@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Mmm…" Phoenix muttered things under his breath, huffing out in frustration. "Could you at least promise me, you'll let me drive some of the time, when you figure the town out?"
"Mmm…" Phoenix muttered things under his breath, huffing out in frustration. "Could you at least promise me, you'll let me drive some of the time, when you figure the town out?"
"I can promise you that much," Cicada smiled over at him. She was finding this whole thing extremely humorous and sort of didn't want it to stop.
"Well, I have one problem settled, at least…" Phoenix sighed softly, lips pursed together. "But I'm still stuckkkkk~ Either way, I lose. I'm not sure which one would be better for me…" He muttered with a light groan.
"Well, I'm sure you'll figure something out," Cicada told him in all honesty. She pulled her sunglasses back up and leaned back in her seat, "But you have a while to do so. It doesn't have to be made right now."
"Mm… true…" Phoenix nodded, agreeing with her statement about not having to decide. Not yet at least. Right now he wanted to focus on her, and having good tim. (Which, unknown to him, wouldn't be happening.) "I guess I should just drop it, for now."
"Sure," Cicada told him glancing outside catching a city name on a sign as they passed. She shook her head a little knowing hoping it was just her imagination, "Sooo besides dinner what else do you have planned?"
"Well, after dinner I thought we could walk around the town. I looked it up, and it was suppose to be pretty nice." Phoenix hummed lightly, reaching over and turning the radio up a bit. "We could go get some kind of dessert, if you want."
"I think either would be really nice," Cicada responded focusing back on Phoenix. If she didn't focus on the signs, it never happened. She hummed a little, "But aren't you worried about getting back to the dorms?"
"Not really. It's Saturday, and tomorrow's Sunday. If we're out late, it's not the end of the world." Phoenix shrugged a bit, coming to a stop in traffic. When they were stopped, he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "We'd probably be up late, even if we were staying at home."
"Well, more like no sleep," Cicada responded with a little laugh and checked the light before pecking his cheek in return. She leaned back in the seat before pulling her sunglasses back up on top of her head, "At least for me. You would probably get some sleep."
"I mean, you slept pretty good the other night. I would probably offer to stay, and sleep with you." Phoenix started, pausing in thought. He could have- should have worded that better, but it wasn't too terrible sounding. "I'm not even going to bother explaining, you know what I mean."
"I know what you mean," Cicada laughed as she kept looking over at him. She hummed slightly before letting out a long sigh, "I definitely did when you were over. But if you wanted me to sleep consistently you would have to sleep over like every day."
"I can make that happen, if you'd want me to." Phoenix told her lightly, drumming his fingers on the wheel once more. His mind was quite distracted, but he was pushing to stay focused on the matter at hand. "But it's up to you. I don't want to make you uncomfortable by constantly sleeping in your bedroom with you."
"I, um," Cicada began to blush a little. She had originally gone for a single dorm because she didn't want anyone to be bothered with all the weird stuff she did. Like keep a knife on her at all times, or the weird thing she normally did before sleep to calm herself down or, or all the strange little sounds she made when doing her homework (which was mainly cussing). She took a deep breath, "It, uh, would be nice, but how would you 'make it happen'?"
Phoenix kept up a little smile, thinking about it for a couple of seconds. When one came to mind, he glanced over to her with a light smile. "I mean, when possible, we could always move off campus into an apartment together. Until then, I could just come over regularly if it helps. Or we could come up with something else." He hummed a bit, clicking his tongue a little before pushing his glasses back up.
“I,” Cicada had to think a moment to come up with a reply. Her mind kept reminding her that this was Phoenix, not her ex. There were no ulterior motives to them living together other than care and concern. She took a deep breath, “Yeah, I think moving off campus would be a good idea. As long as you’re fine with it too.”
"I mean, paying for it is my only concern. And we can always get a two bedroom apartment. You could come curl up with me whenever you needed it." Phoenix shrugged a bit, glancing over to her with a little smile. "But I mean, I'm gonna leave it up to you. This is for you, and if you think it will help, then I'll totally do it."
"We can split the rent," Cicada responded with a little smile on. The fact he offered to go for a two bedroom and then he left it up to her seemed to sooth every worry her heart and mind had. She took ankther deep breath, "But I think I definitely want to do it. It'll be… It would be nice."
"Then I'm happy to do it. Though we'll have to wait until we can move out of the dorms. I'm not sure you can do it mid-year." Phoenix hummed lightly, seemingly at ease himself. "I should probably get back on my job hunt, then. I have money, but I don't think it'll last very long."
"I think we can do it at the end of the semester," Cicada commented after a moment of thought. She ran a hand through her hair, "I should probably find a job too, but after I check how much I've got left in my bank account."
"That makes sense… all of what you said, actually." Phoenix chuckled a bit, running a hand through his hair when she had. He didn't even seem to notice he had copied her. "I'll have to keep an eye out for apartments, if we're really planning on moving in together."
"I will as well," Cicada laughed a little as she watched him do the same thing she just did. She glanced outside before looking back at Phoenix, "And hopefully we can move in together after finals. Not before."
"Mm, why's that?" Phoenix asked lightly, periodically glancing over to her. "Are you worried about be being a distraction or something? Or is this something else?" He seemed to be really oblivious to whatever she had in mind.
"Just worried about it being a distraction when we should be focusing on finals," Cicada replied with a half-truth. She had a lot on her mind at the moment, and if she wanted to back out she was giving herself plenty of time to do so.
"M'kay, that's fine. Just curious." Phoenix hummed lightly, reaching over and adjusting the temperature and volume of the radio. The topic seemed to have faded, and he drove in silence for a couple of minutes.
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