She resurfaced, flicking her wet hair out of her face. The water was much colder over here because of the waterfall but she was used to cold waters so it didn't bother her.
She resurfaced, flicking her wet hair out of her face. The water was much colder over here because of the waterfall but she was used to cold waters so it didn't bother her.
Dorian surfaced next to her a second later, taking a breath before heading through the waterfall and onto the other side.
She just followed him, nearly going under when she passed through the waterfall but she survived onto the other side.
On the other side of the waterfall, was a small out cropping in the face of the mountain. Little crystals stuck out from the rock in pinks, purples and blues, and vines hung from the cliff.
She glanced around the glittering cave with a smile. It was so pretty yet it stayed hidden away behind a waterfall where few dared to pass behind. Kind of reminded her of herself, a sweet and kind person that people just needed to travel inside to see.
Dorian swam over to a rock, pushing himself up onto it. He ran a hand through his now wet hair, pushing it out his face with a small sigh, “So, donyou like it?”
"It's beautiful. How did you manage to find this?" She couldn't look away from the sparkling image, it was mesmerizing.
Dorian brought a finger to his lips with a grin, “It’s a secret, my lady. Unfortunately I cannot tell you.”
She pulled herself up onto the rock next to him. "Aww come on, you really can't tell me?" She smiled innocently, looking even cuter than normal even though she'd never believe you if you told her.
Dorian flicked at the end of her nose, ginning from ear to ear, “You may look adorable, but I will not break and tell you. I swore an oath not to tell anyone how I found this place.”
Her nose twitched like a rabbit, something that she absolutely hated because she thought it looked bad when really it was just cute. "Well, can't say I didn't try."
Dorian chuckled, leaning back against the rock. He placed his hands behind his head as he did so, “So, Lady, care to tell me a little more about your beautiful self?”
She blushed bright red, glancing around so she didn't have to meet his eyes. "Well, I'm 17 as of about 4 months ago. I have an extreme love of ice-skating but I never have anyone to go with. I'm the third child in a family of seven. Well, technically six ever since…" She trailed off, her entire physique suddenly dropping in pain and sadness but she shook it off, straighting back up. "Anyway, I'm a writer but I can't draw to save my life. I play piano and sing though I don't consider myself good at either one."
Dorian nodded a little, a soft sigh passing his lips, “Interesting. I’m sure you’re a great singer and pianist, you’ll have to play for me sometime.”
"I'd love to. No promises it'll be any good though." She chuckled nervously, her typical shy smile playing across her lips.
“Anybody who says they aren’t good at something they love, tends to be wonderful at it,” Dorian replied, shrugging a shoulder.
She chuckled softly, laying her head on his shoulder and looking up at him, just memorizing his features. God I wish I could call you mine…
Dorian smiled softly down at her, twisting one strand of her hair round his finger, “It’s true, though. I’ve found it to be anyway. When someone hides a talent, it’s because they’re afraid they’ll be judged and thought less of. If they doubt themselves already, it only makes that worse. So, they tell people they’re terrible so others won’t ask,” He sighed, “Shame, really.”
She scoffed quietly, glancing around once again. "Doubting myself is practically what I was raised to do." Her entire aura dropped, more distant and sad. "You'd think being my father's eldest daughter I wouldn't have to deal with the whole 'Why aren't you more like your sister?' thing, would you?" She mumbled quietly.
Dorian’s features softened as he ran a hand through her hair, “I know the feeling, only ‘Why aren’t you more like your brother?’” He sighed, “Don’t doubt yourself, you’re a beautiful young woman with a passion you want to follow, tht should be enough for anybody… it’s enough for me.”
Her face brightened a little, glancing up at him with a slight smile. "You're too sweet to me, Dorian." And if I didn't know any better I'd say I'm falling for you…
Dorian smiled down at her, his blue and gold eyes bright, “Only for you.”
She was instantly lost in his eyes, mesmerized by the color. "I want to kiss you so bad…" She muttered under her breath, not realizing she'd said it aloud.
Dorian chuckled low, lightly brushing his lips against hers, “Really? It’s only the first date, my lady.” He muttered onto them.
"Well I suppose it's a day of firsts, isn't it?" Her voice was surprisingly confident before she closed the remaining space, letting her lips connect with his.
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