking around.
"Dunno. I bet we could just order you something from an ice cream place as I actually get some sustenance," He joked, nudging her with a shoulder when she caught up with him. "Sound good?"
“That sounds great,” She agrees at once, nodding. She has a horrible sweet tooth so she’s more than happy to eat sugary foods at any time of the day.
Cameron started a line of trotting around the food court, humming softly. He was able to move through people quite easily for being so tall and muscular, so he quickly cleared a path through to an ice cream-place.
"Alright, get what you want, I'll pay."
Ava pushes past several people, annoyed that Cameron is able to get past them with ease due to his height. When she finally catches up with him in line, she huffs a little. Stupid crowds. “I can pay for myself,” She tells him, not wanting him to have to pay.
Cameron waved his hand at her when she told him she could pay. "Come on, just this once. I already have my card out and everything." He rose his second hand, which had his card curled neatly up between his fingers.
Ava twists the rings on her fingers as she studies him. They’re getting closer to the front of the line and she doesn’t want to still be debating with him when it’s time to order. “Fine,” She reluctantly allows. “Just this one time.” The next time she’ll pay for herself and for him.
Cameron chuckled meekly and looked up. "Finally, I've made you agree to something. Alright, what do you want?" He wasn't planning on ordering anything before, but now as he looked up at the menu and stuff there, he grew hungry for it. He spotted his favorite thing on the menu, an ice cream based off of his favorite candy, and sighed. It was extremely inappropriate for the morning, but he didn't care.
“Don’t get used to me agreeing this easily,” Ava warns teasingly. Glancing up at the menu, she studies it to see what all they have. It’s a good sized list but her favorite flavor isn’t on it. “I’ll get the coffee ice cream,” She decides after a few moments of consideration. “That makes it more acceptable for breakfast, right?”