forum Blood Oath (O/O CLOSED)
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I leaned against Alma’s bed, watching Andreas with adoration. I really, really loved this man. I hadn’t told him before and I don’t think I was ready to tell him, but I truly did.


"I'm glad you're okay…." I whispered, reaching forwards to cup her cheek in one hand. "I really, really missed you.. While I was at school, too.."

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I squeezed his hand. “If you want me to, I will.”

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I jumped lightly in surprise when the door swung open before sighing with relief. It was Andreas’s mother.


I pulled my hand from Kaden's, paranoia flickering across my features, but my mother only has eyes for Alma. Her lips part in a silent cry of joy as she runs forward, falling to her knees beside her daughter's bed.

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I took my hand back, grateful that his mother hadn’t noticed. Watching her melted my heart. The love of a mother… it was really something, wasn’t it…?


I bit my lip as she fussed over my sleeping sister, struggling to keep the enormous smile from dominating my expression.

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I nudged Andreas, a smile on my lips, silently telling him to stop trying to control his smile.


"I can't wait until she wakes up…" I whispered softly. My mother turned, beaming, and signed that she felt the same. But my father was still nowhere to be seen…

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“Me, too,” I grinned, looking at Alma brightly. This girl was strong. Hope crawled on to my head, nestling in my hair.

”I want to protect people like her,” she murmured. ”Let’s be an Elite, Kaden…”

”Yeah,” I agreed. ”Let’s.”


I leaned back against Andreas, feeling perfectly at ease despite my father's absence. My sister was alive, my mother was happy, my boyfriend was holding me in his arms. What more could I want?

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[TIME SKIP: New Year. Colton’s POV:]

I walked into the dining hall, Key perched up on my shoulder as usual. There weren’t many students present, but they stood up in respect as I walked by. I merely offered them a nod before I stood in front of my father, the King, and bowed.

“Good morning, Your Highness,” I greeted, bowing my head. My father, who looked rather pale, brightened upon seeing me. It lifted the gloom in my heart as well.

“Good morning, my boy,” he breathed out, patting the seat next to him. “Come sit. Are you excited for what I have planned today for you all?”

“I am very curious, Father,” I responded, taking a seat where he told me to. “But I suppose I still won’t get an answer.”

Father’s eyes crinkled, a smile blooming on his lips.

“Not unless the hall is filled with all the students.”


Elle’s POV

I followed the flood of students into our dining hall, slipping a hand through Scylla’s feathers as we went. Beside me, Kaden and Andreas we’re chatting happily, trading secretive smiles and subtle blushes while I rolled my eyes in total hypocrisy.

“So,” I said after we had seated ourselves. “The King sure looks happy today..”

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I didn’t notice the students had settled until my father clapped his hands to gain attention. I snapped my gaze from Elle to the King, one leg crossed over the other.

“Good morning, students,” he greeted in a warm tone. “I hope you had a good night’s rest.”

The students replied with a booming, “Good morning, Your Highness!”

“To the five students who passed the Oath this year, and to the twenty seniors… congratulations for making it this far,” he said softly. “To reward you for your bravery, courage and hard work, I have hired a musician. This one’s music will, no doubt, warm your soul, I promise you. Please, welcome Miss Ariadne.”

The door opened and a woman stepped inside, and my blood ran cold.


I watched as the huge double doors swung open to reveal a slim, almost angelic woman in a silk wraparound gown. She was a petite thing, dwarfed by the proportions of everything around her, but somehow seemed to fill the surrounding space with the proud but elegant way she held herself. The woman—Miss Ariadne—crossed the room with a subtle, assured smile on her bloodtrd kios. Her black hair fell in one sleek waterfall over her back and shoulders, straight, flat, and almost glossy in appearance. In one hand, she held a beautifully crafted violin.

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No. No. I didn’t know that woman, but I felt a chill crawl up my throat. I felt my eyes tear up and I almost wanted to run off, but the fear rooted me to my spot. My widened eyes were on her, on that beautiful woman who reminded me too much of her.

I felt suffocated. On the outside, I knew I was perfectly calm. But on the inside, I was anything but. My heart beat wildly in my chest and when the woman stopped before my father to bow, I felt like offering her my seat. Or better yet, my father’s. The King’s. Why?


My eyes flickered to Colton. He seemed still, calm—too still. Too calm. Something bad to be bothering him… but what?

The woman bowed before the royals, then turned and crossed the room to a single chair none of us had noticed before. She sat, lifted her violin, and pulled her bow across the strings.

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I felt my eyes drop as Ariadne began to produce her music. It felt like someone had their arms wrapped around me, lulling me into gentle sleep. Then I realized those were hands around my throat, and instead of it being a temporary sleep, it was trying to push me into insanity.

The other students weren’t having that reaction. Elle was in bliss, too. Everyone was. Except me. I breathed heavily, resting my face on my hand. What was going on? Why was this happening? Why, with the sudden entry of this woman, did the darkness inside of me rage wildly? Was this woman truly the one I called Mistress? This gentle soul…


The music washed over the entire hall, notes drifting through the air, melodies spinning lazy webs around our heads. It drew me in, as it did to everyone else. We all leaned forward in our seats, just to get closer to this woman and her otherworldly playing.

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Hello again, Princeling…

My eyes widened and I bowed my head, gritting my teeth. No. Not again. Not this time.

You seem to be having trouble there, there was a harsh laughter resonating through me after. How about I help you out?”

Get lost, I hissed. I will never submit to you.

The voice only laughed as insanity flooded my mind. And then it washed away, leaving me bare, face pale, and at a loss for words.

The music was still being played.


A soft smile graced my lips, and I turned my head to gage Colton’s reaction to the incredible musician. But when my eyes met his…. his face was pale, eyes wide. My heart clenched in fear.

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“I just realized I have something to do, Father,” I managed to hiss out during the music, standing up before I lost my mind. “Perhaps I’ll listen to the full performance next time.”

Key, who had been submerged into the music himself, snapped out of it once my fears struck him. He dug his claws into my shoulder and though I wanted nothing more than to rush out of the room, I knew I couldn’t without raising suspicions. So I walked out slowly, and it was only when the door closed behind me that the suffocation melted off and madness left my mind.

It was her. The woman who controlled me — it had to be her!