Ava nestles her head up against Cameron’s chest as she sleeps. After a few more minutes, her internal alarm clock goes off and alerts her that it’s time to get up. She protests and cuddles up with Kreja more. It’s too late. She’s awake now. With a few words sleepily mumbled under her breath, she forces herself to open her eyes.
Cameron stirred faintly when he heard her mumbling, knitting his eyebrows together and moving next to her slightly. Lily barked softly at Cameron as he moved, licking his ears. He gently set a hand on her muzzle, pushing her away and finally opening his eyes.
Ava blinks in surprise when she realizes that it's not Kreja that she's cuddling. With a blush creeping onto her face, she quickly moves away from him. Even though she's tangled up in the blanket, she manages to get away. Maybe he didn't notice. She is definitely hoping that he didn't.
He sat up with a yawn, making Lily move towards him with another soft bark. He looked around, sleepily wondering what was snuggling him earlier. The dogs weren't at his chest, after all. He shrugged it off, yawning one more time before crawling out of his blankets.
Ava pulls the blanket off of herself and looks around, finally spotting Kreja. The dog is completely buried under a mountain of pillows and blankets. She crawls over to him on her hands and knees, an amused look on her face. "Good morning, you ham." She smiles, lifting up one of the pillows so she can kiss his muzzle.
Lily moved out from next to Kreja and where she was snuggling with him, crawling over to Cameron and licking his tired face more. The man spluttered and pushed his dog away gently, whose tail thumped rapidly on the floor. She popped her mouth open in a smile that Kreja often wore, her tail wagging.
Kreja's head pops up and he barks quietly, his wagging tail thumping against the pillows. He reaches out and covers his owners face with excited licks. When Lily decides to ditch him for Cameron, he let's out a pathetic whine. "Oh, don't be so dramatic. You'll get your buddy back in a minute." Ava laughs as she hugs her sweet pup.
Lily whined back and wiggled back over to Kreja, shoving her nose under his tummy and laying back down.
Cameron chuckled softly and scooted over to join the dogs and Ava. He stretched out a little before grabbing Lily into a hug, sitting her up against his chest and snuggling her. She borked in shock but wagged her tail anyway, licking his face.
"Good morning," Ava yawns, looking over to Cameron with a sleepily smile. She buries her face in Kreja's soft fur. This earns her several licks to the face. "Quit that, you big goof." She laughs, gently pushing his muzzle away. This only encourages him. The dog stands up, shakes out his fur, and then climbs onto her lap. He places his paws on her shoulder and barks quietly, tail wagging.
Cameron looked up from snuggling the dog in his arms to Ava and Kreja to see what they were doing. He grinned at Kreja's hug to his owner, but Lily just realized his attention wasn't on her anymore. She barked at him softly, sitting up a little in his arms with her legs kicking slightly.
Ava presses a kiss to Kreja’s nose before flipping him over and adjusting him in her arms so that she’s cradling him like a baby. The big dog barks happily and reaches up to lick her chin. “Do you think we spoil our dogs?” She asks with a laugh when he notices that Kreja isn’t the only ball of fluff demanding attention.
Cameron finally turned back down to face his dog, who barked softly again with a few licks to his face. He chuckled and kissed her nose, which she promptly sneezed afterwards. He laughed.
"Oh, yes. I've been spoiling Lily since I got her."
“The two of you always look like you belong in some sappy man’s best friend kinda movie,” Ava tells him with a grin. The feeling of Kreja’s paw on her chin grabs her attention. “Yes, yes, I see you.” She covers his face with kisses. “You’re just a big furry baby, aren’t you?”
"It's cus I love my Lily, yes I do," He cooed to her, making her tail thump rapidly on the blankets below her thick tail. He chuckled and suggled her, laying down with her like that. He yawned, but she didn't seem too tired. She turned her face up to him to watch him yawn, then when he stopped, he got a lick on the nose.
A genuine smile tugs at her lips when she sees just how adorable the two of them are laying like that. Pulling out her phone, she subtly snaps a picture before taking the phone away again. She has no idea what she’s going to do with the picture or why she even took it. Shaking her head, she pulls herself out of her thoughts. “I don’t know about you but I need some coffee.”
Cameron glanced back at her when she started talking, yawning faintly and sitting up again.
"Right, coffee. I guess we can go downstairs and make some." He carefully let Lily go, who remained seated somehow.
"What are you doing, my Lily?" He cooed softly to her as she slowly laid back down on all fours.
“It looks like you might not have a chance on whether you go or not.” Ava grins when she sees how stubborn Lily is being. “I’ll go make the coffee and then bring it up,” She tells him before awkwardly standing. Kreja is still on his back in her arms, being cradled like a baby.
Cameron chuckled and stood up from Lily, follwing Kreja and Ava down the steps with a whining pup behind him.
"I think you're going to have more trouble than me, Ava. What's Kreja going to do once you put him down, huh?"
Ava starts to head down the stairs, carefully balancing Kreja in her arms. “He’s going to whine and throw a tantrum like a toddler,” She admits, relieved when she makes it down safely. “Unfortunately for him, I’m immune to his puppy dog eyes.” That’s a lie. She can’t resist the dog and he knows it.
Cameron chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Maybe I should make the coffee, Ava." He slowly slipped by her to avoid knocking the dog from her arms and walked into the kitchen, with Lily in hot pursuit as he started on coffee, humming and stretching out his long limbs.
“If this is because I broke the coffee machine that one time then I’m going to be insulted,” Ava laughs a little. “I did replace it and the coffee was only a little burnt.” The coffee was definitely not drinkable. “Kreja, you’re heavy,” She mutters, shifting him around in her arms.
"You also broke our microwave and somehow our oven. I don't think I'm gonna trust you around anything in here anymore," Cameron teased with a grin. He looked down at Lily, who was sniffing at his hand for attention. He booped her nose and started brewing a pot of coffee.
“The microwave was not my fault! How was I supposed to know that the spool fell into the soup?” Ava childishly sticks her tongue out at him. “I’ll admit that I’m to blame for the oven.” It really wasn’t her finest moment. “The cookie recipe just looked really easy.” She kisses Kreja’s muzzle when he licks her chin. “At least I haven’t broken the blender yet.”
"And you're not gonna break it, either," Cameron scolded, waving a finger at her. "Cus I won that thing at a cooking competition, and you can't replace it. Plus, I enjoy using it for recipies I know I can make, unlike you," He said with a grin on his face. "Plus, all you need is practice, and you need to pay attention more."
Ava puffs out her cheek, glaring at him. “I can make some stuff,” She insists, though she knows that it’s a lie. All she can do is make sandwiches and frozen meals. The latter is up for debate though. She lived off of peanut butter sandwiches and take out before she met him. “Cameron, I am a highly trained assassin. Paying attention isn’t the problem. I just suck at cooking.”