Dorian nodded, “That is true. Come on, there’s somewhere I want to show you.” He grinned at her before setting off at a gallop.
Dorian nodded, “That is true. Come on, there’s somewhere I want to show you.” He grinned at her before setting off at a gallop.
"Hey, wait up!" She laughed, galloping after him. She took a deep breath of the fresh air, listening to the sound of the galloping horse with a calm ease.
The Utarian Manor was surrounded by woods that seemed to extend for miles. The trees were sparse enough that the horses could manoeuvre easily but close enough to give a sense of adventure, safety and mystery. It was one of the things Dorian loved about his home.
The woods that surrounded her own home were a lot denser and it took time and practice for the horses to learn to navigate. Which was why it hurt so much to hear one of the horses died because she spent so much time training them that she was pretty much the horse whisperer of her own home.
It didn’t take long before Dorian slowed down, the trees becoming denser until they came across a cliff face. He stopped and climbed off his horse, heading to a set of vines that covered the silver rock.
She simply followed him silently, as usual. She was a very quiet person so people rarely noticed she was there. She just watched him with a small smile.
He pulled away the vines, closing them after she was through and led them through a short tunnel. It soon opened up into a large open area, a small wooden cabin sitting by a small pond on the further side, a waterfall pouring down into it. Wild flowers grew everywhere in all colours and shapes, adding to the brightness of the area.
She gasped quietly, taking in the beautiful view. She plucked a single wildflower, just to help herself believe it was real as she walked.
Dorian looked over to her, a soft smile on his lips as he did so. She looked even more gorgeous then normal.
She glanced over at him with a slight smile. "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." She teased with a chuckle.
Dorian shook his head with a small laugh, slipping a hand into his pocket, "I live in the moment. But I would if I could today, though."
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, returning her attention to the flower in her hands.
He smiled at her for a moment longer before walking towards the ponds edge, eyes on the waterfall ahead.
She glanced up, just choosing to watch him rather than ruin her dress. But she didn't mind.
"Care for a swim?" He asked over his shoulder, already stripping of his shoes, then his shirt.
She turned bright red. "I'd love to but what would I wear?" She laughed, somewhat embarrassed. He doesn't mean…no. I-In something like that? No, I couldn't. I'd be so vulnerable!
"You're wearing undergarments, correct?" Dorian smirked, stripping his trousers, throwing them to the pile of his clothes, "But if you don't want to, I understand." He shrugged, stretching his back out before wading into the water.
Her blush only darkened but she discarded her hesitations and decided to just go for it. She took a stabilizing breath before standing and slipping her dress and heels off. She took a careful second to unclip her locket and place it down before bounding after him and diving into the water. She popped up, stray hairs stuck to her face and a bright smile. "Come on, the water isn't that cold."
Dorian laughed, diving under the water and coming up a moment later. His necklace stuck to his skin as he shook his hair out, much like a dog then ran his hand through it, "You're right, it's not."
Since her locket was much more delicate, she'd chosen to take it off but it felt so strange to not have it around her neck, she wasn't used to it. "Told you so."
"Hey, it was my idea to go swimming thank-you very much." Dorian sent her a wink before floating on his back.
"And it was mine for you to just jump in, so we're even." She dove under, swimming closer to the waterfall.
Dorian floated for a couple more moments before following, diving under the water too.
People used to think she was part fish because of how well she swam. She just wished she could do it more often since she never had the chance to.
He quickly caught up to her, smiling and blowing bubbles at her face under the wtaer before he dove upwards for a breath.
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