Winter headed over, and found his own clothes, draping them over one arm. He was pretty sure they would fit, and if they didn't…oh well. He didn't have time to take hours looking for the perfect fit.
Winter headed over, and found his own clothes, draping them over one arm. He was pretty sure they would fit, and if they didn't…oh well. He didn't have time to take hours looking for the perfect fit.
Mycah walked to the counter so they could pay, glancing over their shoulder to see what Winter was doing. They dropped the clothes on the counter and waited for him to come over so the person behind the counter could ring up all the clothes.
Winter came over, setting his clothes down as well. "Thanks." he said to Mycah, flashing a quick, slightly tired smile. His eyes lifted to study the person behind the counter, putting a hand in his pocket.
The person behind the counter seemed slightly wary of the two, but rang up all the clothes and told Mycah the total. They rummaged in the backpack, finally coming up with enough money. This seemed to make the person even warier, but he took the money and gave Mycah and Winter their new clothes.
Winter took the clothes, holding them carefully in one hand. "Come on." he said to Mycah, expression unreadable. "We need to get ready." he was dreading this, he realized. He didn't know what would happen, especially with the demon gaining power again, clawing at his mind.
"Yeah." Mycah agreed, grabbing the clothes and walking out of the shop. They didn't exactly know where they were going to get ready– maybe in the back of the car– but staying in that shop any longer would have drawn too much attention to them. "Where do you propose getting ready?"
Winter followed Mycah out. "I don't know. The back of the car could function, I guess, or we could find somewhere else." he replied with a shrug, looking at Mycah for a moment, then away again.
"Back of the car would be easier," Mycah said, walking to the driver's side and unlocking the door. "We might look a bit rumpled, but who cares." They hopped into the car and unlocked the door for Winter. "You can go first."
Winter nodded, climbing into the car. He changed quickly, and came back out. "Your turn." he said, looking a little anxious. The clothes fit him decently well. Not great, mind you, but not terrible, either.
Mycah changed quickly, not wanting anyone to see the tattoos they had. That would give them away in an instant, and Winter would get dragged along for helping them. It wasn't something they wanted to happen. The fit of the clothes, overall, wasn't terrible. The shirt was a bit baggy and the pants were too long, but that could be fixed easily by not caring. And Mycah had 'not caring' down to a science by now. At least on the matters of how other people saw them.
Winter looked at Mycah as they came out, adjusting the sleeves on his shirt. "We ready to go? i'll need a bit of extra time to make sure my ID still works." he said, blue eyes calm. Or at least, he seemed calm. Whether or not he was calm…well. That was a different matter altogether.
"Yep. I think I might need directions to the place where the party's being held at." Mycah admitted, quickly cuffing their pants before turning the car on. "The party's in the Crystal Ballroom. Do you know where that is?" They hoped that Winter did because if not, a lot more research had to take place.
Winter frowned, thinking for a moment. "I believe so. I should be able to guide you there, but I can make no guarantees." he said, looking down the street and thinking. "Go straight here, and turn left at the next intersection."
Mycah followed Winter's instructions, praying that Winter did know where he was leading them and that they weren't driving in circles. As they were driving, Mycah considered the name of the place they were driving to. It really was a stupid name, in their opinion. And if it didn't have insane amounts of crystal in every corner, what was the point?
Winter kept directing Mycah, chewing on his lip slightly as he did so. He hoped he wasn't leading them in circles. He was pretty sure he remembered the way, but not one hundred percent sure, which he knew could be a problem. He just hoped that he was right.
Mycah continued following Winter's instructions. Every time they rounded a corner, Mycah looked for something that could be considered a ballroom. Time and time again, there was nothing. Finally, they spotted a huge building with lots of lights and guards and such a little ways down a road. "Think that is it?" Mycah asked, glancing over at Winter.
Winter nodded. "I believe so." he replied, frowning a little bit before schooling his expression into something more neutral. "It had better be, or else i have no idea where we are."
"Let's hope it is, then." Mycah kept glancing at the building as it got closer. It really looked like the building, and as they were passing it, Mycah knew it was. "This is it. I'm going to park around the block so we can get ourselves together before going in." They turned onto a smaller road that ran parallel to the building and parked.
Winter nodded. "Alright." He replied with a faint smile. "Let's hope this works, yeah?" He replied, looking over at Mycah and letting out a breath.
"Yeah." Mycah nodded, brushing some hair into their face. Their eyes were one of the things they were most worried about. Not a lot of people had bright orange eyes, and it very well might give them away. They turned the car off and opened the door.
Winter let out a breath. "Let's hope my ID is in their goddamn system." He reached into the pockets of his old clothes, the bloodstained ones, and pulled out a card. He grimaced at the realization that it was splattered with crusted blood, and chipped off the rust colored stains.
Mycah nodded and got out of the car. While Winter was searching for his ID, they tried to make themselves look a little more put-together. They watched Winter remove the blood, idly wondering if blood stains would make it easier or harder to get in. Maybe the people checking it would think more highly of him. Or they would think he was crazy.
Once the stains were gone, Winter let out a breath. "Alright. Let's go." he slipped it into his pocket and led the way towards the ballroom.
Mycah followed behind him, trying their best to look completely inconspicuous. They had no idea what sort of role Winter would assign them so they could come in with him, but as long as they got in, they didn't care.
Winter looked over at them for a moment, then got into the line, his hand resting on his ID. His daggers were stashed away on his person, as well, though you wouldn't know that from looking at him.
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