forum "You're The Only Ten-I-See" (Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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"Uhhhhh, it may involve stabbing and a knife," Cicada let out a little laugh as she rubbed her neck. She didn't think she had told him about her knife yet, even though she probably should. Shockingly enough the knife was more difficult than her powers.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Oh, a knife. Goodness, I don't think I even want to ask how true that might be." Phoenix laughed weakly, still nodding his head along. "I'm gonna say it's not too terrible. I'm assuming it just doesn't fit with the image I get from you."


"Yeah… I might let you listen to it, or at least see it, sooner than later," Cicada shrugged as she laughed slightly, "Also how does a knife equate to not too terrible?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Because I really doubt you'd stab someone. It just… I dunno. It sounds like an empty threat." Phoenix shrugged a little, glancing over to her. "I don't think you're weak or anything, it just doesn't really add up for me."


"Okay," Cicada nodded slowly. She figured it wouldn't add up to anything for him, and that was fine. She was fine with him living with that as his mindset. She began joking a little, "Yeah, it is pretty empty. But who knows, maybe one day I'll just snap."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"That is a day I will not be looking forward to." Phoenix laughed softly, glancing over to her. He seemed not to be phased by the whole threatening with a knife thing. "Just… let me know, if it does happen. I don't want to push my luck."


"Oh definitely," Cicada laughed a little as she smiled back. She felt in her boot where the steel of there knife pushed against her sock. She kept smiling, "I wouldn't want my darling dear to get hurt by me going crazy."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I'm glad to hear that," Phoenix smiled softly, glancing over to her. He really wasn't very rattled by the conversation, which would normally be quite concerning. But this was Phoenix we were talking about. "If it was my fault, would you still be wanting to protect me?"


"I may reconsider that statement," Cicada admitted with a little laugh. She smiled over at him really happy he wasn't overly rattled, then again he could see exactly how dangerous she was, "But I don't think you'll be the one to push me over."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I'd rather not find out. Y'know, for the fact it might be possible." Phoenix hummed as he came to a stop at one of the traffic lights. "I don't want to be caught in all of that. You know too much about me, it would not end well."


"Definitely not," Cicada nodded along as she glanced out the window and felt her stomach do somersaults. They were in her old college town, she wasn't going to say anything. She wasn't even going to comment on it. She could fake it and make it, "But again, I doubt it'll happen."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix gave her a little smile, noting the light switched from red to green. Turning his attention back to the road, he pushed on the gas and started off once again. "That's true. Especially if I'm trying my best not… do you hear that?"


Cicada paused the music and listened for a moment. She figured that would be best if they needed to hear something, mainly if something was wrong with the car. Please let nothing be wrong with the car, "Maybe…."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix's face was growing more concerned, as he pulled off into a gas station on the side of the road. "Something's rattling… that really doesn't sound good." He muttered, shutting off the car and pushing his door open.


Cicada stayed in the car and glanced around worryingly. Why the fuck did something have to happen now? Why here? She took a deep breath before letting it out, "Yeah, I'll, I'll see if I can find a repair shop nearby. You go check it out?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(Sorry, my wifi cut off.)

Phoenix huffed, pushing the door open and getting out. "Right. Don't call anyone, though. I'd rather try fixing it myself." He muttered a bit, popping the hood open before shutting his door. As soon as he touched the hood, he hissed in pain and pulled his hand back. It was way too hot to be normal. After a couple of seconds, he quickly pushed it open to have smoke in his face. This was way worse than he had thought.


(That's fine!)

Cicada bit her lip worryingly as she watched the smoke billow from the hood. She made sure the car was turned off to help Phoenix figure out what was wrong, and to stop the smoke. She knew that they were close to a repair shop by the name of the gas station, she also knew they were close to her exes place. There was no way she was getting out of the car at this very moment.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix was muttering curse words under his breath, his hand still stinging from when he touched the hot car. A stupid mistake on his end. Kicking the curb, he ignored the pain going through both his hand and now his foot. He yanked the door open and dropped down in the front seat in frustration. "I've had this car for forever, and never had a problem. As soon as I go out of the city, it decides to give me crap." He continued to mutter, hitting his fist against the horn.


"Hey, hey," Cicada tried to calm him down. She could see he was getting frustrated and, with her current mental situation, wanting to diffuse it as quickly as possible. Her hand gently reached over to touch his shoulder, "There's a repair shop near here. If we can get it over then we can walk to wherever you wanted to go to dinner? Okay?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix dropped his head into one of his hands, pinching his temple. "I know, I'm just… really annoyed. I've never, ever had a problem with this car. It's just my luck that today of all days it breaks down on me." He muttered softly, sighing a bit. Running his not hurt hand through his hair, he scanned over the dark red spot on the palm of his hand.


"Cars breakdown all the time," Cicada said spotting the red spot on his hand. She began to reach back for her bag as she asked, "We should bandage your hand up. Do you have a first aid kit in here?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Yeah, I know…" Phoenix muttered, glancing over to her when she started looking back. "I think so, but you really don't have to worry about me. But if you're going to insist, it should be in the glove compartment."


"I am going to insist, I know first hand how bad burns can get if you don't take care fo them," Cicada said turning around and going through his glove compartment. She was focusing on the conversation so she didn't have to focus on the situation, "Anyways, do you think the engine can get running so we can make it to the repair shop. It's a block from here, supposedly." She tacked the supposedly on the end to try and fix her more certain tone.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Phoenix nodded a bit, letting her do whatever she pleased at the moment. He was frustrated, and honestly needed her for the moment. While she worked on his hand he glanced up to her. "Sorry… I'm just being stupid. I'm pretty sure if I turn the hazard lights on, and take it slow, I can drive over to the repair shop. My concern is that it might take longer than we want to stay here."


"We, we," Cicada started hesitating. She didn't want it to come to that, but if they went to the other side of town… Yeah. Yeah, that should be fine. None of her old friends would know she was here. Her ex wouldn't know, no one would know, "We could always stay at a hotel overnight? I think when I was looking for the repair shop on my phone I saw a few hotels as well."