"Where have I heard that before?" She muttered to herself. The rest of her family were strong with water and earth elements so the fact that she was a strong light elemental made her the strange one.
"Where have I heard that before?" She muttered to herself. The rest of her family were strong with water and earth elements so the fact that she was a strong light elemental made her the strange one.
Rio watched her for a moment, "Well, I'm not that much of an oddball, we all know my element is natural." said Rashi.
"I've always been the weird one. The light elemental in a family of water and earth ones is going to look a little strange." She chuckled.
"And he's an Air elemental when my father was a water Demios." said Rio.
"To be fair our mom was an Air elemental Demias" said Rashi.
"That's not so strange. But according to my family line, I'm just straight odd. It's been a very long time since someone has been a light elemental in my family."
"True, it's not that weird that I'm an air elemental…" said Rashi, "What's really weird is the fact that I'm an empath."
Rio nodded, "Empaths haven't been seen in our entire world, much less our bloodline, for literal Elenia."
"Well, that makes two of us in the weirdo bin, doesn't it?"
"I guess so" said Rashi, "And while I'm thinking about it please accept an apology for all the friction between the three of us in the past few days." he said sheepishly. "Knowing me I was probably amplifying all the negative emotions….."
She squeezed her wrists lightly. "It's no big deal, I was fine. I dealt with it." In the worst way possible because I felt like such a waste of space…
"It's not fine." said Rashi, "I hurt all three of us."
"Bro it's ok." said Rio, tugging on the other's leg.
The feeling of pure pain and the memory of the toxicity of her own thoughts flashed through her for a second but she pushed it away.
Rashi flinched at her memories. "Please tell me that's not my fault." he muttered. I wish I had better control…..
"No, of course it wasn't." It was just the tipping point. I thought I had better control than this…
Rashi sighed, "Bad thing about being a rare oddball," he said, "You have no one to teach you how to control it, or tell you what's normal and what's not…"
"Yeah, I know the feeling." She ran her thumb over the scars that lined her wrists slowly.
"Your element can't be that rare." said Rio, "I happen to know a guy who is a kind of light elemental, along with his dad."
"Yeah, and your friend hates me." said Rashi,
"You're the one who tried to drown him." said Rio.
"Maybe not rare but definitely not typical." She snapped her fingers, a small fireball sparking to life in her hands and she just twirled it between her fingers like it was normal.
Rio studied the aura for a moment, "I wouldn't say it's all that rare either…" he said, "Seeing as there's an entire species of wolf who specializes in a similar aura."
"Well this demigoddess is strictly human, thanks so much." She chuckled softly.
"They've got half humans" said Rio, "I happen to be best mates with one."
"I still wanna drown that mutt," said Rashi.
She glanced back down into the water and noticed something. Something glinting in the light. "What the…" She looked for another second before diving down to check it out.
Rio watched her, diving after her, "What is it Fiona?" he asked.
"I swear, I saw something down here and I have to check it out." She could still see the shimmering object so she dove deeper.
Rio followed her, "Be careful you don't go to deep or the water pressure will get to you"
"I will certainly try." She finally reached the shimmering object. It was rather small so she was surprised she saw it. "Oh it's a ring! How pretty." It was a gold ring with a glittering princess cut diamond on top. "Guess there's that mystery solved."
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