Cicada continued to laugh as she sat down next to him. Her smile turned into a smirk while her cheeks became dusted with a light shade of pink, "Oh yes and I'm plenty distracting aren't I?"
Cicada continued to laugh as she sat down next to him. Her smile turned into a smirk while her cheeks became dusted with a light shade of pink, "Oh yes and I'm plenty distracting aren't I?"
"Mhmm… with you around, I can't seem to focus on anything but you." Phoenix hummed lightly, leaning over to rest his head on her shoulder. His smile was relaxed, and the rest of him seemed to be doing the same.
Cicada smiled and turned her head quickly to just peck him on the face before going back to her assignment, "Well, you can do what you want, but I need to get this assignment done for my programming class."
"What about distracting you? Am I allowed to do that?" Phoenix hummed, starting to nose into her shoulder. His clingy behavior was starting to come out, and he was trying to hold back, best he could.
"Hmmmm, you can I guess," Cicada hummed in response. She didn't mind the clingy behavior at the moment as long as he didn't try to do something extreme. She glanced over at him, "I'll just have to get this assignment done before class tomorrow."
"Would I get better attention if I waited until you were done?" Phoenix asked lightly, gently kissing her shoulder a few times. Currently he was behaving himself, knowing he should let her work. "Or would bugging you get me attention?"
"You'll just have to find out," Cicada told him after a moment or two of humming. She had begun to blush slightly. She had scrolled down to the last bit of code she had typed up and started working from there.
Phoenix smirked lightly, pushing his books aside before slipping his arms around her waist. "Tell me if I'm pushing it." He mumbled, starting to nose against her. He wanted to be close to her, but didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.
Cicada had to take a moment to adjust to his embrace, but she did eventually and was fine with him holding her. Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red as she forced herself to continue typing, "I will, promise."
"Mm, good. I don't want to actually bug you." Phoenix mumbled a little, still nuzzling in to her. He kept a hold on her, as he reached out trying to take her hand in his own.
Cicada moved her hand slightly so he couldn’t grab it. She needed both hands to do her work, “I’m glad, but you can’t hold my hand. I need it to get work done.”
"But I want toooooo~" Phoenix whined a little, wrapping his arm back around her. He continued to pout as he kicked his leg out, and tried to intertwine hers and his together. "Homework is stupid… we're already doing it in class."
Cicada let their legs intertwine together since it didn't affect her work too much. She let out a little snicker and leaned back just ever so slightly, "Yeah, but my class often shows us what to do during class, and then we have to do the assignments out of class."
Phoenix continued to pout, keeping his legs locked with hers. "It's still stupid… we should just do it in class, and not have to mess with it during our 'free' time." He mumbled, pulling back from his embrace to work on his own stuff.
"I know, but hey that's college for you," Cicada told him as she kept working. She yawned a little as she ran the program to see if her additions did what they were supposed to. And, you know, not break what was already there.
Phoenix sighed a little, starting to read over the paper he had pulled up. Occasionally he would backspace, and fix or edit something. But it was quite uneventful besides that.
Cicada kept working and her eyes occasionally glanced over at the corner of her laptop where the clock was. She was tired and despite her best efforts her eyes eventually fell closed and she ended up falling against Phe's shoulder asleep.
Phoenix jumped a bit, glancing to her. With her asleep on his shoulder, he smiled softly and shut his laptop. Clearing the books and everything of his off the bed, he carefully took her laptop and set it aside. He adjusted her and tucked her in with a soft smile. Clearly she was tired, and needed sleep. "Night, gorgeous." Phoenix hummed softly, leaning down to kiss her forehead.
Cicada hummed a little and nuzzled into her pillow happily. She was fast asleep now even though the little voice in the back of her head reminded her that nightmares would come for her after what happened today.
Phoenix smiled softly, and quickly pushed off the bed. It only took him a couple minutes to change, and brush his teeth. Once he was ready, he climbed back up on the bed next to her with a soft smile. He pulled her close to himself and kept an arm around her as he started to drift off.
(When/ where to?)
(No idea lol.)
(Lol, honestly same.)
(I mean, we could always skip to when they go on their road trip. We could also try and incorporate some kind of better plot.)
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