The shock was finally starting to fade, leaving fear in its place. She pressed her hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs as she let her tears flow freely, staining her cheeks.
The shock was finally starting to fade, leaving fear in its place. She pressed her hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs as she let her tears flow freely, staining her cheeks.
Rio had an am around her, down on one knee in the sand as he pulled the ring off. "It's gonna be ok…"
She curled up on herself, still sobbing her eyes out, his touch being the only thing keeping her tethered to reality.
Rashi circled above the water, making sure to keep watch for the pair.
Rio pulled her into a hug, humming to try and soothe her.
She relaxed a little at the humming, her tears slowing but not stopping. She just held him tightly like if she didn't he'd disappear.
Rio cooperated, holding her closer, continuing his humming.
It took a couple minutes but she eventually relaxed, her tears slowing to a stop. She couldn't help but feel so weak. You look pathetic, stop this.
Rashi came in for a landing, waiting a few feet off as his wings faded.
Rio didn't let go, though he would've if she pulled away. "I shouldn't have left you…." he said his tone filled with regret.
"You didn't know anything would happen, it's my fault for wanting to go alone." She mumbled softly.
"I still should've been more aware…" said Rio.
She didn't answer, she couldn't. And people always wondered what caused her fear of strangers.
Rio didn't ask, or try and make her talk, he just pulled he into a hug.
She shivered slightly, the sea water and sudden temperature change finally starting to set in. But she didn't say anything, just let him hold her.
Rio noticed he shiver, and began to slowly pull the water out of her clothing, wicking it all into small ob until she was dry.
She couldn't help but smile a little, he truly was too sweet sometimes. "Thanks." She mumbled quietly.
(Ahhg… my "r" key doesn't work to well….)
Rio smiled, "You're welcome…" he said quietly.
She pulled herself back just enough to look at him. Her smile brightened a little. "I'm going to have fun explaining to Jessie what happened today."
"Does she know that you're a demigodess?" he asked, "If not then please don't tell her what me and Rashi can do…. we'd prefer to keep that on the downlow…"
"She's one of the only friends I have, of course she knows about me." She chuckled. "Jessie keeps secrets, you'll be fine."
Rio nodded, "Just making sure." he said,
"Especially since there are a lot of people who'd love to have an empath in their controll." said Rashi,
She chuckled softly at that. "Yeah, I can imagine that wouldn't be much fun."
"Trust me I've had that happen before…." said Rashi, "It's not fun."
"Plus there's all the demigod stuff" shrugged Rio.
"Well, at least you're still alive." She shrugged. "I don't know if I would be if Rio hadn't come in this morning."
Rashi sighed, "Let's go back to the house." he said, handing Rio his blade.
Rio took it, nodding a thanks. "Would you like to stay at our place for the night?" he asked Fiona.
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