forum "You're The Only Ten-I-See" (Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Yup, you got it. Though I've actually only had it once. I dunno what was wrong with it, but I remember hating it." Phoenix admitted, smiling lightly as he thought about it. "And in case you were wondering, she dyed it purple. Gladly, it didn't last very long."


"You probably would look cute with dyed hair, maybe just not purple," Cicada commented as she smiled over at him, "Also how dare you hate chocolate milk. Okay, sooo. One, I've never had an emo phase. Two, I had a princess phase. And three, I love strawberry milk."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Would I now? Well, I'll have to be careful where I sleep then. I don't want to wake up with different colored hair one morning." Phoenix laughed lightly, glancing over to her with a smile. He was completely joking as he knew she wouldn't do that. "Three? I dunno, that just doesn't seem like something you'd like very much."


"Nope, strawberrry milk is amazing okay?" Cicada replied with a light laugh. She had a big grin on, "Shockingly, I have had an emo phase. It was back when I was foster hopping and my hair was basically black constantly."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Ahh, that was my second guess. I'm pretty sure every girl has had their princess stage at one point in their life, so that doesn't surprise me." Phoenix hummed lightly, his smile picking up. "Alright, my turn. One, I used to be a huge Sherlock nerd. Two, I still love a good animated film. Three, I use to work at the arcade I took you to."


"Yeah, I was like 5 and I grew out of that real quick," Cicada groaned as her head rested against the headrest. She let out a long sigh before eventually making her guess, "Those are all so believable. I'm betting it's the Sherlock one?"


"Yeah, I'm fine," Cicada looked back at him. She gave him a half-smile as she let out another sigh, "Damn, that would have been my second guess. Everyone loves a good animated film. One, I used to work in a movie theater. Two, I still watch anime, occasionally. Three, I've never read Harry Potter."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix nodded a bit as he listened, not wanting to interrupt. When she finished, he thought about it for a couple of seconds before answering. "One? My second guess would be two." He hummed a bit, glancing over to her.


“You’re right, it’s one,” Cicada nodded with a slight smile, “I worked in retail and trust me, I do not miss it one bit.”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Was it really that awful?" Phoenix asked with a little laugh, mindlessly bobbing his head a bit. "I'll have to keep that in mind, while job hunting… do we want to keep playing? Or do we want to be done for now?"


"It definitely wasn't the best," Cicada laughed a little as she watched him. She hummed for a moment, "We can stop now if you want too. I'm running out of weird things that aren't completely illegal."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(I just realized a Phoenix is a mythical fire-bird, and Cicada has fire abilities… that was totally unintentional.)

"Alright, I don't think I want to know everything you've done. Not now, at least." Phoenix shrugged a little, glancing over to her with a little smile. "What now? We don't have to do anything, but I don't want to bore you for the rest of the ride."


(Lol, I think it's a fun coincidence.)

"We can always just turn up the volume and sing along to the radio?" Cicada suggested with a big smile. She didn't have the best voice, but she always found singing to be a great way to pass the time.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(Oh, totally. I'm just upset I didn't notice it sooner lol)

"Sing? Well, this should be fun." Laughing softly, he glanced over to her. When Phoenix saw her big smile, he couldn't help but smile in return. "I also have a way to hook my phone up, if we want to pick our own playlist."


"Oh cool! We should definitely do that," Cicada awed as she continued to grin brightly. She glanced over at him, "I can judge your taste of music and then later on you can judge mine."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Well, if Ice Ice Baby is on that playlist of yours, I already know how I'm judging it." Phoenix laughed softly, handing his phone over to her. "Could you plug it in for me? I don't want to get in an accident."


"Thankfully, it doesn't," Cicada commented back as she took his phone. She let out a little laugh as she plugged it in and pulled up his playlists, "Any requests or do I get free reign?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Mm, the only request I have, is don't play the 'secret' playlist. I'd rather not have you judge me on that." Phoenix laughed weakly, his face growing a soft pink. "Anything else is free-game. Just… not that one."


"Oh? And why might that be?" Cicada said respecting his request and picking out a different one that seemed to have some songs she recognized. It wasn't the secret playlist, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Embarrassment, that's what." Phoenix laughed weakly once more, rubbing the back of his neck with one of his hands. "It's… um, an interesting one, to say the least. I'll probably share it with you later, but preferably not now."


"That's fine!" Cicada replied letting out a little laugh. She looked at the phone and hit play so the music began to play throughout the car, "I have a playlist like that too. Although I don't call it the 'secret' playlist."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Any suggestions for a better name? That was the only one I could come up with." Phoenix admitted, keeping both hands on the wheel. His head started bobbing a bit as he listened to the guitar starting to play on the first song. It started off with Swing, Swing by The All-American Rejects.


"Ummm, nope," Cicada laughed before hearing the start. She smiled a little as she listened not quite recognizing the song at first, "Mine is just a threat to hurt whoever looked at it."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Ahh, is it now? How bad of a threat?" Phoenix asked lightly, glancing over to her with a little smile. "I might be able to guess the rate of embarrassment, depending on how bad you don't want anyone looking at it."