forum I Just Want A Cute Romance RP That Won't Die In A Week IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR??
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"You're still soaking wet with my freakish twin." He said.
Rio glared at him. "Can you swim on your own for a moment?" He asked Fiona.


"If he's freakish then what does that make you?" She raised an eyebrow at Rashi before turning to Rio. "I suppose I can. Don't do anything too stupid."

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"He's not showing his true form:" said Rio, "Mostly because he has more control." He let go of her, swimming closer to Rashi. Suddenly dipping under a few feet, then leaping up at his brother and towing him under with a loud splash.

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Rashi struggled, glaring at Rio. He could breath underwater too, but he hated being wet. Rio pushed him away, "Come on bro." he urged.
Rashi sighed, heading for the surface, his own light blue glow revealing scaled wings, and scales on his arms too as he resurfaced.

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Rashi was fuming as he tried to get some air out of the water, his huge wings flailing.
Rio resurfaced, laughing. He flicked a finger and A pillar of water launched Rashi into the air, allowing him to regain his aloof status in the air.

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Rio grinned while Rashi sighed, "That is the exact definition of our relationship." they said, in completely different tones.

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"You have no idea what it's like to have a twin who is your literal opposite in every way imaginable." said the two simultaneously.
"Okay water rat are you trying to get beat up again?" asked Rashi.
"There's a lady present." said Rio. "So no."

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"Got that too" said Rio, "No idea where the squirt is at the moment but he's around."
"And being the older twin is a pain." said Rashi.


"At least your siblings are alive." She muttered sadly under her breath. She forced her sadness down, she'd already cried about this once today, it wasn't happening again.

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Rashi flinched, eyes locked on her as he forced an iron hard control over his abilities.
Rio swam to her, pulling her into a hug. "Hey, it's ok…" he began humming trying to soothe her.


She squeezed him tight and forced her years of pain and sadness into the drawer that they'd been coming out of. She'd deal with it later. "And you say you're not a siren." She chuckled.

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"I'm not" said Rio, floating in the water.
Rashi sighed when she calmed, glad that she'd somehow gotten control of her emotions, but worried at the same time.

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Rashi smirked, "He is a pretty good musician, though he refuses to show off." he said, earning a glare from Rio.

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Rio rolled his eyes, "Sirens are people who actively sit out on sea rocks and use enchanted magic to lure ships to their doom." he said flatly, "I don't do that."


"They're also said to be merpeople whose beauty and singing voice serenade sailors into jumping overboard and drowning looking for their lost love. And while both are correct, I think my definition suits you better."

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Rashi laughed, "I like that definition too." he said, wings flaring as he lifted away from the water a little.
Rio flicked his tail up to splash Rashi, "You have Aquario abilities too coward!" he called.

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"He's the one that used to be a bully" said Rio, "Besides, I'm just teasing."
Rashi rolled his eyes, "I don't like getting wet, but I have the ability to breath underwater, as well as manipulate it, it's just not as strong." he said, "It's an ongoing joke between us,and our younger brothers."
"That and he's an utter oddball in our family line." said Rio.