forum Blood Oath (O/O CLOSED)
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Deleted user

I immediately looked at who entered, freezing when I saw it was his father. Still, I didn’t move away from Andreas or his sister. Did his father just get here? Why?


I scrambled to stand, my eyes growing round as pennies. “Father..” I breathed, stumbling forward as if pulled by a rope. He said nothing. I didn’t blame him—We hadn’t seen each other in nearly a year.

Deleted user

I let go of Andreas, narrowing my eyes at his father. Why wasn’t he saying anything? Why wasn’t he hugging his son? I was ready to defend my boyfriend if anything happened, but I hope it wouldn’t come to that.


Conflict passed over my father’s pale face. He, like my mother, looked drained of all energy and happiness. I hadn’t seen him properly smile in a long time, but… this was different. The bags underlining his eyes, the way his well-tailored clothes seemed to hand off his gaunt figure—he hadn’t been sleeping or eating, either.

But finally, the tension between us snapped. He held up his arms, and I stepped into them, sinking into his embrace.

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I released a breath I didn’t know I had been holding. Andreas didn’t talk much about his family, save for Alma, but I still felt guilty for thinking about his father like that.


I pulled away before long, but trusting myself to speak. My father, Alastair, tilted my chin up with the crook of his finger. “You’ve grown so much..”

When I didn’t reply, his eyes flickered to Kandreas and darkened. My heart clenched in fear, but he merely stepped away and approached my mother next. I turned and nearly fled back to Kaden, craving his comfort.

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“Are you okay?” I whispered to Andreas, rubbing his back gently. “This must be so overwhelming…”

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“That’s a long time…” I murmured. “But it’s okay. You guys are good, right?”

I hadn’t missed the look he sent towards me, but I wasn’t going to question Andreas about it.


“We weren’t on good terms when he left…” I inhaled deeply. “We has an argument just before he left on a trip with his work. I didn’t even know if he would be able to come.”

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“I’m glad he received you nicely like this,” I squeezed his shoulder. “And it’s nice that he came back for his daughter.”

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I hugged him tighter. “It’s going to be fine, I promise. Everything will work out amazingly.”


Alastair, who was conversing with my mother in whispered tones, paused to shoot me a significant look. I tensed in Kaden’s arms.

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“Hey, I’m here for you,” I whispered. “You don’t have to worry about anything.”

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“I don’t want a thank you,” I said to him strongly. “I’m happy to help. I want your sister to get better, too.”


The sight of my sister, lying helplessly in bed, caused tears to spring to my eyes again. “I—I’m going to go to the hallway. I need some fresh air.”

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“I’ll come with you,” I told him, standing up. “Come on.”

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I followed after Andreas, stuffing my hands in my pockets. Once we were alone, I pulled him into a hug.


I buried my face in Kaden's shoulder, grateful for his warmth. Through a haze of turbulent emotions, I felt Copper materialize in my hair, but besides that, I was oblivious to the rest of the world.

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I didn’t say anything. I merely held my boyfriend tightly, my face in the crook of his neck. I breathed in deeply, letting him know I was there for him. Always.


Copper let out a tiny whimper and hopped down to my shoulder, nuzzling my cheek.

"Andreas? Talk to me, let it out.."

"Is it bad?" I whispered out loud. "Am I a bad brother, for not being in there right now, talking to my sister?"