forum Blood Oath (O/O CLOSED)
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“No, you are not,” I told him, kissing his cheek softly. “You’re not a bad brother. You’re hurting, too, and I’m sure Alma understands.”


Copper echoed my boyfriend, pressing his tail against my neck in a show of silent solidarity.

"I–I don't know…" I murmured, "But.. thank you. Everything just seems to be piling up. Alma, my dad–"

Deleted user

“We’re here for you,” I said strongly. “Copper, Hope and I. We’re here for you and you don’t have to share the burden alone, okay?”

Hope responsed to my statement by wrapping herself around Andreas, her tails swishing.

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“Andreas, stop being silly,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “I’m not upset. That isn’t an easy thing to talk about, and I understand. Just know that nothing would change how I feel about you.”

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I swayed a little with him, closing my eyes.

“No matter what happens,” I murmured. “I’ll always be here for you.”


[TIME SKIP - Andreas's POV, the next morning]

I instinctively reached for Kaden's hand as we sat in the waiting room, watching the clock in agony. "Shouldn't it be done yet?" I wondered aloud, fear seeping into my voice. "Did something happen?"

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I squeezed his hand tightly in support, though I was nervous myself.

“I don’t think anything happened,” I whispered back, bumping our shoulders together. “Don’t worry, Andreas.”

Just then, the door opened and a doctor emerged.


I sprang from my seat, accidentally throwing Copper off my head as I stumbled towards the doctor. "Is she okay?? Did it work?? Is she alive??"

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I caught Copper the second he flew off of Andreas’s head. I would have laughed if it wasn’t for the situation. The doctor looked down at Andreas and released a tired sigh. My blood froze.

“Where are her parents or guardian?” He inquired, brushing off Andreas’s questions.

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The doctor sighed.

“Well, you guys are lucky,” he rubbed his forehead. “If you had been any later, Alma would have either lost her sight permanently, or she would have died. She’s currently unconscious, but there’s no threat anymore. Congratulations.”


A stream of incoherent, relieved babbling tumbled from my mouth. I reached blindly back for Kaden, tears filling my eyes. "Can–Can I see her?"

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I reached out to squeeze his hand, relief warming the frozen blood. She was okay. Thank God.

The doctor pursed his lips. “You may, yes, but do take care. Don’t disturb her.”

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“Thank you, Doctor,” I smiled gratefully before I began to follow Andreas inside. Before I stepped in, I paused. Perhaps I should let Andreas have this moment with Alma alone…

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“Okay,” I breathed out, following Andreas inside. “I’m coming. I’m here.”


I practically flew to the back of the room and pushed past the curtain. My eyes landed on the peaceful, sleeping face of Alma… and my heart melted. "Oh my god.." I breathed, "She made it."

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Alma, who had a bandage over her eyes, who had looked pale and sickly before, looked peaceful. The pain was gone. She was safe—she was okay.

I let out a laugh, hugging Andreas tightly.

“I told you she would,” I breathed out in happiness. I had just met her and I cared so much. She was, after all, my Andreas’s sister. “Your sister’s a strong angel.”


Copper hopped down from my shoulder and padded over to Alma's head. Meanwhile, I was struggling not to break down into tears—happy, relieved tears—as I sank into Kaden's embrace. "Thank god…"

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“You can cry,” I whispered to my boyfriend, running my fingers through his hair. “Don’t be ashamed. It’s just us in here.”


After a moment, I nodded and pulled away. Sniffling softly, I approached my sister's bedside and took her tiny hand in mine. "Hey, Alma…" I whispered, despite the fact that she couldn't hear me.