forum We All Get a Serial Killer (O/O)
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Ava climbs into the car and buckles up, ready to get going. The heat isn't on high enough for her taste but she doesn't feel like complaining. "You're limping," She puts her observation bluntly. There's no reason to beat around the bush with this.

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Cameron made sure the heat was at least on before looking around to move the car. He didn't flinch at her question; he was used to her bluntness.
"I suppose I am," He murmured back as he backed out of his spot.


Ava stares at him. "Why? Is it the cold or an old injury?" She needs more information than him just confirming that he has a limp. If this is something that going to affect his performance on missions then she needs to know. Their lives are on the line constantly so she needs to trust him and his ability not to get them killed.

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"Both," He answered vaugley. "Don't worry. I'll be fine soon. It just acts up sometimes. It won't affect my performance or anything, if that's what you're worried about." He started driving forward, thrumming his fingers on the wheel as he relaxed back into the warm seat.


"Don't worry? You've got to be fucking kidding me." Her stare quickly turns to a glare. "Cameron, you're hurt and that means that I'm going to worry. Having a bad knee or leg or whatever is dangerous in our line of work." Drumming her fingers on her legs, she tries not too reach over and hit him. "You should have told me about this. I don't want anything to happen to you."

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"I'm not hurt. My leg just acts up in the winter. I'm telling you to don't fucking worry, so that's what you'll do," He growled firmly, knowing he'd be fine in a couple days. He wasn't even sure they had enother hit this week. No, he knew they didn't. "Unless you got a hit for the both of us, you don't need to worry."


"Oh, I know that you're out of your fucking mind if you're giving me orders," She snaps, her hands curling into fists. Does he honestly think she's going to listen to him? "I actually do have a hit for the both of us but since you're acting like a child I'm going to handle it alone." Taking down a mob boss is something she can do on her own. Backup is always nice but it's not necessary.

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"No, you're not handling it alone. If it's a big enough hit that you needed support, I'm going." He sped up along the road, glancing at her once. It wasn't his fault pain made him irritable. He was sure she was the same way
"Sorry I gave you orders," He finally huffed after a few moments of silence.


"You can't go with that bad leg, you'll put us both in danger," She says firmly, crossing her arms. "I died once and it wasn't a pleasant experience so I'm not eager to repeat it." Sighing, she leans her head back against the chair. Glancing over to him, she bites her inner cheek. "Sorry I called you a child."

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"I have things to help. I'm not totally unprepared, but I would have appreciated a heads up so I could get ready and stretch this out. When is the hit?" He glanced at her again, also leaning back when he realized he was sitting forward again. His hands tightened and untightened on the wheel and he looked back at the road.


"It may or may not be tonight." She likes to have at least a few days to prepare but this came up suddenly and it's not an opportunity that she's willing to pass up on. "You know that gang that the cops have been having trouble with? The K.O.K? Well, their leader is a massive asshole. He's going to be in town for a few hours tonight."

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"Tonight? Christ…. alright. I'll be ready by tonight, hopefully." He sighed and listened, nodding along. It was a very good chance to help eliminate a very large problem their town was facing. Of course, they would have to try and take out as many grunts under the leader, too. "It's a good chance to pick off others, too," He voiced his thoughts to her, thrumming his fingers again.


"I wasn't thrilled about the short notice either but we have to take what we can get with this guy." From what she knows so far, this man is an elusive pain in the ass. Taking him out will make their lives much easier. "Definitely. We wouldn't want one of his follows to take his death as an opportunity to replace him. If we can kill enough of these guys then we might be able to destroy this group."

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Cameron nodder along with her, turning into their neighborhood and squinting through the snow to make sure he was at the right place.
"I think we could do it." He glanced at her once and pulled into his driveway with a sigh.


"Are you sure that you're going to be up for this?" Ava asks, glancing over to him. "I can do this by myself." It'll be a pain but she can manage it. She's concerned that his knee is going to screw things up and cause one of them to be injured or killed.

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"Yes, I'm absolutely sure. I won't leave you to do anything this dangerous, that might risk you getting outed as not dead." He stopped the car and opened the door. "Besides, if they get their hands on you and mistreat you, I'm gonna have to be the one to beat the shit out of them." He grinned past the slight pain that came along with the rush of cold and stood out of his car.


Ava sighs softly before climbing out of the car. "While I appreciate the sentiment, I would beat the shit out of them myself," She chuckles lightly. Pulling the jacket closer around her, she starts shuffling towards the house. "Oh! I got a new set of throwing knives last week, do you want to use some of them on the mission?" She asks, having almost forgotten about the knives.

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Cameron pulled his house key from the jingling set of keys waggling around. "Knives? Hmm. Sounds interesting but risky. I like it. We'd have to use gloves though, to keep our identities safe." He unlocked the house and pushed his way in, kicking off his snowy boots.


"They're amazing," Ava comments, pleased with her new toys. "I still have my outfit. It has gloves and a mask," She points out. She's kept her black and red leather outfit from her days with her father's gang. It fits her perfectly and she always uses it on missions.

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"Hm. I suppose it slipped my mind." He limped to the kitchen and set down the coffeemaker. "Anyway, I'll be downstairs in the basement if you need me." He crossed the kitchen, jogged upstairs and grabbed a few things, before hesding downstairs into his basement to get started on taking thr measures to stop the aches that as prescribed by his doctor.


“I’ll put your jacket on your bed,” She says with a slight nod. Peeling off the two jackets and the gloves that she’s wearing, she takes a deep breath. The house is so much warmer than the car. “Kreja!” She calls out as she heads up the stairs. The dog comes barreling down the hall, barking excitedly.

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Lily barked softly as Kreja barelled away from her, uncurling from her spot on the couch and wandering after the second dog, her tail wagging a couple times. She approached the human and stuck her nose near her leg, sniffing her, then turning and administering a couple kisses to Kreja's ear.


Ava smiles softly and kneels down when she sees the dogs. “Hello, babies,” She murmurs, giving them both some pets. “What did you two do while we were gone? Did you have nap time?”
Kreja covers his owner’s hands with kisses before he turns and shuffles at Lily’s cheek. He woofs quietly, talking wagging like crazy.