(Soooo…safe to say Rio is the one that fell for her? 😂😂)
"If only I believed you."
(Soooo…safe to say Rio is the one that fell for her? 😂😂)
"If only I believed you."
(Probably! 😅)
"I'll make you believe me" said Rio gently.
"Oh yeah? Prove it." She crossed her arms with a slight smirk.
Rio smirked, taking her arm and pulling her into the reef, "Your hair's more brilliant than that coral, and your eyes more beautiful than those," he began comparing her features to everything around them, managing to find a compliment for everything.
She just let him pull her along, his words dyeing her cheeks bright red. She couldn't help it, it wasn't often that she was complimented.
Rio continued to compare and compliment using every sort of fish and coral around them, even his own scales!
"Rio I swear to God if you don't shut up in the next five seconds, I'm going to kiss you and you can't hold that against me." Her words left her mouth before her brain could analyze them.
Rio grinned, "I'll shut up if you really want me to." he said, "Though I can't say I'd argue against a kiss from the beautiful creature in front of me."
"That's it, you asked for it." She couldn't help but smile before tugging his lips onto her own.
Rio pulled her in, staying true to his promise of not arguing. His fins wrapping around her legs to pull her closer.
She relaxed once he came closer, his presence helping her remember that not everyone was like Cole, she could trust Rio.
Rio pulled away, smiling at her, holding her so his arms were around her waist.
She returned a shy smile, her arms loosely around his neck. "I told you I would."
"I'm glad you did" he said, His tail unwinding, twitching slightly to keep them from drifting.
"So I guess you really are my siren." She chuckled softly.
Rio rolled his eyes, "I guess I am" He said,
"Don't roll your eyes at me, you know you love it." She giggled, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
Rio grinned, hugging her, "So, shall we do this all day or shall we go find some pearls?"
"I don't know I'm pretty comfortable where I am right now." She shrugged.
Rio smiled, Leaning in so their faces were inches away. "I suppose we should continue then?"
"That'd be the smart thing to do, wouldn't it?" She could feel his breath against her face, her heart fluttering in her ears.
Rio grinned, kissing her once more, gentle, and passionate.
Making out with a mermaid, this is completely normal. As much as she loved the feeling of pure calm this placed over her, her legs were starting to cramp from treading water for so long.
Rio smirked, pulling away, "You don't have to tread, I can keep us from drifting too far."
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